Store controller info. Allow other current_user methods.

PaperTrail can now store any information from the controller or request.
It's also easy to choose a method other than `current_user` for
PaperTrail to call to find out who was responsible for changes.
This commit is contained in:
Andy Stewart 2010-03-19 18:53:49 +00:00
parent 5b37064e37
commit 3036aa75b5
7 changed files with 137 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ PaperTrail lets you track changes to your models' data. It's good for auditing
* Allows you to get at every version, including the original, even once destroyed.
* Allows you to get at every version even if the schema has since changed.
* Allows you to get at the version as of a particular time.
* Automatically records who was responsible if your controller has a `current_user` method.
* Automatically records who was responsible via your controller. PaperTrail calls `current_user` by default, if it exists, but you can have it call any method you like.
* Allows you to set who is responsible at model-level (useful for migrations).
* Allows you to store arbitrary metadata with each version (useful for filtering versions).
* Allows you to store arbitrary model-level metadata with each version (useful for filtering versions).
* Allows you to store arbitrary controller-level information with each version, e.g. remote IP.
* Can be turned off/on per class (useful for migrations).
* Can be turned off/on globally (useful for testing).
* No configuration necessary.
@ -146,6 +147,14 @@ If your `ApplicationController` has a `current_user` method, PaperTrail will sto
>> last_change = Widget.versions.last
>> user_who_made_the_change = User.find last_change.whodunnit.to_i
You may want PaperTrail to call a different method to find out who is responsible. To do so, override the `user_for_paper_trail` method in your controller like this:
class ApplicationController
def user_for_paper_trail
logged_in? ? current_member : 'Public user' # or whatever
In a migration or in `script/console` you can set who is responsible like this:
>> PaperTrail.whodunnit = 'Andy Stewart'
@ -155,7 +164,7 @@ In a migration or in `script/console` you can set who is responsible like this:
## Storing metadata
You can store arbitrary metadata alongside each version like this:
You can store arbitrary model-level metadata alongside each version like this:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author
@ -169,6 +178,16 @@ Why would you do this? In this example, `author_id` is an attribute of `Article
Version.all(:conditions => ['author_id = ?', author_id])
You can also store any information you like from your controller. Just override the `info_for_paper_trail` method in your controller to return a hash whose keys correspond to columns in your `versions` table. E.g.:
class ApplicationController
def info_for_paper_trail
{ :ip => request.remote_ip, :user_agent => request.user_agent }
Remember to add those extra columns to your `versions` table ;)
## Turning PaperTrail Off/On

View File

@ -18,14 +18,10 @@ module PaperTrail
# Returns PaperTrail's configuration object.
def self.config
@@config ||= PaperTrail::Config.instance
# Returns who is reponsible for any changes that occur.
def self.whodunnit
# Sets who is responsible for any changes that occur.
@ -33,7 +29,36 @@ module PaperTrail
# when working with models directly. In a controller it is set
# automatically to the `current_user`.
def self.whodunnit=(value)
Thread.current[:whodunnit] = value
paper_trail_store[:whodunnit] = value
# Returns any information from the controller that you want
# PaperTrail to store.
# See `PaperTrail::Controller#info_for_paper_trail`.
def self.controller_info
# Sets any information from the controller that you want PaperTrail
# to store. By default this is set automatically by a before filter.
def self.controller_info=(value)
paper_trail_store[:controller_info] = value
# Thread-safe hash to hold PaperTrail's data.
# TODO: is this a memory leak?
def self.paper_trail_store
Thread.current[:paper_trail] ||= {}
# Returns PaperTrail's configuration object.
def self.config
@@config ||= PaperTrail::Config.instance

View File

@ -2,15 +2,59 @@ module PaperTrail
module Controller
def self.included(base)
base.before_filter :set_whodunnit
base.before_filter :set_paper_trail_whodunnit
base.before_filter :set_paper_trail_controller_info
# Sets who is responsible for any changes that occur: the controller's
# `current_user`.
# Returns the user who is responsible for any changes that occur.
# By default this calls `current_user` and returns the result.
# Override this method in your controller to call a different
# method, e.g. `current_person`, or anything you like.
def user_for_paper_trail
current_user rescue nil
# Returns any information about the controller or request that you
# want PaperTrail to store alongside any changes that occur. By
# default this returns an empty hash.
# Override this method in your controller to return a hash of any
# information you need. The hash's keys must correspond to columns
# in your `versions` table, so don't forget to add any new columns
# you need.
# For example:
# {:ip => request.remote_ip, :user_agent => request.user_agent}
# The columns `ip` and `user_agent` must exist in your `versions` # table.
# Use the `:meta` option to `PaperTrail::Model::ClassMethods.has_paper_trail`
# to store any extra model-level data you need.
def info_for_paper_trail
# Tells PaperTrail who is responsible for any changes that occur.
def set_paper_trail_whodunnit
::PaperTrail.whodunnit = user_for_paper_trail
# DEPRECATED: please use `set_paper_trail_whodunnit` instead.
def set_whodunnit
::PaperTrail.whodunnit = self.send :current_user rescue nil
logger.warn '[PaperTrail]: the `set_whodunnit` controller method has been deprecated. Please rename to `set_paper_trail_whodunnit`.'
# Tells PaperTrail any information from the controller you want
# to store alongside any changes that occur.
def set_paper_trail_controller_info
::PaperTrail.controller_info = info_for_paper_trail

View File

@ -7,11 +7,16 @@ module PaperTrail
module ClassMethods
# Declare this in your model to track every create, update, and destroy. Each version of
# the model is available in the `versions` association.
# Options:
# :ignore an array of attributes for which a new +Version+ will not be created if only they change.
# :meta a hash of extra data to store. You must add a column to the versions table for each key.
# Values are objects or procs (which are called with +self+, i.e. the model with the paper
# trail).
# :ignore an array of attributes for which a new `Version` will not be created if only they change.
# :meta a hash of extra data to store. You must add a column to the `versions` table for each key.
# Values are objects or procs (which are called with `self`, i.e. the model with the paper
# trail). See `PaperTrail::Controller.info_for_paper_trail` for how to store data from
# the controller.
def has_paper_trail(options = {})
send :include, InstanceMethods
@ -83,10 +88,12 @@ module PaperTrail
def merge_metadata(data)
# First we merge the model-level metadata in `meta`.
meta.each do |k,v|
data[k] = v.respond_to?(:call) ? : v
# Second we merge any extra data from the controller (if available).
data.merge(PaperTrail.controller_info || {})
def previous_version

View File

@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def current_user
def info_for_paper_trail
{:ip => request.remote_ip, :user_agent => request.user_agent}
class WidgetsController < ApplicationController
@ -37,11 +41,17 @@ end
class PaperTrailControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
tests WidgetsController
def setup
@request.env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''
test 'create' do
post :create, :widget => { :name => 'Flugel' }
widget = assigns(:widget)
assert_equal 1, widget.versions.length
assert_equal 153, widget.versions.last.whodunnit.to_i
assert_equal '', widget.versions.last.ip
assert_equal 'Rails Testing', widget.versions.last.user_agent
test 'update' do
@ -51,6 +61,8 @@ class PaperTrailControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
widget = assigns(:widget)
assert_equal 2, widget.versions.length
assert_equal 153, widget.versions.last.whodunnit.to_i
assert_equal '', widget.versions.last.ip
assert_equal 'Rails Testing', widget.versions.last.user_agent
test 'destroy' do
@ -60,5 +72,7 @@ class PaperTrailControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
widget = assigns(:widget)
assert_equal 2, widget.versions.length
assert_equal 153, widget.versions.last.whodunnit.to_i
assert_equal '', widget.versions.last.ip
assert_equal 'Rails Testing', widget.versions.last.user_agent

View File

@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 0) do
t.integer :answer
t.string :question
t.integer :article_id
# Controller info columns.
t.string :ip
t.string :user_agent
add_index :versions, [:item_type, :item_id]

View File

@ -34,4 +34,10 @@ class ActiveRecord::Base
class ActionController::Base
def logger
@logger ||=