Merge pull request #586 from airblade/various_readme_changes

Various readme changes
This commit is contained in:
Jared Beck 2015-08-07 11:51:38 -04:00
commit 520f64bf1b
1 changed files with 227 additions and 225 deletions

View File

@ -2,69 +2,71 @@
[![Build Status][4]][5] [![Dependency Status][6]][7]
PaperTrail lets you track changes to your models' data. It's good for auditing
or versioning. You can see how a model looked at any stage in its lifecycle,
revert it to any version, and even undelete it after it's been destroyed.
Track changes to your models, for auditing or versioning. See how a model looked
at any stage in its lifecycle, revert it to any version, or restore it after it
has been destroyed.
- [Features](#features)
- [Compatibility](#compatibility)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [API Summary](#api-summary)
- [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
- [Choosing Lifecycle Events To Monitor](#choosing-lifecycle-events-to-monitor)
- [Choosing When To Save New Versions](#choosing-when-to-save-new-versions)
- [Choosing Attributes To Monitor](#choosing-attributes-to-monitor)
- [Reverting And Undeleting A Model](#reverting-and-undeleting-a-model)
- [Navigating Versions](#navigating-versions)
- Limiting What is Versioned, and When
- [Choosing Lifecycle Events To Monitor](#choosing-lifecycle-events-to-monitor)
- [Choosing When To Save New Versions](#choosing-when-to-save-new-versions)
- [Choosing Attributes To Monitor](#choosing-attributes-to-monitor)
- [Turning PaperTrail Off/On](#turning-papertrail-offon)
- [Limiting the Number of Versions Created](#limiting-the-number-of-versions-created)
- Working With Versions
- [Reverting And Undeleting A Model](#reverting-and-undeleting-a-model)
- [Navigating Versions](#navigating-versions)
- [Diffing Versions](#diffing-versions)
- [Deleting Old Versions](#deleting-old-versions)
- [Finding Out Who Was Responsible For A Change](#finding-out-who-was-responsible-for-a-change)
- [Custom Version Classes](#custom-version-classes)
- [Associations](#associations)
- [Storing metadata](#storing-metadata)
- [Diffing Versions](#diffing-versions)
- [Turning PaperTrail Off/On](#turning-papertrail-offon)
- [Using a custom serializer](#using-a-custom-serializer)
- [SerializedAttributes support](#serializedattributes-support)
- [Limiting the Number of Versions Created](#limiting-the-number-of-versions-created)
- [Deleting Old Versions](#deleting-old-versions)
- [Testing](#testing)
## Features
* Stores every create, update and destroy (or only the lifecycle events you specify).
* Does not store updates which don't change anything.
* Allows you to specify attributes (by inclusion or exclusion) which must change for a Version to be stored.
* Allows you to get at every version, including the original, even once destroyed.
* Allows you to get at every version even if the schema has since changed.
* Allows you to get at the version as of a particular time.
* Option to automatically restore `has_one`, `has_many` and `has_many :through` associations as they were at the time.
* Automatically records who was responsible via your controller. PaperTrail calls `current_user` by default, if it exists, but you can have it call any method you like.
* Allows you to set who is responsible at model-level (useful for migrations).
* Allows you to store arbitrary model-level metadata with each version (useful for filtering versions).
* Allows you to store arbitrary controller-level information with each version, e.g. remote IP.
* Can be turned off/on per class (useful for migrations).
* Can be turned off/on per request (useful for testing with an external service).
* Can be turned off/on globally (useful for testing).
* No configuration necessary.
* Stores everything in a single database table by default (generates migration for you), or can use separate tables for separate models.
* Supports custom version classes so different models' versions can have different behaviour.
* Supports custom name for versions association.
* Thoroughly tested.
* Threadsafe.
* Stores create, update and destroy events
* Does not store updates which don't change anything
* Support for versioning associated records
* Can store metadata with each version record
* Who was responsible for a change
* Arbitrary model-level metadata (useful for filtering versions)
* Arbitrary controller-level information e.g. remote IP
* Configurable
* No configuration necessary, but if you want to ..
* Configure which events (create, update and destroy) are versioned
* Configure which attributes must change for an update to be versioned
* Turn off/on by model, request, or globally
* Use separate tables for separate models
* Extensible
* Write a custom version class for complete control
* Write custom version classes for each of your models
* Work with versions
* Restore any version, including the original, even once destroyed
* Restore any version even if the schema has since changed
* Restore the version as of a particular time
* Thoroughly tested
* Threadsafe
## Compatibility
Works with `ActiveRecord` 3+. Note: this code is on the `master` branch and tagged `v4.x`.
Version 3 is on the branch named [`3.0-stable`][9] and is tagged `v3.x`, and works ActiveRecord 4 and ActiveRecord 3.
Version 2 is on the branch named [`2.7-stable`][10] and is tagged `v2.x`, and works with Rails 3.
The Rails 2.3 code is on the [`rails2`][11] branch and tagged `v1.x`. These branches are both stable with their respective versions of Rails but will not have new features added/backported to them.
| paper_trail | branch | tags | ruby | activerecord |
| ----------- | ---------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ |
| 4 | master | v4.x | >= 1.8.7 | >= 3.0 |
| 3 | 3.0-stable | v3.x | >= 1.8.7 | >= 3.0 |
| 2 | 2.7-stable | v2.x | >= 1.8.7 | >= 3.0, < 4 |
| 1 | rails2 | v1.x | >= 1.8.7 | >= 2.3, < 3 |
## Installation
### Rails 3 & 4
### Rails 3 and 4
1. Add PaperTrail to your `Gemfile`.
@ -437,6 +439,122 @@ class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
## Turning PaperTrail Off/On
Sometimes you don't want to store changes. Perhaps you are only interested in
changes made by your users and don't need to store changes you make yourself in,
say, a migration -- or when testing your application.
You can turn PaperTrail on or off in three ways: globally, per request, or per
### Globally
On a global level you can turn PaperTrail off like this:
PaperTrail.enabled = false
For example, you might want to disable PaperTrail in your Rails application's
test environment to speed up your tests. This will do it (note: this gets done
automatically for `RSpec` and `Cucumber`, please see the [Testing
# in config/environments/test.rb
config.after_initialize do
PaperTrail.enabled = false
If you disable PaperTrail in your test environment but want to enable it for
specific tests, you can add a helper like this to your test helper:
# in test/test_helper.rb
def with_versioning
was_enabled = PaperTrail.enabled?
was_enabled_for_controller = PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller?
PaperTrail.enabled = true
PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller = true
PaperTrail.enabled = was_enabled
PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller = was_enabled_for_controller
And then use it in your tests like this:
test "something that needs versioning" do
with_versioning do
# your test
### Per request
You can turn PaperTrail on or off per request by adding a
`paper_trail_enabled_for_controller` method to your controller which returns
`true` or `false`:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def paper_trail_enabled_for_controller
request.user_agent != 'Disable User-Agent'
### Per class
If you are about to change some widgets and you don't want a paper trail of your
changes, you can turn PaperTrail off like this:
And on again like this:
### Per method call
You can call a method without creating a new version using `without_versioning`.
It takes either a method name as a symbol:
@widget.without_versioning :destroy
Or a block:
@widget.without_versioning do
@widget.update_attributes :name => 'Ford'
## Limiting the Number of Versions Created
Configure `version_limit` to cap the number of versions saved per record. This
does not apply to `create` events.
# Limit: 4 versions per record (3 most recent, plus a `create` event)
PaperTrail.config.version_limit = 3
# Remove the limit
PaperTrail.config.version_limit = nil
## Reverting And Undeleting A Model
PaperTrail makes reverting to a previous version easy:
@ -530,6 +648,74 @@ And you can perform `WHERE` queries for object versions based on attributes:
PaperTrail::Version.where_object(content: "Hello", title: "Article")
## Diffing Versions
There are two scenarios: diffing adjacent versions and diffing non-adjacent
The best way to diff adjacent versions is to get PaperTrail to do it for you.
If you add an `object_changes` text column to your `versions` table, either at
installation time with the `rails generate paper_trail:install --with-changes`
option or manually, PaperTrail will store the `changes` diff (excluding any
attributes PaperTrail is ignoring) in each `update` version. You can use the
`version.changeset` method to retrieve it. For example:
widget = Widget.create :name => 'Bob'
widget.versions.last.changeset # {'name' => [nil, 'Bob']}
widget.update_attributes :name => 'Robert'
widget.versions.last.changeset # {'name' => ['Bob', 'Robert']}
widget.versions.last.changeset # {}
Note PaperTrail only stores the changes for creation and updates; it doesn't
store anything when an object is destroyed.
Please be aware that PaperTrail doesn't use diffs internally. When I designed
PaperTrail I wanted simplicity and robustness so I decided to make each version
of an object self-contained. A version stores all of its object's data, not a
diff from the previous version. This means you can delete any version without
affecting any other.
To diff non-adjacent versions you'll have to write your own code. These
libraries may help:
For diffing two strings:
* [htmldiff][19]: expects but doesn't require HTML input and produces HTML
output. Works very well but slows down significantly on large (e.g. 5,000
word) inputs.
* [differ][20]: expects plain text input and produces plain
text/coloured/HTML/any output. Can do character-wise, word-wise, line-wise,
or arbitrary-boundary-string-wise diffs. Works very well on non-HTML input.
* [diff-lcs][21]: old-school, line-wise diffs.
For diffing two ActiveRecord objects:
* [Jeremy Weiskotten's PaperTrail fork][22]: uses ActiveSupport's diff to return
an array of hashes of the changes.
* [activerecord-diff][23]: rather like ActiveRecord::Dirty but also allows you
to specify which columns to compare.
If you wish to selectively record changes for some models but not others you
can opt out of recording changes by passing `:save_changes => false` to your
`has_paper_trail` method declaration.
## Deleting Old Versions
Over time your `versions` table will grow to an unwieldy size. Because each
version is self-contained (see the Diffing section above for more) you can
simply delete any records you don't want any more. For example:
sql> delete from versions where created_at < 2010-06-01;
PaperTrail::Version.delete_all ["created_at < ?", 1.week.ago]
## Finding Out Who Was Responsible For A Change
If your `ApplicationController` has a `current_user` method, PaperTrail will
@ -902,164 +1088,6 @@ end
If you're using [strong_parameters][18] instead of [protected_attributes][17]
then there is no need to use `attr_accessible`.
## Diffing Versions
There are two scenarios: diffing adjacent versions and diffing non-adjacent
The best way to diff adjacent versions is to get PaperTrail to do it for you.
If you add an `object_changes` text column to your `versions` table, either at
installation time with the `rails generate paper_trail:install --with-changes`
option or manually, PaperTrail will store the `changes` diff (excluding any
attributes PaperTrail is ignoring) in each `update` version. You can use the
`version.changeset` method to retrieve it. For example:
widget = Widget.create :name => 'Bob'
widget.versions.last.changeset # {'name' => [nil, 'Bob']}
widget.update_attributes :name => 'Robert'
widget.versions.last.changeset # {'name' => ['Bob', 'Robert']}
widget.versions.last.changeset # {}
Note PaperTrail only stores the changes for creation and updates; it doesn't
store anything when an object is destroyed.
Please be aware that PaperTrail doesn't use diffs internally. When I designed
PaperTrail I wanted simplicity and robustness so I decided to make each version
of an object self-contained. A version stores all of its object's data, not a
diff from the previous version. This means you can delete any version without
affecting any other.
To diff non-adjacent versions you'll have to write your own code. These
libraries may help:
For diffing two strings:
* [htmldiff][19]: expects but doesn't require HTML input and produces HTML
output. Works very well but slows down significantly on large (e.g. 5,000
word) inputs.
* [differ][20]: expects plain text input and produces plain
text/coloured/HTML/any output. Can do character-wise, word-wise, line-wise,
or arbitrary-boundary-string-wise diffs. Works very well on non-HTML input.
* [diff-lcs][21]: old-school, line-wise diffs.
For diffing two ActiveRecord objects:
* [Jeremy Weiskotten's PaperTrail fork][22]: uses ActiveSupport's diff to return
an array of hashes of the changes.
* [activerecord-diff][23]: rather like ActiveRecord::Dirty but also allows you
to specify which columns to compare.
If you wish to selectively record changes for some models but not others you
can opt out of recording changes by passing `:save_changes => false` to your
`has_paper_trail` method declaration.
## Turning PaperTrail Off/On
Sometimes you don't want to store changes. Perhaps you are only interested in
changes made by your users and don't need to store changes you make yourself in,
say, a migration -- or when testing your application.
You can turn PaperTrail on or off in three ways: globally, per request, or per
### Globally
On a global level you can turn PaperTrail off like this:
PaperTrail.enabled = false
For example, you might want to disable PaperTrail in your Rails application's
test environment to speed up your tests. This will do it (note: this gets done
automatically for `RSpec` and `Cucumber`, please see the [Testing
# in config/environments/test.rb
config.after_initialize do
PaperTrail.enabled = false
If you disable PaperTrail in your test environment but want to enable it for
specific tests, you can add a helper like this to your test helper:
# in test/test_helper.rb
def with_versioning
was_enabled = PaperTrail.enabled?
was_enabled_for_controller = PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller?
PaperTrail.enabled = true
PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller = true
PaperTrail.enabled = was_enabled
PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller = was_enabled_for_controller
And then use it in your tests like this:
test "something that needs versioning" do
with_versioning do
# your test
### Per request
You can turn PaperTrail on or off per request by adding a
`paper_trail_enabled_for_controller` method to your controller which returns
`true` or `false`:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def paper_trail_enabled_for_controller
request.user_agent != 'Disable User-Agent'
### Per class
If you are about to change some widgets and you don't want a paper trail of your
changes, you can turn PaperTrail off like this:
And on again like this:
### Per method call
You can call a method without creating a new version using `without_versioning`.
It takes either a method name as a symbol:
@widget.without_versioning :destroy
Or a block:
@widget.without_versioning do
@widget.update_attributes :name => 'Ford'
## Using a custom serializer
By default, PaperTrail stores your changes as a `YAML` dump. You can override
@ -1112,32 +1140,6 @@ PaperTrail.config.serialized_attributes = false
## Limiting the Number of Versions Created
Configure `version_limit` to cap the number of versions saved per record. This
does not apply to `create` events.
# Limit: 4 versions per record (3 most recent, plus a `create` event)
PaperTrail.config.version_limit = 3
# Remove the limit
PaperTrail.config.version_limit = nil
## Deleting Old Versions
Over time your `versions` table will grow to an unwieldy size. Because each
version is self-contained (see the Diffing section above for more) you can
simply delete any records you don't want any more. For example:
sql> delete from versions where created_at < 2010-06-01;
PaperTrail::Version.delete_all ["created_at < ?", 1.week.ago]
## Testing
You may want to turn PaperTrail off to speed up your tests. See the [Turning