# Contributing Thanks for your interest in PaperTrail! Ask usage questions on Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/tags/paper-trail-gem **Please do not use github issues to ask usage questions.** On github, we appreciate bug reports, feature suggestions, and especially pull requests. Thanks, and happy (paper) trails :) ## Reporting Bugs Please use our [bug report template][1]. ## Development Install gems with `bundle exec appraisal install`. Testing is a little awkward because the test suite: 1. Supports three major versions of rails: 3, 4, 5 1. Contains a "dummy" rails app with three databases (test, foo, and bar) 1. Supports three different RDBMS': sqlite, mysql, and postgres Test against rails 3: ``` bundle exec appraisal ar3 rake ``` Run tests with sqlite: ``` # Create the appropriate database config. file rm test/dummy/config/database.yml DB=sqlite bundle exec rake prepare # If this is the first test run ever, create databases cd test/dummy RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=foo bundle exec rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=bar bundle exec rake db:setup cd ../.. # Run tests DB=sqlite bundle exec appraisal ar5 rake ``` Run tests with mysql: ``` # Create the appropriate database config. file rm test/dummy/config/database.yml DB=mysql bundle exec rake prepare # If this is the first test run ever, create databases cd test/dummy RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=foo bundle exec rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=bar bundle exec rake db:setup cd ../.. # Run tests DB=mysql bundle exec appraisal ar5 rake ``` Run tests with postgres: ``` # Create the appropriate database config. file rm test/dummy/config/database.yml DB=postgres bundle exec rake prepare # If this is the first test run ever, create databases. # Unlike mysql, use create/migrate instead of setup. cd test/dummy DB=postgres RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate DB=postgres RAILS_ENV=foo bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate DB=postgres RAILS_ENV=bar bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate cd ../.. # Run tests DB=postgres bundle exec rake DB=postgres bundle exec appraisal ar5 rake ``` ### Releases 1. Set the version in lib/paper_trail/version_number.rb - Set PRE to nil unless it's a pre-release (beta, rc, etc.) 1. In the changelog, - Replace "Unreleased" with the date in iso-8601 format - Add a new "Unreleased" section 1. In the readme, - Update any other references to version number, including - Update version number(s) in the documentation links table 1. Commit 1. git tag -a -m "v5.0.0" "v5.0.0" # or whatever number 1. git push --tags origin 5-stable # or whatever branch 1. gem build paper_trail.gemspec 1. gem push paper_trail-5.0.0.gem [1]: https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/blob/master/doc/bug_report_template.rb