require "pry" ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" ENV["DB"] ||= "sqlite" unless File.exist?(File.expand_path("../../test/dummy/config/database.yml", __FILE__)) warn "WARNING: No database.yml detected for the dummy app, please run `rake prepare` first" end def using_mysql? @using_mysql ||= ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:adapter].to_sym == :mysql2 end require File.expand_path("../dummy/config/environment.rb", __FILE__) require "rails/test_help" require "shoulda" require "ffaker" require "database_cleaner" def active_record_gem_version end if active_record_gem_version >="5.0.0.beta1") # See ActionController::TestCase.send(:include, Rails::Controller::Testing::TestProcess) end Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers! # Run any available migration ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate File.expand_path("../dummy/db/migrate/", __FILE__) # Load support files Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/support/**/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } # DatabaseCleaner is apparently necessary for doing proper transactions within MySQL (ugh) DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation # global setup block resetting Thread.current module ActiveSupport class TestCase if using_mysql? if respond_to? :use_transactional_tests= self.use_transactional_tests = false else self.use_transactional_fixtures = false end setup { DatabaseCleaner.start } end teardown do DatabaseCleaner.clean if using_mysql? Thread.current[:paper_trail] = nil end end end # Wrap args in a hash to support the ActionController::TestCase and # ActionDispatch::Integration HTTP request method switch to keyword args # (see def params_wrapper(args) if defined?(::Rails) && active_record_gem_version >="5.0.0.beta1") { params: args } else args end end