require "active_support/core_ext/object" # provides the `try` method require "paper_trail/attribute_serializers/legacy_active_record_shim" require "paper_trail/attribute_serializers/object_attribute" require "paper_trail/attribute_serializers/object_changes_attribute" require "paper_trail/model_config" require "paper_trail/record_trail" module PaperTrail # Extensions to `ActiveRecord::Base`. See `frameworks/active_record.rb`. # It is our goal to have the smallest possible footprint here, because # `ActiveRecord::Base` is a very crowded namespace! That is why we introduced # `.paper_trail` and `#paper_trail`. module Model def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end # :nodoc: module ClassMethods # Declare this in your model to track every create, update, and destroy. # Each version of the model is available in the `versions` association. # # Options: # # - :on - The events to track (optional; defaults to all of them). Set # to an array of `:create`, `:update`, `:destroy` as desired. # - :class_name - The name of a custom Version class. This class should # inherit from `PaperTrail::Version`. # - :ignore - An array of attributes for which a new `Version` will not be # created if only they change. It can also aceept a Hash as an # argument where the key is the attribute to ignore (a `String` or # `Symbol`), which will only be ignored if the value is a `Proc` which # returns truthily. # - :if, :unless - Procs that allow to specify conditions when to save # versions for an object. # - :only - Inverse of `ignore`. A new `Version` will be created only # for these attributes if supplied it can also aceept a Hash as an # argument where the key is the attribute to track (a `String` or # `Symbol`), which will only be counted if the value is a `Proc` which # returns truthily. # - :skip - Fields to ignore completely. As with `ignore`, updates to # these fields will not create a new `Version`. In addition, these # fields will not be included in the serialized versions of the object # whenever a new `Version` is created. # - :meta - A hash of extra data to store. You must add a column to the # `versions` table for each key. Values are objects or procs (which # are called with `self`, i.e. the model with the paper trail). See # `PaperTrail::Controller.info_for_paper_trail` for how to store data # from the controller. # - :versions - The name to use for the versions association. Default # is `:versions`. # - :version - The name to use for the method which returns the version # the instance was reified from. Default is `:version`. # - :save_changes - Whether or not to save changes to the object_changes # column if it exists. Default is true # - :join_tables - If the model has a has_and_belongs_to_many relation # with an unpapertrailed model, passing the name of the association to # the join_tables option will paper trail the join table but not save # the other model, allowing reification of the association but with the # other models latest state (if the other model is paper trailed, this # option does nothing) # # @api public def has_paper_trail(options = {}) paper_trail.setup(options) end # @api public def paper_trail end # @api private def paper_trail_deprecate(new_method, old_method = nil) old = old_method.nil? ? new_method : old_method msg = format("Use paper_trail.%s instead of %s", new_method, old) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(msg, caller(2)) end # @deprecated def paper_trail_on_destroy(*args) paper_trail_deprecate "on_destroy", "paper_trail_on_destroy" paper_trail.on_destroy(*args) end # @deprecated def paper_trail_on_update paper_trail_deprecate "on_update", "paper_trail_on_update" paper_trail.on_update end # @deprecated def paper_trail_on_create paper_trail_deprecate "on_create", "paper_trail_on_create" paper_trail.on_create end # @deprecated def paper_trail_off! paper_trail_deprecate "disable", "paper_trail_off!" paper_trail.disable end # @deprecated def paper_trail_on! paper_trail_deprecate "enable", "paper_trail_on!" paper_trail.enable end # @deprecated def paper_trail_enabled_for_model? paper_trail_deprecate "enabled?", "paper_trail_enabled_for_model?" paper_trail.enabled? end # @deprecated def paper_trail_version_class paper_trail_deprecate "version_class", "paper_trail_version_class" paper_trail.version_class end end # Wrap the following methods in a module so we can include them only in the # ActiveRecord models that declare `has_paper_trail`. module InstanceMethods def paper_trail end # @deprecated def live? self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "live?" end # @deprecated def paper_trail_originator self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "originator", "paper_trail_originator" paper_trail.originator end # @deprecated def originator self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "originator" paper_trail.originator end # @deprecated def clear_rolled_back_versions self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "clear_rolled_back_versions" paper_trail.clear_rolled_back_versions end # @deprecated def source_version self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "source_version" paper_trail.source_version end # @deprecated def version_at(*args) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "version_at" paper_trail.version_at(*args) end # @deprecated def versions_between(start_time, end_time, _reify_options = {}) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "versions_between" paper_trail.versions_between(start_time, end_time) end # @deprecated def previous_version self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "previous_version" paper_trail.previous_version end # @deprecated def next_version self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "next_version" paper_trail.next_version end # @deprecated def paper_trail_enabled_for_model? self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "enabled_for_model?", "paper_trail_enabled_for_model?" paper_trail.enabled_for_model? end # @deprecated def without_versioning(method = nil, &block) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "without_versioning" paper_trail.without_versioning(method, &block) end # @deprecated def appear_as_new_record(&block) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "appear_as_new_record" paper_trail.appear_as_new_record(&block) end # @deprecated def whodunnit(value, &block) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "whodunnit" paper_trail.whodunnit(value, &block) end # @deprecated def touch_with_version(name = nil) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "touch_with_version" paper_trail.touch_with_version(name) end # `record_create` is deprecated in favor of `paper_trail.record_create`, # but does not yet print a deprecation warning. When the `after_create` # callback is registered (by ModelConfig#on_create) we still refer to this # method by name, e.g. # # @model_class.after_create :record_create, if: :save_version? # # instead of using the preferred method `paper_trail.record_create`, e.g. # # @model_class.after_create { |r| r.paper_trail.record_create if r.save_version?} # # We still register the callback by name so that, if someone calls # `has_paper_trail` twice, the callback will *not* be registered twice. # Our own test suite calls `has_paper_trail` many times for the same # class. # # In the future, perhaps we should require that users only set up # PT once per class. # # @deprecated def record_create paper_trail.record_create end # See deprecation comment for `record_create` # @deprecated def record_update(force = nil) paper_trail.record_update(force) end # @deprecated def pt_record_object_changes? self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "record_object_changes?", "pt_record_object_changes?" paper_trail.record_object_changes? end # @deprecated def pt_recordable_object self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "recordable_object", "pt_recordable_object" paper_trail.recordable_object end # @deprecated def pt_recordable_object_changes self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "recordable_object_changes", "pt_recordable_object_changes" paper_trail.recordable_object_changes end # @deprecated def changes_for_paper_trail self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "changes", "changes_for_paper_trail" paper_trail.changes end # See deprecation comment for `record_create` # @deprecated def clear_version_instance! paper_trail.clear_version_instance end # See deprecation comment for `record_create` # @deprecated def reset_timestamp_attrs_for_update_if_needed! paper_trail.reset_timestamp_attrs_for_update_if_needed end # See deprecation comment for `record_create` # @deprecated def record_destroy paper_trail.record_destroy end # @deprecated def save_associations(version) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "save_associations" paper_trail.save_associations(version) end # @deprecated def save_associations_belongs_to(version) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "save_associations_belongs_to" paper_trail.save_associations_belongs_to(version) end # @deprecated def save_associations_has_and_belongs_to_many(version) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate( "save_associations_habtm", "save_associations_has_and_belongs_to_many" ) paper_trail.save_associations_habtm(version) end # @deprecated # @api private def reset_transaction_id ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "reset_transaction_id is deprecated, use PaperTrail.clear_transaction_id" ) PaperTrail.clear_transaction_id end # @deprecated # @api private def merge_metadata(data) self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "merge_metadata" paper_trail.merge_metadata(data) end # @deprecated def attributes_before_change self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "attributes_before_change" paper_trail.attributes_before_change end # @deprecated def object_attrs_for_paper_trail self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "object_attrs_for_paper_trail" paper_trail.object_attrs_for_paper_trail end # @deprecated def changed_notably? self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "changed_notably?" paper_trail.changed_notably? end # @deprecated def ignored_attr_has_changed? self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "ignored_attr_has_changed?" paper_trail.ignored_attr_has_changed? end # @deprecated def notably_changed self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "notably_changed" paper_trail.notably_changed end # @deprecated def changed_and_not_ignored self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "changed_and_not_ignored" paper_trail.changed_and_not_ignored end # The new method is named "enabled?" for consistency. # @deprecated def paper_trail_switched_on? self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "enabled?", "paper_trail_switched_on?" paper_trail.enabled? end # @deprecated # @api private def save_version? self.class.paper_trail_deprecate "save_version?" paper_trail.save_version? end end end end