# frozen_string_literal: true ENV["DB"] ||= "sqlite" require "fileutils" require "bundler" Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks desc "Copy the database.DB.yml per ENV['DB']" task :install_database_yml do puts format("installing database.yml for %s", ENV["DB"]) # It's tempting to use `git clean` here, but this rake task will be run by # people working on changes that haven't been committed yet, so we have to # be more selective with what we delete. ::FileUtils.rm("spec/dummy_app/db/database.yml", force: true) FileUtils.cp( "spec/dummy_app/config/database.#{ENV['DB']}.yml", "spec/dummy_app/config/database.yml" ) end desc "Delete generated files and databases" task :clean do puts format("dropping %s database", ENV["DB"]) case ENV["DB"] when "mysql" # TODO: only works locally. doesn't respect database.yml system "mysqladmin drop -f paper_trail_test > /dev/null 2>&1" when "postgres" # TODO: only works locally. doesn't respect database.yml system "dropdb --if-exists paper_trail_test > /dev/null 2>&1" when nil, "sqlite" ::FileUtils.rm(::Dir.glob("spec/dummy_app/db/*.sqlite3")) else raise "Don't know how to clean specified RDBMS: #{ENV['DB']}" end end desc <<~EOS Write a database.yml for the specified RDBMS, and create database. Does not migrate. Migration happens later in spec_helper. EOS task prepare: %i[clean install_database_yml] do puts format("creating %s database", ENV["DB"]) case ENV["DB"] when "mysql" # TODO: only works locally. doesn't respect database.yml system "mysqladmin create paper_trail_test" when "postgres" # TODO: only works locally. doesn't respect database.yml system "createdb paper_trail_test" when nil, "sqlite" # noop. test.sqlite3 will be created when migration happens nil else raise "Don't know how to create specified DB: #{ENV['DB']}" end end require "rspec/core/rake_task" desc "Run tests on PaperTrail with RSpec" task(:spec).clear RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |t| t.verbose = false # hide list of specs bit.ly/1nVq3Jn end require "rubocop/rake_task" RuboCop::RakeTask.new desc "Default: run all available test suites" task default: %i[rubocop prepare spec]