require "request_store" # Require files in lib/paper_trail, but not its subdirectories. Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "paper_trail", "*.rb")].each do |file| require File.join("paper_trail", File.basename(file, ".rb")) end # Require serializers Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "paper_trail", "serializers", "*.rb")].each do |file| require File.join("paper_trail", "serializers", File.basename(file, ".rb")) end module PaperTrail extend PaperTrail::Cleaner class << self # Switches PaperTrail on or off. # @api public def enabled=(value) PaperTrail.config.enabled = value end # Returns `true` if PaperTrail is on, `false` otherwise. # PaperTrail is enabled by default. # @api public def enabled? !!PaperTrail.config.enabled end def serialized_attributes? ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.serialized_attributes? is deprecated without replacement " + "and always returns false." ) false end # Sets whether PaperTrail is enabled or disabled for the current request. # @api public def enabled_for_controller=(value) paper_trail_store[:request_enabled_for_controller] = value end # Returns `true` if PaperTrail is enabled for the request, `false` otherwise. # # See `PaperTrail::Rails::Controller#paper_trail_enabled_for_controller`. # @api public def enabled_for_controller? !!paper_trail_store[:request_enabled_for_controller] end # Sets whether PaperTrail is enabled or disabled for this model in the # current request. # @api public def enabled_for_model(model, value) paper_trail_store[:"enabled_for_#{model}"] = value end # Returns `true` if PaperTrail is enabled for this model in the current # request, `false` otherwise. # @api public def enabled_for_model?(model) !!paper_trail_store.fetch(:"enabled_for_#{model}", true) end # Set the field which records when a version was created. # @api public def timestamp_field=(field_name) PaperTrail.config.timestamp_field = field_name end # Returns the field which records when a version was created. # @api public def timestamp_field PaperTrail.config.timestamp_field end # Sets who is responsible for any changes that occur. You would normally use # this in a migration or on the console, when working with models directly. # In a controller it is set automatically to the `current_user`. # @api public def whodunnit=(value) paper_trail_store[:whodunnit] = value end # Returns who is reponsible for any changes that occur. # @api public def whodunnit paper_trail_store[:whodunnit] end # Sets any information from the controller that you want PaperTrail to # store. By default this is set automatically by a before filter. # @api public def controller_info=(value) paper_trail_store[:controller_info] = value end # Returns any information from the controller that you want # PaperTrail to store. # # See `PaperTrail::Rails::Controller#info_for_paper_trail`. # @api public def controller_info paper_trail_store[:controller_info] end # Getter and Setter for PaperTrail Serializer # @api public def serializer=(value) PaperTrail.config.serializer = value end # @api public def serializer PaperTrail.config.serializer end # Returns a boolean indicating whether "protected attibutes" should be # configured, e.g. attr_accessible, mass_assignment_sanitizer, # whitelist_attributes, etc. # @api public def active_record_protected_attributes? @active_record_protected_attributes ||= ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 || !!defined?(ProtectedAttributes) end # @api public def transaction? ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.open_transactions > 0 end # @api public def transaction_id paper_trail_store[:transaction_id] end # @api public def transaction_id=(id) paper_trail_store[:transaction_id] = id end # Thread-safe hash to hold PaperTrail's data. Initializing with needed # default values. # @api private def paper_trail_store[:paper_trail] ||= { request_enabled_for_controller: true } end # Returns PaperTrail's configuration object. # @api private def config @config ||= PaperTrail::Config.instance yield @config if block_given? @config end alias_method :configure, :config end end # If available, ensure that the `protected_attributes` gem is loaded # before the `Version` class. unless PaperTrail.active_record_protected_attributes? PaperTrail.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@active_record_protected_attributes) begin require "protected_attributes" rescue LoadError # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions # In case `protected_attributes` gem is not available. end end ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do include PaperTrail::Model end # Require frameworks require "paper_trail/frameworks/sinatra" if defined?(::Rails) && ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= "3.2" require "paper_trail/frameworks/rails" else require "paper_trail/frameworks/active_record" end