require "rails_helper" describe PaperTrail::Version, type: :model do it "should include the `VersionConcern` module to get base functionality" do expect(PaperTrail::Version).to include(PaperTrail::VersionConcern) end describe "Attributes" do it { have_db_column(:item_type).of_type(:string) } it { have_db_column(:item_id).of_type(:integer) } it { have_db_column(:event).of_type(:string) } it { have_db_column(:whodunnit).of_type(:string) } it { have_db_column(:object).of_type(:text) } it { have_db_column(:created_at).of_type(:datetime) } describe "object_changes column", versioning: true do let(:widget) { Widget.create!(name: "Dashboard") } let(:value) { widget.versions.last.object_changes } context "serializer is YAML" do specify { expect(PaperTrail.serializer).to be PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML } it "should store out as a plain hash" do expect(value =~ /HashWithIndifferentAccess/).to be_nil end end context "serializer is JSON" do before(:all) { PaperTrail.serializer = PaperTrail::Serializers::JSON } it "should store out as a plain hash" do expect(value =~ /HashWithIndifferentAccess/).to be_nil end after(:all) { PaperTrail.serializer = PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML } end end end describe "Indexes" do it { have_db_index([:item_type, :item_id]) } end describe "Methods" do describe "Instance" do subject { rescue } describe '#paper_trail_originator' do it { respond_to(:paper_trail_originator) } context "No previous versions" do specify { expect(subject.previous).to be_nil } it "should return nil" do expect(subject.paper_trail_originator).to be_nil end end context "Has previous version", versioning: true do let(:name) { } let(:widget) { Widget.create!(name: } before do widget.versions.first.update_attributes!(whodunnit: name) widget.update_attributes!(name: FFaker::Name.first_name) end subject { widget.versions.last } specify { expect(subject.previous).to be_instance_of(PaperTrail::Version) } it "should return nil" do expect(subject.paper_trail_originator).to eq(name) end end end describe "#originator" do it { respond_to(:originator) } it "should set the invoke `paper_trail_originator`" do allow(ActiveSupport::Deprecation).to receive(:warn) receive(:paper_trail_originator) subject.originator end it "should display a deprecation warning" do expect(ActiveSupport::Deprecation).to receive(:warn). with(/Use paper_trail_originator instead of originator/) subject.originator end end describe '#terminator' do it { respond_to(:terminator) } let(:attributes) { { whodunnit: FFaker::Name.first_name } } it "is an alias for the `whodunnit` attribute" do expect(subject.terminator).to eq(attributes[:whodunnit]) end end describe '#version_author' do it { respond_to(:version_author) } it "should be an alias for the `terminator` method" do expect(subject.method(:version_author)).to eq(subject.method(:terminator)) end end end describe "Class" do column_overrides = [false] if ENV["DB"] == "postgres" && ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 4 column_overrides << "json" # 'jsonb' column types are only supported for ActiveRecord 4.2+ column_overrides << "jsonb" if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= "4.2" end column_overrides.shuffle.each do |override| context "with a #{override || 'text'} column" do before do if override ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SAVEPOINT pgtest;") %w(object object_changes).each do |column| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( "ALTER TABLE versions DROP COLUMN #{column};" ) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( "ALTER TABLE versions ADD COLUMN #{column} #{override};" ) end PaperTrail::Version.reset_column_information end end after do if override ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT pgtest;") PaperTrail::Version.reset_column_information end end describe '#where_object' do it { expect(PaperTrail::Version).to respond_to(:where_object) } context "invalid arguments" do it "should raise an error" do expect { PaperTrail::Version.where_object(:foo) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { PaperTrail::Version.where_object([]) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "valid arguments", versioning: true do let(:widget) { } let(:name) { FFaker::Name.first_name } let(:int) { rand(10) + 1 } before do widget.update_attributes!(name: name, an_integer: int) widget.update_attributes!(name: "foobar", an_integer: 100) widget.update_attributes!(name: FFaker::Name.last_name, an_integer: 15) end context "`serializer == YAML`" do specify do expect(PaperTrail.serializer).to be PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML end it "should be able to locate versions according to their `object` contents" do expect( PaperTrail::Version.where_object(name: name) ).to eq([widget.versions[1]]) expect( PaperTrail::Version.where_object(an_integer: 100) ).to eq([widget.versions[2]]) end end context "JSON serializer" do before(:all) do PaperTrail.serializer = PaperTrail::Serializers::JSON end specify do expect(PaperTrail.serializer).to be PaperTrail::Serializers::JSON end it "should be able to locate versions according to their `object` contents" do expect( PaperTrail::Version.where_object(name: name) ).to eq([widget.versions[1]]) expect( PaperTrail::Version.where_object(an_integer: 100) ).to eq([widget.versions[2]]) end after(:all) do PaperTrail.serializer = PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML end end end end describe '#where_object_changes' do context "invalid arguments" do it "should raise an error" do expect { PaperTrail::Version.where_object_changes(:foo) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { PaperTrail::Version.where_object_changes([]) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "valid arguments", versioning: true do let(:widget) { } let(:name) { FFaker::Name.first_name } let(:int) { rand(5) + 2 } before do widget.update_attributes!(name: name, an_integer: 0) widget.update_attributes!(name: "foobar", an_integer: 77) widget.update_attributes!(name: FFaker::Name.last_name, an_integer: int) end context "YAML serializer" do specify { expect(PaperTrail.serializer).to be PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML } it "locates versions according to their `object_changes` contents" do expect( widget.versions.where_object_changes(name: name) ).to eq(widget.versions[0..1]) expect( widget.versions.where_object_changes(an_integer: 77) ).to eq(widget.versions[1..2]) expect( widget.versions.where_object_changes(an_integer: int) ).to eq([widget.versions.last]) end it "handles queries for multiple attributes" do expect( widget.versions.where_object_changes(an_integer: 77, name: "foobar") ).to eq(widget.versions[1..2]) end end context "JSON serializer" do before(:all) { PaperTrail.serializer = PaperTrail::Serializers::JSON } specify { expect(PaperTrail.serializer).to be PaperTrail::Serializers::JSON } it "locates versions according to their `object_changes` contents" do expect( widget.versions.where_object_changes(name: name) ).to eq(widget.versions[0..1]) expect( widget.versions.where_object_changes(an_integer: 77) ).to eq(widget.versions[1..2]) expect( widget.versions.where_object_changes(an_integer: int) ).to eq([widget.versions.last]) end it "handles queries for multiple attributes" do expect( widget.versions.where_object_changes(an_integer: 77, name: "foobar") ).to eq(widget.versions[1..2]) end after(:all) { PaperTrail.serializer = PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML } end end end end end end end end