module PaperTrail module Model def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Declare this in your model to track every create, update, and destroy. Each version of # the model is available in the `versions` association. # # Options: # :on the events to track (optional; defaults to all of them). Set to an array of # `:create`, `:update`, `:destroy` as desired. # :class_name the name of a custom Version class. This class should inherit from `PaperTrail::Version`. # :ignore an array of attributes for which a new `Version` will not be created if only they change. # it can also aceept a Hash as an argument where the key is the attribute to ignore (a `String` or `Symbol`), # which will only be ignored if the value is a `Proc` which returns truthily. # :if, :unless Procs that allow to specify conditions when to save versions for an object # :only inverse of `ignore` - a new `Version` will be created only for these attributes if supplied # it can also aceept a Hash as an argument where the key is the attribute to track (a `String` or `Symbol`), # which will only be counted if the value is a `Proc` which returns truthily. # :skip fields to ignore completely. As with `ignore`, updates to these fields will not create # a new `Version`. In addition, these fields will not be included in the serialized versions # of the object whenever a new `Version` is created. # :meta a hash of extra data to store. You must add a column to the `versions` table for each key. # Values are objects or procs (which are called with `self`, i.e. the model with the paper # trail). See `PaperTrail::Controller.info_for_paper_trail` for how to store data from # the controller. # :versions the name to use for the versions association. Default is `:versions`. # :version the name to use for the method which returns the version the instance was reified from. # Default is `:version`. def has_paper_trail(options = {}) # Lazily include the instance methods so we don't clutter up # any more ActiveRecord models than we have to. send :include, InstanceMethods class_attribute :version_association_name self.version_association_name = options[:version] || :version # The version this instance was reified from. attr_accessor self.version_association_name class_attribute :version_class_name self.version_class_name = options[:class_name] || 'PaperTrail::Version' class_attribute :paper_trail_options self.paper_trail_options = options.dup [:ignore, :skip, :only].each do |k| paper_trail_options[k] = [paper_trail_options[k]] { |attr| attr.is_a?(Hash) ? attr.stringify_keys : attr.to_s } end paper_trail_options[:meta] ||= {} class_attribute :versions_association_name self.versions_association_name = options[:versions] || :versions attr_accessor :paper_trail_event if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 4 # `has_many` syntax for specifying order uses a lambda in Rails 4 has_many self.versions_association_name, lambda { order(model.timestamp_sort_order) }, :class_name => self.version_class_name, :as => :item else has_many self.versions_association_name, :class_name => self.version_class_name, :as => :item, :order => self.paper_trail_version_class.timestamp_sort_order end options_on = Array(options[:on]) unless options[:on].nil? # so that a single symbol can be passed in without wrapping it in an `Array` after_create :record_create, :if => :save_version? if options_on.nil? || options_on.include?(:create) if options_on.nil? || options_on.include?(:update) before_save :reset_timestamp_attrs_for_update_if_needed!, :on => :update after_update :record_update, :if => :save_version? after_update :clear_version_instance! end after_destroy :record_destroy, :if => :save_version? if options_on.nil? || options_on.include?(:destroy) # Reset the transaction id when the transaction is closed after_commit :reset_transaction_id after_rollback :reset_transaction_id after_rollback :clear_rolled_back_versions end # Switches PaperTrail off for this class. def paper_trail_off! PaperTrail.enabled_for_model(self, false) end def paper_trail_off warn "DEPRECATED: use `paper_trail_off!` instead of `paper_trail_off`. Support for `paper_trail_off` will be removed in PaperTrail 4.0" self.paper_trail_off! end # Switches PaperTrail on for this class. def paper_trail_on! PaperTrail.enabled_for_model(self, true) end def paper_trail_on warn "DEPRECATED: use `paper_trail_on!` instead of `paper_trail_on`. Support for `paper_trail_on` will be removed in PaperTrail 4.0" self.paper_trail_on! end def paper_trail_enabled_for_model? return false unless self.include?(PaperTrail::Model::InstanceMethods) PaperTrail.enabled_for_model?(self) end def paper_trail_version_class @paper_trail_version_class ||= version_class_name.constantize end # Used for Version#object attribute def serialize_attributes_for_paper_trail(attributes) # don't serialize before values before inserting into columns of type `JSON` on `PostgreSQL` databases return attributes if self.paper_trail_version_class.object_col_is_json? serialized_attributes.each do |key, coder| if attributes.key?(key) # Fall back to current serializer if `coder` has no `dump` method coder = PaperTrail.serializer unless coder.respond_to?(:dump) attributes[key] = coder.dump(attributes[key]) end end end def unserialize_attributes_for_paper_trail(attributes) # don't serialize before values before inserting into columns of type `JSON` on `PostgreSQL` databases return attributes if self.paper_trail_version_class.object_col_is_json? serialized_attributes.each do |key, coder| if attributes.key?(key) coder = PaperTrail.serializer unless coder.respond_to?(:dump) attributes[key] = coder.load(attributes[key]) end end end # Used for Version#object_changes attribute def serialize_attribute_changes(changes) # don't serialize before values before inserting into columns of type `JSON` on `PostgreSQL` databases return changes if self.paper_trail_version_class.object_changes_col_is_json? serialized_attributes.each do |key, coder| if changes.key?(key) # Fall back to current serializer if `coder` has no `dump` method coder = PaperTrail.serializer unless coder.respond_to?(:dump) old_value, new_value = changes[key] changes[key] = [coder.dump(old_value), coder.dump(new_value)] end end end def unserialize_attribute_changes(changes) # don't serialize before values before inserting into columns of type `JSON` on `PostgreSQL` databases return changes if self.paper_trail_version_class.object_changes_col_is_json? serialized_attributes.each do |key, coder| if changes.key?(key) coder = PaperTrail.serializer unless coder.respond_to?(:dump) old_value, new_value = changes[key] changes[key] = [coder.load(old_value), coder.load(new_value)] end end end end # Wrap the following methods in a module so we can include them only in the # ActiveRecord models that declare `has_paper_trail`. module InstanceMethods # Returns true if this instance is the current, live one; # returns false if this instance came from a previous version. def live? source_version.nil? end # Returns who put the object into its current state. def originator (source_version || send(self.class.versions_association_name).last).try(:whodunnit) end # Invoked after rollbacks to ensure versions records are not created # for changes that never actually took place def clear_rolled_back_versions send(self.class.versions_association_name).reload end # Returns the object (not a Version) as it was at the given timestamp. def version_at(timestamp, reify_options={}) # Because a version stores how its object looked *before* the change, # we need to look for the first version created *after* the timestamp. v = send(self.class.versions_association_name).subsequent(timestamp, true).first return v.reify(reify_options) if v self unless self.destroyed? end # Returns the objects (not Versions) as they were between the given times. def versions_between(start_time, end_time, reify_options={}) versions = send(self.class.versions_association_name).between(start_time, end_time) versions.collect { |version| version_at(version.send PaperTrail.timestamp_field) } end # Returns the object (not a Version) as it was most recently. def previous_version preceding_version = source_version ? source_version.previous : send(self.class.versions_association_name).last preceding_version.reify if preceding_version end # Returns the object (not a Version) as it became next. # NOTE: if self (the item) was not reified from a version, i.e. it is the # "live" item, we return nil. Perhaps we should return self instead? def next_version subsequent_version = subsequent_version ? subsequent_version.reify : self.class.find( rescue nil end def paper_trail_enabled_for_model? self.class.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? end # Executes the given method or block without creating a new version. def without_versioning(method = nil) paper_trail_was_enabled = self.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? self.class.paper_trail_off! method ? : yield(self) ensure self.class.paper_trail_on! if paper_trail_was_enabled end # Utility method for reifying. Anything executed inside the block will appear like a new record def appear_as_new_record instance_eval { alias :old_new_record? :new_record? alias :new_record? :present? } yield instance_eval { alias :new_record? :old_new_record? } end # Temporarily overwrites the value of whodunnit and then executes the provided block. def whodunnit(value) raise ArgumentError, 'expected to receive a block' unless block_given? current_whodunnit = PaperTrail.whodunnit PaperTrail.whodunnit = value yield self ensure PaperTrail.whodunnit = current_whodunnit end # Mimicks behavior of `touch` method from `ActiveRecord::Persistence`, but generates a version # # TODO: lookinto leveraging the `after_touch` callback from `ActiveRecord` to allow the # regular `touch` method go generate a version as normal. May make sense to switch the `record_update` # method to leverage an `after_update` callback anyways (likely for v4.0.0) def touch_with_version(name = nil) raise ActiveRecordError, "can not touch on a new record object" unless persisted? attributes = timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model attributes << name if name current_time = current_time_from_proper_timezone attributes.each { |column| write_attribute(column, current_time) } save! end private def source_version send self.class.version_association_name end def record_create if paper_trail_switched_on? data = { :event => paper_trail_event || 'create', :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit } if respond_to?(:created_at) data[PaperTrail.timestamp_field] = created_at end if changed_notably? and self.class.paper_trail_version_class.column_names.include?('object_changes') data[:object_changes] = self.class.paper_trail_version_class.object_changes_col_is_json? ? changes_for_paper_trail : PaperTrail.serializer.dump(changes_for_paper_trail) end if self.class.paper_trail_version_class.column_names.include?('transaction_id') data[:transaction_id] = PaperTrail.transaction_id end version = send(self.class.versions_association_name).create! merge_metadata(data) set_transaction_id(version) save_associations(version) end end def record_update if paper_trail_switched_on? && changed_notably? object_attrs = object_attrs_for_paper_trail(attributes_before_change) data = { :event => paper_trail_event || 'update', :object => self.class.paper_trail_version_class.object_col_is_json? ? object_attrs : PaperTrail.serializer.dump(object_attrs), :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit } if respond_to?(:updated_at) data[PaperTrail.timestamp_field] = updated_at end if self.class.paper_trail_version_class.column_names.include?('object_changes') data[:object_changes] = self.class.paper_trail_version_class.object_changes_col_is_json? ? changes_for_paper_trail : PaperTrail.serializer.dump(changes_for_paper_trail) end if self.class.paper_trail_version_class.column_names.include?('transaction_id') data[:transaction_id] = PaperTrail.transaction_id end version = send(self.class.versions_association_name).create merge_metadata(data) set_transaction_id(version) save_associations(version) end end def changes_for_paper_trail _changes = changes.delete_if { |k,v| !notably_changed.include?(k) } if PaperTrail.serialized_attributes? self.class.serialize_attribute_changes(_changes) end _changes.to_hash end # Invoked via`after_update` callback for when a previous version is reified and then saved def clear_version_instance! send("#{self.class.version_association_name}=", nil) end def reset_timestamp_attrs_for_update_if_needed! return if # invoked via callback when a user attempts to persist a reified `Version` timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model.each do |column| # ActiveRecord 4.2 deprecated `reset_column!` in favor of `restore_column!` if respond_to?("restore_#{column}!") send("restore_#{column}!") else send("reset_#{column}!") end end end def record_destroy if paper_trail_switched_on? and not new_record? object_attrs = object_attrs_for_paper_trail(attributes_before_change) data = { :item_id =>, :item_type =>, :event => paper_trail_event || 'destroy', :object => self.class.paper_trail_version_class.object_col_is_json? ? object_attrs : PaperTrail.serializer.dump(object_attrs), :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit } if self.class.paper_trail_version_class.column_names.include?('transaction_id') data[:transaction_id] = PaperTrail.transaction_id end version = self.class.paper_trail_version_class.create(merge_metadata(data)) send("#{self.class.version_association_name}=", version) send(self.class.versions_association_name).send :load_target set_transaction_id(version) save_associations(version) end end # saves associations if the join table for `VersionAssociation` exists def save_associations(version) return unless PaperTrail::VersionAssociation.table_exists? self.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).each do |assoc| assoc_version_args = { :version_id =>, :foreign_key_name => assoc.foreign_key } if assoc.options[:polymorphic] if (associated_record = send( assoc_version_args.merge!(:foreign_key_id => end elsif assoc.klass.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? assoc_version_args.merge!(:foreign_key_id => send(assoc.foreign_key)) end PaperTrail::VersionAssociation.create(assoc_version_args) if assoc_version_args.has_key?(:foreign_key_id) end end def set_transaction_id(version) return unless self.class.paper_trail_version_class.column_names.include?('transaction_id') if PaperTrail.transaction? && PaperTrail.transaction_id.nil? PaperTrail.transaction_id = version.transaction_id = end end def reset_transaction_id PaperTrail.transaction_id = nil end def merge_metadata(data) # First we merge the model-level metadata in `meta`. paper_trail_options[:meta].each do |k,v| data[k] = if v.respond_to?(:call) elsif v.is_a?(Symbol) && respond_to?(v) # if it is an attribute that is changing in an existing object, # be sure to grab the current version if has_attribute?(v) && send("#{v}_changed?".to_sym) && data[:event] != 'create' send("#{v}_was".to_sym) else send(v) end else v end end # Second we merge any extra data from the controller (if available). data.merge(PaperTrail.controller_info || {}) end def attributes_before_change attributes.tap do |prev| enums = self.respond_to?(:defined_enums) ? self.defined_enums : {} { |k,v| self.class.column_names.include?(k) }.each do |attr, before| before = enums[attr][before] if enums[attr] prev[attr] = before end end end # returns hash of attributes (with appropriate attributes serialized), # ommitting attributes to be skipped def object_attrs_for_paper_trail(attributes_hash) attrs = attributes_hash.except(*self.paper_trail_options[:skip]) if PaperTrail.serialized_attributes? self.class.serialize_attributes_for_paper_trail(attrs) end attrs end # This method is invoked in order to determine whether it is appropriate to generate a new version instance. # Because we are now using `after_(create/update/etc)` callbacks, we need to go out of our way to # ensure that during updates timestamp attributes are not acknowledged as a notable changes # to raise false positives when attributes are ignored. def changed_notably? if self.paper_trail_options[:ignore].any? && (changed & self.paper_trail_options[:ignore]).any? (notably_changed - else notably_changed.any? end end def notably_changed only = self.paper_trail_options[:only].dup # remove Hash arguments and then evaluate whether the attributes (the keys of the hash) should also get pushed into the collection only.delete_if do |obj| obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj.each { |attr, condition| only << attr if condition.respond_to?(:call) && } end only.empty? ? changed_and_not_ignored : (changed_and_not_ignored & only) end def changed_and_not_ignored ignore = self.paper_trail_options[:ignore].dup # remove Hash arguments and then evaluate whether the attributes (the keys of the hash) should also get pushed into the collection ignore.delete_if do |obj| obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj.each { |attr, condition| ignore << attr if condition.respond_to?(:call) && } end skip = self.paper_trail_options[:skip] changed - ignore - skip end def paper_trail_switched_on? PaperTrail.enabled? && PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller? && self.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? end def save_version? if_condition = self.paper_trail_options[:if] unless_condition = self.paper_trail_options[:unless] (if_condition.blank? || && !unless_condition.try(:call, self) end end end end