# Specify here only version constraints that differ from # `paper_trail.gemspec`. # # > The dependencies in your Appraisals file are combined with dependencies in # > your Gemfile, so you don't need to repeat anything that's the same for each # > appraisal. If something is specified in both the Gemfile and an appraisal, # > the version from the appraisal takes precedence. # > https://github.com/thoughtbot/appraisal appraise "ar-4.0" do gem "activerecord", "~> 4.0" end appraise "ar-4.2" do gem "activerecord", "~> 4.2" end appraise "ar-5.0" do gem "activerecord", "~> 5.0.3" gem "rails-controller-testing" end appraise "ar-5.1" do gem "rails", "5.1.1" gem "rails-controller-testing" end