# PaperTrail is not compatible with sinatra 2 yet. Contributions welcome. if Gem::Version.new(Rack.release) < Gem::Version.new("2.0.0.alpha") require "test_helper" # require 'sinatra/main' # --- Tests for non-modular `Sinatra::Application` style ---- module Sinatra class Application configs = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path("../../dummy/config/database.yml", __FILE__)) ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = configs ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:test) # We shouldn't actually need this line if I'm not mistaken but the tests # seem to fail without it ATM register PaperTrail::Sinatra get "/test" do Widget.create!(name: "bar") "Hai" end def current_user @current_user ||= OpenStruct.new(id: "raboof") end end end class SinatraTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest include Rack::Test::Methods def app @app ||= Sinatra::Application end test "baseline" do assert_nil Widget.create.versions.first.whodunnit end context "`PaperTrail::Sinatra` in a `Sinatra::Application` application" do should "sets the `user_for_paper_trail` from the `current_user` method" do get "/test" assert_equal "Hai", last_response.body widget = Widget.last assert_not_nil widget assert_equal "bar", widget.name assert_equal 1, widget.versions.size assert_equal "raboof", widget.versions.first.whodunnit end end end end