# PaperTrail [![Build Status][4]][5] [![Dependency Status][6]][7] Track changes to your models, for auditing or versioning. See how a model looked at any stage in its lifecycle, revert it to any version, or restore it after it has been destroyed. ## Documentation | Version | Documentation | | -------------- | ------------- | | 5 (unreleased) | https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/blob/master/README.md | | 4 | https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/blob/4.0-stable/README.md | | 3 | https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/blob/3.0-stable/README.md | | 2 | https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/blob/2.7-stable/README.md | | 1 | https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/blob/rails2/README.md | ## Table of Contents - [Compatibility](#compatibility) - [Installation](#installation) - [Basic Usage](#basic-usage) - [API Summary](#api-summary) - Limiting What is Versioned, and When - [Choosing Lifecycle Events To Monitor](#choosing-lifecycle-events-to-monitor) - [Choosing When To Save New Versions](#choosing-when-to-save-new-versions) - [Choosing Attributes To Monitor](#choosing-attributes-to-monitor) - [Turning PaperTrail Off/On](#turning-papertrail-offon) - [Limiting the Number of Versions Created](#limiting-the-number-of-versions-created) - Working With Versions - [Reverting And Undeleting A Model](#reverting-and-undeleting-a-model) - [Navigating Versions](#navigating-versions) - [Diffing Versions](#diffing-versions) - [Deleting Old Versions](#deleting-old-versions) - Saving More Information About Versions - [Finding Out Who Was Responsible For A Change](#finding-out-who-was-responsible-for-a-change) - [Associations](#associations) - [Storing metadata](#storing-metadata) - Extensibility - [Custom Version Classes](#custom-version-classes) - [Custom Serializer](#custom-serializer) - [Testing](#testing) - [Sinatra](#sinatra) ## Compatibility | paper_trail | branch | tags | ruby | activerecord | | -------------- | ---------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | | 5 (unreleased) | master | none | >= 1.9.3 | >= 3.0, < 6 | | 4 | 4.0-stable | v4.x | >= 1.8.7 | >= 3.0, < 6 | | 3 | 3.0-stable | v3.x | >= 1.8.7 | >= 3.0, < 5 | | 2 | 2.7-stable | v2.x | >= 1.8.7 | >= 3.0, < 4 | | 1 | rails2 | v1.x | >= 1.8.7 | >= 2.3, < 3 | ## Installation 1. Add PaperTrail to your `Gemfile`. `gem 'paper_trail'` 1. Add a `versions` table to your database. ``` bundle exec rails generate paper_trail:install bundle exec rake db:migrate ``` 1. Add `has_paper_trail` to the models you want to track. ```ruby class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail end ``` 1. If your controllers have a `current_user` method, you can easily [track who is responsible for changes](#finding-out-who-was-responsible-for-a-change) by adding a controller callback. ```ruby class ApplicationController before_filter :set_paper_trail_whodunnit end ``` ## Basic Usage Your models now have a `versions` method which returns the "paper trail" of changes to your model. ```ruby widget = Widget.find 42 widget.versions # [, , ...] ``` Once you have a version, you can find out what happened: ```ruby v = widget.versions.last v.event # 'update', 'create', or 'destroy' v.created_at # When the `event` occurred v.whodunnit # If the update was via a controller and the # controller has a current_user method, returns the # id of the current user as a string. widget = v.reify # The widget as it was before the update # (nil for a create event) ``` PaperTrail stores the pre-change version of the model, unlike some other auditing/versioning plugins, so you can retrieve the original version. This is useful when you start keeping a paper trail for models that already have records in the database. ```ruby widget = Widget.find 153 widget.name # 'Doobly' # Add has_paper_trail to Widget model. widget.versions # [] widget.update_attributes :name => 'Wotsit' widget.versions.last.reify.name # 'Doobly' widget.versions.last.event # 'update' ``` This also means that PaperTrail does not waste space storing a version of the object as it currently stands. The `versions` method gives you previous versions; to get the current one just call a finder on your `Widget` model as usual. Here's a helpful table showing what PaperTrail stores: | *Event* | *create* | *update* | *destroy* | | -------------- | -------- | -------- | --------- | | *Model Before* | nil | widget | widget | | *Model After* | widget | widget | nil | PaperTrail stores the values in the Model Before column. Most other auditing/versioning plugins store the After column. ## API Summary When you declare `has_paper_trail` in your model, you get these methods: ```ruby class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail end # Returns this widget's versions. You can customise the name of the # association. widget.versions # Return the version this widget was reified from, or nil if it is live. # You can customise the name of the method. widget.version # Returns true if this widget is the current, live one; or false if it is from # a previous version. widget.live? # Returns who put the widget into its current state. widget.paper_trail_originator # Returns the widget (not a version) as it looked at the given timestamp. widget.version_at(timestamp) # Returns the widget (not a version) as it was most recently. widget.previous_version # Returns the widget (not a version) as it became next. widget.next_version # Generates a version for a `touch` event (`widget.touch` does NOT generate a # version) widget.touch_with_version # Turn PaperTrail off for all widgets. Widget.paper_trail_off! # Turn PaperTrail on for all widgets. Widget.paper_trail_on! # Is PaperTrail enabled for Widget, the class? Widget.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? # Is PaperTrail enabled for widget, the instance? widget.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? ``` And a `PaperTrail::Version` instance has these methods: ```ruby # Returns the item restored from this version. version.reify(options = {}) # Return a new item from this version version.reify(dup: true) # Returns who put the item into the state stored in this version. version.paper_trail_originator # Returns who changed the item from the state it had in this version. version.terminator version.whodunnit version.version_author # Returns the next version. version.next # Returns the previous version. version.previous # Returns the index of this version in all the versions. version.index # Returns the event that caused this version (create|update|destroy). version.event # Query versions objects by attributes. PaperTrail::Version.where_object(attr1: val1, attr2: val2) # Query versions object_changes field by attributes (requires # `object_changes` column on versions table). # Also can't guarantee consistent query results for numeric values # due to limitations of SQL wildcard matchers against the serialized objects. PaperTrail::Version.where_object_changes(attr1: val1) ``` In your controllers you can override these methods: ```ruby # Returns the user who is responsible for any changes that occur. # Defaults to current_user. user_for_paper_trail # Returns any information about the controller or request that you want # PaperTrail to store alongside any changes that occur. info_for_paper_trail ``` ## Choosing Lifecycle Events To Monitor You can choose which events to track with the `on` option. For example, to ignore `create` events: ```ruby class Article < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail :on => [:update, :destroy] end ``` `has_paper_trail` installs callbacks for these lifecycle events. If there are other callbacks in your model, their order relative to those installed by PaperTrail may matter, so be aware of any potential interactions. You may also have the `PaperTrail::Version` model save a custom string in it's `event` field instead of the typical `create`, `update`, `destroy`. PaperTrail supplies a custom accessor method called `paper_trail_event`, which it will attempt to use to fill the `event` field before falling back on one of the default events. ```ruby a = Article.create a.versions.size # 1 a.versions.last.event # 'create' a.paper_trail_event = 'update title' a.update_attributes :title => 'My Title' a.versions.size # 2 a.versions.last.event # 'update title' a.paper_trail_event = nil a.update_attributes :title => "Alternate" a.versions.size # 3 a.versions.last.event # 'update' ``` ### Controlling the Order of AR Callbacks The `has_paper_trail` method installs AR callbacks. If you need to control their order, use the `paper_trail_on_*` methods. ```ruby class Article < ActiveRecord::Base # Include PaperTrail, but do not add any callbacks yet. Passing the # empty array to `:on` omits callbacks. has_paper_trail :on => [] # Add callbacks in the order you need. paper_trail_on_destroy # add destroy callback paper_trail_on_update # etc. paper_trail_on_create end ``` The `paper_trail_on_destroy` method can be further configured to happen `:before` or `:after` the destroy event. In PaperTrail 4, the default is `:after`. In PaperTrail 5, the default will be `:before`, to support ActiveRecord 5. (see https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/pull/683) ## Choosing When To Save New Versions You can choose the conditions when to add new versions with the `if` and `unless` options. For example, to save versions only for US non-draft translations: ```ruby class Translation < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail :if => Proc.new { |t| t.language_code == 'US' }, :unless => Proc.new { |t| t.type == 'DRAFT' } end ``` ## Choosing Attributes To Monitor You can ignore changes to certain attributes like this: ```ruby class Article < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail :ignore => [:title, :rating] end ``` This means that changes to just the `title` or `rating` will not store another version of the article. It does not mean that the `title` and `rating` attributes will be ignored if some other change causes a new `PaperTrail::Version` to be created. For example: ```ruby a = Article.create a.versions.length # 1 a.update_attributes :title => 'My Title', :rating => 3 a.versions.length # 1 a.update_attributes :title => 'Greeting', :content => 'Hello' a.versions.length # 2 a.previous_version.title # 'My Title' ``` Or, you can specify a list of all attributes you care about: ```ruby class Article < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail :only => [:title] end ``` This means that only changes to the `title` will save a version of the article: ```ruby a = Article.create a.versions.length # 1 a.update_attributes :title => 'My Title' a.versions.length # 2 a.update_attributes :content => 'Hello' a.versions.length # 2 a.previous_version.content # nil ``` The `:ignore` and `:only` options can also accept `Hash` arguments, where the : ```ruby class Article < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail :only => [:title => Proc.new { |obj| !obj.title.blank? } ] end ``` This means that if the `title` is not blank, then only changes to the `title` will save a version of the article: ```ruby a = Article.create a.versions.length # 1 a.update_attributes :content => 'Hello' a.versions.length # 2 a.update_attributes :title => 'My Title' a.versions.length # 3 a.update_attributes :content => 'Hai' a.versions.length # 3 a.previous_version.content # "Hello" a.update_attributes :title => 'Dif Title' a.versions.length # 4 a.previous_version.content # "Hai" ``` Passing both `:ignore` and `:only` options will result in the article being saved if a changed attribute is included in `:only` but not in `:ignore`. You can skip fields altogether with the `:skip` option. As with `:ignore`, updates to these fields will not create a new `PaperTrail::Version`. In addition, these fields will not be included in the serialized version of the object whenever a new `PaperTrail::Version` is created. For example: ```ruby class Article < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail :skip => [:file_upload] end ``` ## Turning PaperTrail Off/On Sometimes you don't want to store changes. Perhaps you are only interested in changes made by your users and don't need to store changes you make yourself in, say, a migration -- or when testing your application. You can turn PaperTrail on or off in three ways: globally, per request, or per class. ### Globally On a global level you can turn PaperTrail off like this: ```ruby PaperTrail.enabled = false ``` For example, you might want to disable PaperTrail in your Rails application's test environment to speed up your tests. This will do it (note: this gets done automatically for `RSpec` and `Cucumber`, please see the [Testing section](#testing)): ```ruby # in config/environments/test.rb config.after_initialize do PaperTrail.enabled = false end ``` If you disable PaperTrail in your test environment but want to enable it for specific tests, you can add a helper like this to your test helper: ```ruby # in test/test_helper.rb def with_versioning was_enabled = PaperTrail.enabled? was_enabled_for_controller = PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller? PaperTrail.enabled = true PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller = true begin yield ensure PaperTrail.enabled = was_enabled PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller = was_enabled_for_controller end end ``` And then use it in your tests like this: ```ruby test "something that needs versioning" do with_versioning do # your test end end ``` ### Per request You can turn PaperTrail on or off per request by adding a `paper_trail_enabled_for_controller` method to your controller which returns `true` or `false`: ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def paper_trail_enabled_for_controller request.user_agent != 'Disable User-Agent' end end ``` ### Per class If you are about to change some widgets and you don't want a paper trail of your changes, you can turn PaperTrail off like this: ```ruby Widget.paper_trail_off! ``` And on again like this: ```ruby Widget.paper_trail_on! ``` ### Per method call You can call a method without creating a new version using `without_versioning`. It takes either a method name as a symbol: ```ruby @widget.without_versioning :destroy ``` Or a block: ```ruby @widget.without_versioning do @widget.update_attributes :name => 'Ford' end ``` ## Limiting the Number of Versions Created Configure `version_limit` to cap the number of versions saved per record. This does not apply to `create` events. ```ruby # Limit: 4 versions per record (3 most recent, plus a `create` event) PaperTrail.config.version_limit = 3 # Remove the limit PaperTrail.config.version_limit = nil ``` ## Reverting And Undeleting A Model PaperTrail makes reverting to a previous version easy: ```ruby widget = Widget.find 42 widget.update_attributes :name => 'Blah blah' # Time passes.... widget = widget.previous_version # the widget as it was before the update widget.save # reverted ``` Alternatively you can find the version at a given time: ```ruby widget = widget.version_at(1.day.ago) # the widget as it was one day ago widget.save # reverted ``` Note `version_at` gives you the object, not a version, so you don't need to call `reify`. Undeleting is just as simple: ```ruby widget = Widget.find 42 widget.destroy # Time passes.... widget = PaperTrail::Version.find(153).reify # the widget as it was before destruction widget.save # the widget lives! ``` You could even use PaperTrail to implement an undo system, [Ryan Bates has!][3] If your model uses [optimistic locking][1] don't forget to [increment your `lock_version`][2] before saving or you'll get a `StaleObjectError`. ## Navigating Versions You can call `previous_version` and `next_version` on an item to get it as it was/became. Note that these methods reify the item for you. ```ruby live_widget = Widget.find 42 live_widget.versions.length # 4 for example widget = live_widget.previous_version # => widget == live_widget.versions.last.reify widget = widget.previous_version # => widget == live_widget.versions[-2].reify widget = widget.next_version # => widget == live_widget.versions.last.reify widget.next_version # live_widget ``` If instead you have a particular `version` of an item you can navigate to the previous and next versions. ```ruby widget = Widget.find 42 version = widget.versions[-2] # assuming widget has several versions previous = version.previous next = version.next ``` You can find out which of an item's versions yours is: ```ruby current_version_number = version.index # 0-based ``` If you got an item by reifying one of its versions, you can navigate back to the version it came from: ```ruby latest_version = Widget.find(42).versions.last widget = latest_version.reify widget.version == latest_version # true ``` You can find out whether a model instance is the current, live one -- or whether it came instead from a previous version -- with `live?`: ```ruby widget = Widget.find 42 widget.live? # true widget = widget.previous_version widget.live? # false ``` And you can perform `WHERE` queries for object versions based on attributes: ```ruby # All versions that meet these criteria. PaperTrail::Version.where_object(content: "Hello", title: "Article") ``` ## Diffing Versions There are two scenarios: diffing adjacent versions and diffing non-adjacent versions. The best way to diff adjacent versions is to get PaperTrail to do it for you. If you add an `object_changes` text column to your `versions` table, either at installation time with the `rails generate paper_trail:install --with-changes` option or manually, PaperTrail will store the `changes` diff (excluding any attributes PaperTrail is ignoring) in each `update` version. You can use the `version.changeset` method to retrieve it. For example: ```ruby widget = Widget.create :name => 'Bob' widget.versions.last.changeset # { # "name"=>[nil, "Bob"], # "created_at"=>[nil, 2015-08-10 04:10:40 UTC], # "updated_at"=>[nil, 2015-08-10 04:10:40 UTC], # "id"=>[nil, 1] # } widget.update_attributes :name => 'Robert' widget.versions.last.changeset # { # "name"=>["Bob", "Robert"], # "updated_at"=>[2015-08-10 04:13:19 UTC, 2015-08-10 04:13:19 UTC] # } widget.destroy widget.versions.last.changeset # {} ``` The `object_changes` are only stored for creation and updates, not when an object is destroyed. Please be aware that PaperTrail doesn't use diffs internally. When I designed PaperTrail I wanted simplicity and robustness so I decided to make each version of an object self-contained. A version stores all of its object's data, not a diff from the previous version. This means you can delete any version without affecting any other. To diff non-adjacent versions you'll have to write your own code. These libraries may help: For diffing two strings: * [htmldiff][19]: expects but doesn't require HTML input and produces HTML output. Works very well but slows down significantly on large (e.g. 5,000 word) inputs. * [differ][20]: expects plain text input and produces plain text/coloured/HTML/any output. Can do character-wise, word-wise, line-wise, or arbitrary-boundary-string-wise diffs. Works very well on non-HTML input. * [diff-lcs][21]: old-school, line-wise diffs. For diffing two ActiveRecord objects: * [Jeremy Weiskotten's PaperTrail fork][22]: uses ActiveSupport's diff to return an array of hashes of the changes. * [activerecord-diff][23]: rather like ActiveRecord::Dirty but also allows you to specify which columns to compare. If you wish to selectively record changes for some models but not others you can opt out of recording changes by passing `:save_changes => false` to your `has_paper_trail` method declaration. ## Deleting Old Versions Over time your `versions` table will grow to an unwieldy size. Because each version is self-contained (see the Diffing section above for more) you can simply delete any records you don't want any more. For example: ```sql sql> delete from versions where created_at < 2010-06-01; ``` ```ruby PaperTrail::Version.delete_all ["created_at < ?", 1.week.ago] ``` ## Finding Out Who Was Responsible For A Change Set `PaperTrail.whodunnit=`, and that value will be stored in the version's `whodunnit` column. ```ruby PaperTrail.whodunnit = 'Andy Stewart' widget.update_attributes :name => 'Wibble' widget.versions.last.whodunnit # Andy Stewart ``` If your controller has a `current_user` method, PaperTrail provides a `before_filter` that will assign `current_user.id` to `PaperTrail.whodunnit`. You can add this `before_filter` to your `ApplicationController`. ```ruby class ApplicationController before_filter :set_paper_trail_whodunnit end ``` You may want `set_paper_trail_whodunnit` to call a different method to find out who is responsible. To do so, override the `user_for_paper_trail` method in your controller like this: ```ruby class ApplicationController def user_for_paper_trail logged_in? ? current_member.id : 'Public user' # or whatever end end ``` See also: [Setting whodunnit in the rails console][33] Sometimes you want to define who is responsible for a change in a small scope without overwriting value of `PaperTrail.whodunnit`. It is possible to define the `whodunnit` value for an operation inside a block like this: ```ruby PaperTrail.whodunnit = 'Andy Stewart' widget.whodunnit('Lucas Souza') do widget.update_attributes :name => 'Wibble' end widget.versions.last.whodunnit # Lucas Souza widget.update_attributes :name => 'Clair' widget.versions.last.whodunnit # Andy Stewart widget.whodunnit('Ben Atkins') { |w| w.update_attributes :name => 'Beth' } # this syntax also works widget.versions.last.whodunnit # Ben Atkins ``` A version's `whodunnit` records who changed the object causing the `version` to be stored. Because a version stores the object as it looked before the change (see the table above), `whodunnit` returns who stopped the object looking like this -- not who made it look like this. Hence `whodunnit` is aliased as `terminator`. To find out who made a version's object look that way, use `version.paper_trail_originator`. And to find out who made a "live" object look like it does, call `paper_trail_originator` on the object. ```ruby widget = Widget.find 153 # assume widget has 0 versions PaperTrail.whodunnit = 'Alice' widget.update_attributes :name => 'Yankee' widget.paper_trail_originator # 'Alice' PaperTrail.whodunnit = 'Bob' widget.update_attributes :name => 'Zulu' widget.paper_trail_originator # 'Bob' first_version, last_version = widget.versions.first, widget.versions.last first_version.whodunnit # 'Alice' first_version.paper_trail_originator # nil first_version.terminator # 'Alice' last_version.whodunnit # 'Bob' last_version.paper_trail_originator # 'Alice' last_version.terminator # 'Bob' ``` ## Associations **Experimental feature**, see caveats below. PaperTrail can restore three types of associations: Has-One, Has-Many, and Has-Many-Through. In order to do this, you will need to create a `version_associations` table, either at installation time with the `rails generate paper_trail:install --with-associations` option or manually. PaperTrail will store in that table additional information to correlate versions of the association and versions of the model when the associated record is changed. When reifying the model, PaperTrail can use this table, together with the `transaction_id` to find the correct version of the association and reify it. The `transaction_id` is a unique id for version records created in the same transaction. It is used to associate the version of the model and the version of the association that are created in the same transaction. To restore Has-One associations as they were at the time, pass option `:has_one => true` to `reify`. To restore Has-Many and Has-Many-Through associations, use option `:has_many => true`. For example: ```ruby class Location < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :treasure has_paper_trail end class Treasure < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :location has_paper_trail end treasure.amount # 100 treasure.location.latitude # 12.345 treasure.update_attributes :amount => 153 treasure.location.update_attributes :latitude => 54.321 t = treasure.versions.last.reify(:has_one => true) t.amount # 100 t.location.latitude # 12.345 ``` If the parent and child are updated in one go, PaperTrail can use the aforementioned `transaction_id` to reify the models as they were before the transaction (instead of before the update to the model). ```ruby treasure.amount # 100 treasure.location.latitude # 12.345 Treasure.transaction do treasure.location.update_attributes :latitude => 54.321 treasure.update_attributes :amount => 153 end t = treasure.versions.last.reify(:has_one => true) t.amount # 100 t.location.latitude # 12.345, instead of 54.321 ``` By default, PaperTrail excludes an associated record from the reified parent model if the associated record exists in the live model but did not exist as at the time the version was created. This is usually what you want if you just want to look at the reified version. But if you want to persist it, it would be better to pass in option `:mark_for_destruction => true` so that the associated record is included and marked for destruction. Note that `mark_for_destruction` only has [an effect on associations marked with `autosave: true`][32]. ```ruby class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail has_one :wotsit, autosave: true end class Wotsit < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail belongs_to :widget end widget = Widget.create(:name => 'widget_0') widget.update_attributes(:name => 'widget_1') widget.create_wotsit(:name => 'wotsit') widget_0 = widget.versions.last.reify(:has_one => true) widget_0.wotsit # nil widget_0 = widget.versions.last.reify(:has_one => true, :mark_for_destruction => true) widget_0.wotsit.marked_for_destruction? # true widget_0.save! widget.reload.wotsit # nil ``` **Caveats:** 1. Not compatible with [transactional tests][34], aka. transactional fixtures. This is a known issue [#542](https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/issues/542) that we'd like to solve. 1. Requires database timestamp columns with fractional second precision. - Sqlite and postgres timestamps have fractional second precision by default. [MySQL timestamps do not][35]. Furthermore, MySQL 5.5 and earlier do not support fractional second precision at all. - Also, support for fractional seconds in MySQL was not added to rails until ActiveRecord 4.2 (https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/14359). 1. PaperTrail can't restore an association properly if the association record can be updated to replace its parent model (by replacing the foreign key) 1. Currently PaperTrail only support single `version_associations` table. The implication is that you can only use a single table to store the versions for all related models. Sorry for those who use multiple version tables. 1. PaperTrail only reifies the first level of associations, i.e., it does not reify any associations of its associations, and so on. 1. PaperTrail relies on the callbacks on the association model (and the :through association model for Has-Many-Through associations) to record the versions and the relationship between the versions. If the association is changed without invoking the callbacks, Reification won't work. Below are some examples: Given these models: ```ruby class Book < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :authorships, :dependent => :destroy has_many :authors, :through => :authorships, :source => :person has_paper_trail end class Authorship < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :book belongs_to :person has_paper_trail # NOTE end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :authorships, :dependent => :destroy has_many :books, :through => :authorships has_paper_trail end ``` Then each of the following will store authorship versions: ```ruby @book.authors << @dostoyevsky @book.authors.create :name => 'Tolstoy' @book.authorships.last.destroy @book.authorships.clear @book.author_ids = [@solzhenistyn.id, @dostoyevsky.id] ``` But none of these will: ```ruby @book.authors.delete @tolstoy @book.author_ids = [] @book.authors = [] ``` Having said that, you can apparently get all these working (I haven't tested it myself) with this patch: ```ruby # In config/initializers/active_record_patch.rb module ActiveRecord # = Active Record Has Many Through Association module Associations class HasManyThroughAssociation < HasManyAssociation #:nodoc: alias_method :original_delete_records, :delete_records def delete_records(records, method) method ||= :destroy original_delete_records(records, method) end end end end ``` See [issue 113][16] for a discussion about this. ## Storing Metadata You can store arbitrary model-level metadata alongside each version like this: ```ruby class Article < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :author has_paper_trail :meta => { :author_id => :author_id, :word_count => :count_words, :answer => 42 } def count_words 153 end end ``` PaperTrail will call your proc with the current article and store the result in the `author_id` column of the `versions` table. Don't forget to add any such columns to your `versions` table. ### Advantages of Metadata Why would you do this? In this example, `author_id` is an attribute of `Article` and PaperTrail will store it anyway in a serialized form in the `object` column of the `version` record. But let's say you wanted to pull out all versions for a particular author; without the metadata you would have to deserialize (reify) each `version` object to see if belonged to the author in question. Clearly this is inefficient. Using the metadata you can find just those versions you want: ```ruby PaperTrail::Version.where(:author_id => author_id) ``` ### Metadata from Controllers You can also store any information you like from your controller. Override the `info_for_paper_trail` method in your controller to return a hash whose keys correspond to columns in your `versions` table. ```ruby class ApplicationController def info_for_paper_trail { :ip => request.remote_ip, :user_agent => request.user_agent } end end ``` ### Protected Attributes and Metadata If you are using rails 3 or the [protected_attributes][17] gem you must declare your metadata columns to be `attr_accessible`. ```ruby # app/models/paper_trail/version.rb module PaperTrail class Version < ActiveRecord::Base include PaperTrail::VersionConcern attr_accessible :author_id, :word_count, :answer end end ``` If you're using [strong_parameters][18] instead of [protected_attributes][17] then there is no need to use `attr_accessible`. ## Custom Version Classes You can specify custom version subclasses with the `:class_name` option: ```ruby class PostVersion < PaperTrail::Version # custom behaviour, e.g: self.table_name = :post_versions end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail :class_name => 'PostVersion' end ``` Unlike ActiveRecord's `class_name`, you'll have to supply the complete module path to the class (e.g. `Foo::BarVersion` if your class is inside the module `Foo`). ### Advantages 1. For models which have a lot of versions, storing each model's versions in a separate table can improve the performance of certain database queries. 1. Store different version [metadata](#storing-metadata) for different models. ### Configuration If you are using Postgres, you should also define the sequence that your custom version class will use: ```ruby class PostVersion < PaperTrail::Version self.table_name = :post_versions self.sequence_name = :post_versions_id_seq end ``` If you only use custom version classes and don't have a `versions` table, you must let ActiveRecord know that the `PaperTrail::Version` class is an `abstract_class`. ```ruby # app/models/paper_trail/version.rb module PaperTrail class Version < ActiveRecord::Base include PaperTrail::VersionConcern self.abstract_class = true end end ``` You can also specify custom names for the versions and version associations. This is useful if you already have `versions` or/and `version` methods on your model. For example: ```ruby class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail :versions => :paper_trail_versions, :version => :paper_trail_version # Existing versions method. We don't want to clash. def versions ... end # Existing version method. We don't want to clash. def version ... end end ``` ## Custom Serializer By default, PaperTrail stores your changes as a `YAML` dump. You can override this with the serializer config option: ```ruby PaperTrail.serializer = MyCustomSerializer ``` A valid serializer is a `module` (or `class`) that defines a `load` and `dump` method. These serializers are included in the gem for your convenience: * [PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML][24] - Default * [PaperTrail::Serializers::JSON][25] ### PostgreSQL JSON column type support If you use PostgreSQL, and would like to store your `object` (and/or `object_changes`) data in a column of [type `json` or type `jsonb`][26], specify `json` instead of `text` for these columns in your migration: ```ruby create_table :versions do |t| ... t.json :object # Full object changes t.json :object_changes # Optional column-level changes ... end ``` If you use the PostgreSQL `json` or `jsonb` column type, you do not need to specify a `PaperTrail.serializer`. #### Convert existing YAML data to JSON If you've been using PaperTrail for a while with the default YAML serializer and you want to switch to JSON or JSONB, you're in a bit of a bind because there's no automatic way to migrate your data. The first (slow) option is to loop over every record and parse it in Ruby, then write to a temporary column: ```ruby add_column :versions, :object, :new_object, :jsonb # or :json PaperTrail::Version.reset_column_information PaperTrail::Version.find_each do |version| version.update_column :new_object, YAML.load(version.object) end remove_column :versions, :object rename_column :versions, :new_object, :object ``` This technique can be very slow if you have a lot of data. Though slow, it is safe in databases where transactions are protected against DDL, such as Postgres. In databases without such protection, such as MySQL, a table lock may be necessary. If the above technique is too slow for your needs, and you're okay doing without PaperTrail data temporarily, you can create the new column without converting the data. ```ruby rename_column :versions, :object, :old_object add_column :versions, :object, :jsonb # or :json ``` After that migration, your historical data still exists as YAML, and new data will be stored as JSON. Next, convert records from YAML to JSON using a background script. ```ruby PaperTrail::Version.where.not(old_object: nil).find_each do |version| version.update_columns old_object: nil, object: YAML.load(version.old_object) end ``` Finally, in another migration, remove the old column. ```ruby remove_column :versions, :old_object ``` If you use the optional `object_changes` column, don't forget to convert it also, using the same technique. #### Convert a Column from Text to JSON If your `object` column already contains JSON data, and you want to change its data type to `json` or `jsonb`, you can use the following [DDL][36]. Of course, if your `object` column contains YAML, you must first convert the data to JSON (see above) before you can change the column type. Using SQL: ```sql alter table versions alter column object type jsonb using object::jsonb; ``` Using ActiveRecord: ```ruby class ConvertVersionsObjectToJson < ActiveRecord::Migration def up change_column :versions, :object, 'jsonb USING object::jsonb' end def down change_column :versions, :object, 'text USING object::text' end end ``` ## Testing You may want to turn PaperTrail off to speed up your tests. See the [Turning PaperTrail Off/On](#turning-papertrail-offon) section above for tips on usage with `Test::Unit`. ### RSpec PaperTrail provides a helper that works with [RSpec][27] to make it easier to control when `PaperTrail` is enabled during testing. If you wish to use the helper, you will need to require it in your RSpec test helper like so: ```ruby # spec/rails_helper.rb ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' require 'spec_helper' require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__) require 'rspec/rails' ... require 'paper_trail/frameworks/rspec' ``` When the helper is loaded, PaperTrail will be turned off for all tests by default. When you wish to enable PaperTrail for a test you can either wrap the test in a `with_versioning` block, or pass in `:versioning => true` option to a spec block, like so: ```ruby describe "RSpec test group" do it 'by default, PaperTrail will be turned off' do expect(PaperTrail).to_not be_enabled end with_versioning do it 'within a `with_versioning` block it will be turned on' do expect(PaperTrail).to be_enabled end end it 'can be turned on at the `it` or `describe` level like this', :versioning => true do expect(PaperTrail).to be_enabled end end ``` The helper will also reset the `PaperTrail.whodunnit` value to `nil` before each test to help prevent data spillover between tests. If you are using PaperTrail with Rails, the helper will automatically set the `PaperTrail.controller_info` value to `{}` as well, again, to help prevent data spillover between tests. There is also a `be_versioned` matcher provided by PaperTrail's RSpec helper which can be leveraged like so: ```ruby class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base end describe Widget do it "is not versioned by default" do is_expected.to_not be_versioned end describe "add versioning to the `Widget` class" do before(:all) do class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail end end it "enables paper trail" do is_expected.to be_versioned end end end ``` It is also possible to do assertions on the versions using `have_a_version_with` matcher ``` describe '`have_a_version_with` matcher' do before do widget.update_attributes!(:name => 'Leonard', :an_integer => 1 ) widget.update_attributes!(:name => 'Tom') widget.update_attributes!(:name => 'Bob') end it "is possible to do assertions on versions" do expect(widget).to have_a_version_with :name => 'Leonard', :an_integer => 1 expect(widget).to have_a_version_with :an_integer => 1 expect(widget).to have_a_version_with :name => 'Tom' end end ``` ### Cucumber PaperTrail provides a helper for [Cucumber][28] that works similar to the RSpec helper.If you wish to use the helper, you will need to require in your cucumber helper like so: ```ruby # features/support/env.rb ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "cucumber" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../config/environment') ... require 'paper_trail/frameworks/cucumber' ``` When the helper is loaded, PaperTrail will be turned off for all scenarios by a `before` hook added by the helper by default. When you wish to enable PaperTrail for a scenario, you can wrap code in a `with_versioning` block in a step, like so: ```ruby Given /I want versioning on my model/ do with_versioning do # PaperTrail will be turned on for all code inside of this block end end ``` The helper will also reset the `PaperTrail.whodunnit` value to `nil` before each test to help prevent data spillover between tests. If you are using PaperTrail with Rails, the helper will automatically set the `PaperTrail.controller_info` value to `{}` as well, again, to help prevent data spillover between tests. ### Spork If you wish to use the `RSpec` or `Cucumber` helpers with [Spork][29], you will need to manually require the helper(s) in your `prefork` block on your test helper, like so: ```ruby # spec/rails_helper.rb require 'spork' Spork.prefork do # This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate rspec:install' ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' require 'spec_helper' require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__) require 'rspec/rails' require 'paper_trail/frameworks/rspec' require 'paper_trail/frameworks/cucumber' ... end ``` ### Zeus or Spring If you wish to use the `RSpec` or `Cucumber` helpers with [Zeus][30] or [Spring][31], you will need to manually require the helper(s) in your test helper, like so: ```ruby # spec/rails_helper.rb ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' require 'spec_helper' require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__) require 'rspec/rails' require 'paper_trail/frameworks/rspec' ``` ## Testing PaperTrail Paper Trail has facilities to test against Postgres, Mysql and SQLite. To switch between DB engines you will need to export the DB variable for the engine you wish to test against. Though be aware we do not have the ability to create the db's (except sqlite) for you. You can look at .travis.yml before_script for an example of how to create the db's needed. ``` export DB=postgres export DB=mysql export DB=sqlite # this is default ``` ## Sinatra In order to configure PaperTrail for usage with [Sinatra][12], your `Sinatra` app must be using `ActiveRecord` 3 or 4. It is also recommended to use the [Sinatra ActiveRecord Extension][13] or something similar for managing your applications `ActiveRecord` connection in a manner similar to the way `Rails` does. If using the aforementioned `Sinatra ActiveRecord Extension`, steps for setting up your app with PaperTrail will look something like this: 1. Add PaperTrail to your `Gemfile`. `gem 'paper_trail', '~> 4.0.0'` 2. Generate a migration to add a `versions` table to your database. `bundle exec rake db:create_migration NAME=create_versions` 3. Copy contents of [create_versions.rb][14] into the `create_versions` migration that was generated into your `db/migrate` directory. 4. Run the migration. `bundle exec rake db:migrate` 5. Add `has_paper_trail` to the models you want to track. PaperTrail provides a helper extension that acts similar to the controller mixin it provides for `Rails` applications. It will set `PaperTrail.whodunnit` to whatever is returned by a method named `user_for_paper_trail` which you can define inside your Sinatra Application. (by default it attempts to invoke a method named `current_user`) If you're using the modular [`Sinatra::Base`][15] style of application, you will need to register the extension: ```ruby # bleh_app.rb require 'sinatra/base' class BlehApp < Sinatra::Base register PaperTrail::Sinatra end ``` ## Articles * [Jutsu #8 - Version your RoR models with PaperTrail](http://samurails.com/gems/papertrail/), [Thibault](http://samurails.com/about-me/), 29th September 2014 * [Versioning with PaperTrail](http://www.sitepoint.com/versioning-papertrail), [Ilya Bodrov](http://www.sitepoint.com/author/ibodrov), 10th April 2014 * [Using PaperTrail to track stack traces](http://rubyrailsexpert.com/?p=36), T James Corcoran's blog, 1st October 2013. * [RailsCast #255 - Undo with PaperTrail](http://railscasts.com/episodes/255-undo-with-paper-trail), 28th February 2011. * [Keep a Paper Trail with PaperTrail](http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7528), Linux Magazine, 16th September 2009. ## Problems Please use GitHub's [issue tracker](http://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/issues). ## Contributors Many thanks to: * [Dmitry Polushkin](https://github.com/dmitry) * [Russell Osborne](https://github.com/rposborne) * [Zachery Hostens](http://github.com/zacheryph) * [Jeremy Weiskotten](http://github.com/jeremyw) * [Phan Le](http://github.com/revo) * [jdrucza](http://github.com/jdrucza) * [conickal](http://github.com/conickal) * [Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil](http://github.com/thibaudgg) * Danny Trelogan * [Mikl Kurkov](http://github.com/mkurkov) * [Franco Catena](https://github.com/francocatena) * [Emmanuel Gomez](https://github.com/emmanuel) * [Matthew MacLeod](https://github.com/mattmacleod) * [benzittlau](https://github.com/benzittlau) * [Tom Derks](https://github.com/EgoH) * [Jonas Hoglund](https://github.com/jhoglund) * [Stefan Huber](https://github.com/MSNexploder) * [thinkcast](https://github.com/thinkcast) * [Dominik Sander](https://github.com/dsander) * [Burke Libbey](https://github.com/burke) * [6twenty](https://github.com/6twenty) * [nir0](https://github.com/nir0) * [Eduard Tsech](https://github.com/edtsech) * [Mathieu Arnold](https://github.com/mat813) * [Nicholas Thrower](https://github.com/throwern) * [Benjamin Curtis](https://github.com/stympy) * [Peter Harkins](https://github.com/pushcx) * [Mohd Amree](https://github.com/amree) * [Nikita Cernovs](https://github.com/nikitachernov) * [Jason Noble](https://github.com/jasonnoble) * [Jared Mehle](https://github.com/jrmehle) * [Eric Schwartz](https://github.com/emschwar) * [Ben Woosley](https://github.com/Empact) * [Philip Arndt](https://github.com/parndt) * [Daniel Vydra](https://github.com/dvydra) * [Byron Bowerman](https://github.com/BM5k) * [Nicolas Buduroi](https://github.com/budu) * [Pikender Sharma](https://github.com/pikender) * [Paul Brannan](https://github.com/cout) * [Ben Morrall](https://github.com/bmorrall) * [Yves Senn](https://github.com/senny) * [Ben Atkins](https://github.com/fullbridge-batkins) * [Tyler Rick](https://github.com/TylerRick) * [Bradley Priest](https://github.com/bradleypriest) * [David Butler](https://github.com/dwbutler) * [Paul Belt](https://github.com/belt) * [Vlad Bokov](https://github.com/razum2um) * [Sean Marcia](https://github.com/SeanMarcia) * [Chulki Lee](https://github.com/chulkilee) * [Lucas Souza](https://github.com/lucasas) * [Russell Osborne](https://github.com/rposborne) * [Ben Li](https://github.com/bli) * [Felix Liu](https://github.com/lyfeyaj) ## Inspirations * [Simply Versioned](http://github.com/github/simply_versioned) * [Acts As Audited](http://github.com/collectiveidea/acts_as_audited) ## Intellectual Property Copyright (c) 2011 Andy Stewart (boss@airbladesoftware.com). Released under the MIT licence. [1]: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Locking/Optimistic.html [2]: https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/issues/163 [4]: https://api.travis-ci.org/airblade/paper_trail.svg?branch=master [5]: https://travis-ci.org/airblade/paper_trail [6]: https://img.shields.io/gemnasium/airblade/paper_trail.svg [7]: https://gemnasium.com/airblade/paper_trail [9]: https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/tree/3.0-stable [10]: https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/tree/2.7-stable [11]: https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/tree/rails2 [12]: http://www.sinatrarb.com [13]: https://github.com/janko-m/sinatra-activerecord [14]: https://raw.github.com/airblade/paper_trail/master/lib/generators/paper_trail/templates/create_versions.rb [15]: http://www.sinatrarb.com/intro.html#Modular%20vs.%20Classic%20Style [16]: https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/issues/113 [17]: https://github.com/rails/protected_attributes [18]: https://github.com/rails/strong_parameters [19]: http://github.com/myobie/htmldiff [20]: http://github.com/pvande/differ [21]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs [22]: http://github.com/jeremyw/paper_trail/blob/master/lib/paper_trail/has_paper_trail.rb#L151-156 [23]: http://github.com/tim/activerecord-diff [24]: https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/blob/master/lib/paper_trail/serializers/yaml.rb [25]: https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/blob/master/lib/paper_trail/serializers/json.rb [26]: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/datatype-json.html [27]: https://github.com/rspec/rspec [28]: http://cukes.info [29]: https://github.com/sporkrb/spork [30]: https://github.com/burke/zeus [31]: https://github.com/rails/spring [32]: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/AutosaveAssociation.html#method-i-mark_for_destruction [33]: https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/wiki/Setting-whodunnit-in-the-rails-console [34]: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/591a0bb87fff7583e01156696fbbf929d48d3e54/activerecord/lib/active_record/fixtures.rb#L142 [35]: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/fractional-seconds.html [36]: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/interactive/ddl.html