require 'rails_helper' describe Skipper, :type => :model do with_versioning do it { be_versioned } describe "#update_attributes!", :versioning => true do context "updating a skipped attribute" do let(:t1) {, 7, 15, 20, 34, 0) } let(:t2) {, 7, 15, 20, 34, 30) } it "should not create a version" do skipper = Skipper.create!(:another_timestamp => t1) expect { skipper.update_attributes!(:another_timestamp => t2) }.to_not change { skipper.versions.length } end end end describe "reify" do context "reifying a with a skipped attribute" do let(:t1) {, 7, 15, 20, 34, 0) } let(:t2) {, 7, 15, 20, 34, 30) } context "without preserve (default)" do it "should have no timestamp" do skipper = Skipper.create!(:another_timestamp => t1) skipper.update_attributes!(:another_timestamp => t2, :name => "Foobar") skipper = skipper.versions.last.reify expect(skipper.another_timestamp).to be(nil) end end context "with preserve" do it "should preserve its timestamp" do skipper = Skipper.create!(:another_timestamp => t1) skipper.update_attributes!(:another_timestamp => t2, :name => "Foobar") skipper = skipper.versions.last.reify(:unversioned_attributes => :preserve) expect(skipper.another_timestamp).to eq(t2) end end end end end end