2019-02-27 02:22:32 +02:00
class Pry
class Slop
class Commands
include Enumerable
attr_reader :config, :commands, :arguments
attr_writer :banner
# Create a new instance of Slop::Commands and optionally build
# Slop instances via a block. Any configuration options used in
# this method will be the default configuration options sent to
# each Slop object created.
# config - An optional configuration Hash.
# block - Optional block used to define commands.
# Examples:
# commands = Slop::Commands.new do
# on :new do
# on '-o', '--outdir=', 'The output directory'
# on '-v', '--verbose', 'Enable verbose mode'
# end
# on :generate do
# on '--assets', 'Generate assets', :default => true
# end
# global do
# on '-D', '--debug', 'Enable debug mode', :default => false
# end
# end
# commands[:new].class #=> Slop
# commands.parse
def initialize(config = {}, &block)
@config = config
@commands = {}
@banner = nil
@triggered_command = nil
warn "[DEPRECATED] Slop::Commands is deprecated and will be removed in "\
"Slop version 4. Check out http://injekt.github.com/slop/#commands for "\
"a new implementation of commands."
if block_given?
block.arity == 1 ? yield(self) : instance_eval(&block)
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# Optionally set the banner for this command help output.
# banner - The String text to set the banner.
# Returns the String banner if one is set.
def banner(banner = nil)
@banner = banner if banner
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# Add a Slop instance for a specific command.
# command - A String or Symbol key used to identify this command.
# config - A Hash of configuration options to pass to Slop.
# block - An optional block used to pass options to Slop.
# Returns the newly created Slop instance mapped to command.
def on(command, config = {}, &block)
commands[command.to_s] = Slop.new(@config.merge(config), &block)
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# Add a Slop instance used when no other commands exist.
# config - A Hash of configuration options to pass to Slop.
# block - An optional block used to pass options to Slop.
# Returns the newly created Slop instance mapped to default.
def default(config = {}, &block)
on('default', config, &block)
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# Add a global Slop instance.
# config - A Hash of configuration options to pass to Slop.
# block - An optional block used to pass options to Slop.
# Returns the newly created Slop instance mapped to global.
def global(config = {}, &block)
on('global', config, &block)
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# Fetch the instance of Slop tied to a command.
# key - The String or Symbol key used to locate this command.
# Returns the Slop instance if this key is found, nil otherwise.
def [](key)
alias get []
# Check for a command presence.
# Examples:
# cmds.parse %w( foo )
# cmds.present?(:foo) #=> true
# cmds.present?(:bar) #=> false
# Returns true if the given key is present in the parsed arguments.
def present?(key)
key.to_s == @triggered_command
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# Enumerable interface.
def each(&block)
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# Parse a list of items.
# items - The Array of items to parse.
# Returns the original Array of items.
def parse(items = ARGV)
parse! items.dup
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# Parse a list of items, removing any options or option arguments found.
# items - The Array of items to parse.
# Returns the original Array of items with options removed.
def parse!(items = ARGV)
if (opts = commands[items[0].to_s])
@triggered_command = items.shift
execute_arguments! items
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opts.parse! items
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execute_global_opts! items
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if (opts = commands['default'])
opts.parse! items
2019-03-02 02:03:35 +02:00
raise InvalidCommandError, "Unknown command `#{items[0]}`" if config[:strict] && items[0]
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execute_global_opts! items
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# Returns a nested Hash with Slop options and values. See Slop#to_hash.
def to_hash
Hash[commands.map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v.to_hash] }]
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# Returns the help String.
def to_s
defaults = commands.delete('default')
globals = commands.delete('global')
helps = commands.reject { |_, v| v.options.none? }
2019-03-02 02:03:35 +02:00
helps['Global options'] = globals.to_s if globals && globals.options.any?
helps['Other options'] = defaults.to_s if defaults && defaults.options.any?
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banner = @banner ? "#{@banner}\n" : ""
banner + helps.map { |key, opts| " #{key}\n#{opts}" }.join("\n\n")
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alias help to_s
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# Returns the inspection String.
def inspect
"#<Slop::Commands #{config.inspect} #{commands.values.map(&:inspect)}>"
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# Returns nothing.
def execute_arguments!(items)
@arguments = items.take_while { |arg| !arg.start_with?('-') }
items.shift @arguments.size
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# Returns nothing.
def execute_global_opts!(items)
if (global_opts = commands['global'])
global_opts.parse! items
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