Switch Object#pry to a 'like' pass-through with temporary backwards compatibility.

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Jordon Bedwell 2012-04-01 05:52:50 -05:00
parent 96caaba42e
commit 8462b4d6d9
1 changed files with 22 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -1,34 +1,29 @@
class Object
# Start a Pry REPL.
# This method differs from `Pry.start` in that it does not
# support an options hash. Also, when no parameter is provided, the Pry
# session will start on the implied receiver rather than on
# top-level (as in the case of `Pry.start`).
# It has two forms of invocation. In the first form no parameter
# should be provided and it will start a pry session on the
# receiver. In the second form it should be invoked without an
# explicit receiver and one parameter; this will start a Pry
# session on the parameter.
# @param [Object, Binding] target The receiver of the Pry session.
# @param [Symbol, Symbol] :quiet silences, anything else allows whereami.
# @example First form
# Start a Pry REPL. This method only differs from Pry.start in that it
# will accept a options hash now without the need for a binding and
# will default to the binding `self`. POSSIBLE DEPRICATION WARNING:
# In the future the backwards compatibility with pry(binding) could be
# removed so please properly use Object.pry or if you use pry(binding)
# switch Pry.start(binding).
# @param [Binding] the binding or options hash if no binding needed.
# @param [Hash] the options hash.
# @example First
# "dummy".pry
# @example Second form
# pry "dummy"
# @example Start a Pry session on current self (whatever that is)
# pry
# @example Start a Pry session on a binding without whereami
# binding.pry :quiet
# @example Second
# binding.pry
# @example An example with options
# def my_method
# binding.pry :quiet => true
# end
# my_method()
def pry(target=self, quiet = nil)
if target == :quiet
quiet, target = true, self
# Only :quiet makes it quiet, okay....
quiet = quiet == :quiet ? true : false
def pry(*args)
if args.first.is_a?(Hash) || args.length == 0
Pry.start(target, :quiet => quiet)
# Return a binding object for the receiver.