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synced 2022-11-09 12:35:05 -05:00
Implemented readline history saving (~/.pry_history file by default) along with a bunch of options on Pry.config.history
. Migrating more options over to Pry.config object.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 71 additions and 99 deletions
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ end
Pry.cli = true
# load ~/.pryrc, if not suppressed with -f option
Pry.should_load_rc = !opts.f?
Pry.config.should_load_rc = !opts.f?
# create the actual context
context = Pry.binding_for(eval(opts[:context]))
@ -43,13 +43,6 @@ class Pry
# prompts by default by all Pry instances.
attr_accessor :prompt
# Get/Set the Proc that defines extra Readline completions (on top
# of the ones defined for IRB).
# @return [Proc] The Proc that defines extra Readline completions (on top
# @example Add file names to completion list
# Pry.custom_completions = proc { Dir.entries('.') }
attr_accessor :custom_completions
# The default editor to use. Defaults to $EDITOR or nano if
# $EDITOR is not defined.
# If `editor` is a String then that string is used as the shell
@ -73,6 +66,10 @@ class Pry
# Determines whether the rc file (~/.pryrc) should be loaded.
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :should_load_rc
# Determines whether plugins should be loaded.
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :should_load_plugins
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
require 'ostruct'
require 'forwardable'
require 'pry/config'
# @author John Mair (banisterfiend)
class Pry
@ -11,6 +12,12 @@ class Pry
class << self
extend Forwardable
# convenience method
def self.delegate_accessors(delagatee, *names)
def_delegators delagatee, *names
def_delegators delagatee, *names.map { |v| "#{v}=" }
# Get nesting data.
# This method should not need to be accessed directly.
# @return [Array] The unparsed nesting information.
@ -31,46 +38,6 @@ class Pry
# @return [Pry] The active Pry instance.
attr_accessor :active_instance
# Get/Set the object to use for input by default by all Pry instances.
# @return [#readline] The object to use for input by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :input
# Get/Set the object to use for output by default by all Pry instances.
# @return [#puts] The object to use for output by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :output
# Get/Set the object to use for commands by default by all Pry instances.
# @return [Pry::CommandBase] The object to use for commands by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :commands
# Get/Set the Proc to use for printing by default by all Pry
# instances.
# This is the 'print' component of the REPL.
# @return [Proc] The Proc to use for printing by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :print
# @return [Proc] The Proc to use for printing exceptions by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :exception_handler
# Get/Set the Hash that defines Pry hooks used by default by all Pry
# instances.
# @return [Hash] The hooks used by default by all Pry instances.
# @example
# Pry.hooks :before_session => proc { puts "hello" },
# :after_session => proc { puts "goodbye" }
attr_accessor :hooks
# Get the array of Procs to be used for the prompts by default by
# all Pry instances.
# @return [Array<Proc>] The array of Procs to be used for the
# prompts by default by all Pry instances.
attr_accessor :prompt
# Get/Set the Proc that defines extra Readline completions (on top
# of the ones defined for IRB).
# @return [Proc] The Proc that defines extra Readline completions (on top
@ -78,44 +45,10 @@ class Pry
# Pry.custom_completions = proc { Dir.entries('.') }
attr_accessor :custom_completions
# Value returned by last executed Pry command.
# @return [Object] The command value
attr_accessor :cmd_ret_value
# # Determines whether colored output is enabled.
# # @return [Boolean]
# attr_accessor :color
# # Determines whether paging (of long blocks of text) is enabled.
# # @return [Boolean]
# attr_accessor :pager
# Determines whether the rc file (~/.pryrc) should be loaded.
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :should_load_rc
# Set to true if Pry is invoked from command line using `pry` executable
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :cli
# The default editor to use. Defaults to $EDITOR or nano if
# $EDITOR is not defined.
# If `editor` is a String then that string is used as the shell
# command to invoke the editor. If `editor` is callable (e.g a
# Proc) then `file` and `line` are passed in as parameters and the
# return value of that callable invocation is used as the exact
# shell command to invoke the editor.
# @example String
# Pry.editor = "emacsclient"
# @example Callable
# Pry.editor = proc { |file, line| "emacsclient #{file} +#{line}" }
# @return [String, #call]
attr_accessor :editor
# @return [OpenStruct] Return Pry's config object.
attr_accessor :config
# @return [Fixnum] The current input line.
attr_accessor :current_line
@ -126,12 +59,17 @@ class Pry
# by default.
attr_accessor :eval_path
# @return [OpenStruct] Return Pry's config object.
attr_accessor :config
# @return [Boolean] Whether Pry was activated from the command line.
attr_accessor :cli
# plugin forwardables
def_delegators :@plugin_manager, :plugins, :load_plugins, :locate_plugins
# config forwardables
def_delegators :@config, :input, :output, :commands, :prompt, :print, :exception_handler, :hooks, :color, :pager, :editor, :has_pry_doc,
:input=, :output=, :commands=, :prompt=, :print=, :exception_handler=, :hooks=, :color=, :pager=, :editor=, :has_pry_doc=
delegate_accessors :@config, :input, :output, :commands, :prompt, :print, :exception_handler,
:hooks, :color, :pager, :editor
# Load the rc files given in the `Pry::RC_FILES` array.
@ -153,10 +91,15 @@ class Pry
# @example
# Pry.start(Object.new, :input => MyInput.new)
def self.start(target=TOPLEVEL_BINDING, options={})
if should_load_rc && !@rc_loaded
@rc_loaded = true
if initial_session?
# note these have to be loaded here rather than in pry_instance as
# we only want them loaded once per entire Pry lifetime, not
# multiple times per each new session (i.e in debugging)
load_rc if Pry.config.should_load_rc
load_history if Pry.config.history.load
load_plugins if Pry.config.should_load_plugins
@initial_session = false
@ -186,6 +129,18 @@ class Pry
# Load Readline history if required.
def self.load_history
history_file = File.expand_path(Pry.config.history.file)
Readline::HISTORY.push(*File.readlines(history_file).map(&:chomp)) if File.exists?(history_file)
# @return [Boolean] Whether this is the first time a Pry session has
# been started since loading the Pry class.
def self.initial_session?
# Run a Pry command from outside a session. The commands available are
# those referenced by `Pry.commands` (the default command set).
# @param [String] arg_string The Pry command (including arguments,
@ -234,25 +189,33 @@ class Pry
config.color = true
config.pager = true
config.editor = default_editor_for_platform
config.should_load_rc = true
config.should_load_plugins = true
config.history ||= OpenStruct.new
config.history.save = true
config.history.load = true
config.history.file = File.expand_path("~/.pry_history")
# Set all the configurable options back to their default values
def self.reset_defaults
@custom_completions = DEFAULT_CUSTOM_COMPLETIONS
@should_load_rc = true
@rc_loaded = false
@cli = false
@current_line = 0
@line_buffer = []
@eval_path = "(pry)"
@initial_session = true
self.custom_completions = DEFAULT_CUSTOM_COMPLETIONS
self.cli = false
self.current_line = 0
self.line_buffer = []
self.eval_path = "(pry)"
# Basic initialization.
def self.init
@config ||= OpenStruct.new
@plugin_manager ||= PluginManager.new
self.config ||= Config.new
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ class Pry
defaults[attribute] = Pry.send attribute
defaults.merge!(options).each do |method, argument|
send "#{method}=", argument
defaults.merge!(options).each_key do |key|
send "#{key}=", defaults[key]
@command_processor = CommandProcessor.new(self)
@ -78,6 +78,11 @@ class Pry
self.class.nesting = v
# @return [Boolean] Whether current session is the top-level session.
def finished_top_level_session?
# Return parent of current Pry session.
# @return [Pry] The parent of the current Pry session.
def parent
@ -119,6 +124,8 @@ class Pry
throw :breakout, break_data
save_history if Pry.config.history.save && finished_top_level_session?
@ -339,6 +346,11 @@ class Pry
!@suppress_output || last_result_is_exception?
# Save readline history to a file.
def save_history
File.open(Pry.config.history.file, 'w') {|f| f.write Readline::HISTORY.to_a.map(&:chomp).join("\n") }
# Returns the appropriate prompt to use.
# This method should not need to be invoked directly.
# @param [Boolean] first_line Whether this is the first line of input
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