Wrap command descriptions to 80 characters. Convert some string options
to symbols (where possible). Align options in code. Remove dots in the
end of switch descriptions.
Signed-off-by: Kyrylo Silin <kyrylosilin@gmail.com>
John "banister" Mair describes the following key features of commands
as classes:
1. It enables people to extend them by either subclassing or
2. It enables them to provide their own API, so that for example, the
Pry::Command::Edit class could have class methods for people to
configure it.
Please, note that I didn't touch easter eggs commands. I also prettified
some strings (your source code reading experience should vastly improve!).
Signed-off-by: Kyrylo Silin <kyrylosilin@gmail.com>
It's easy to find yourself in 'pry-hell' when you've added a binding.pry in a
tight loop, or if you've got pry-rescue or plymouth enabled and you've broken
hundreds of tests. To get out of this, the user can just type 'disable-pry'.
If you suspect in advance that pry is going to be unhelpful you can temporarily
disable it without having to edit the source code of your program by exporting