`rb-inotify` has a dependency on `ffi`, which fails to compile on Ruby 1.9.3
while running on CircleCI. I don't think anyone who develops Pry (seems to be
just me so far) uses Guard in their worfklow. Our repo is missing an obligatory
Guardfile, too, which makes me think it's a very safe change to make (rather
than wasting time with`ffi` and CircleCI).
Fixes#1775 (Drop support for Rubinius)
I am amazed how many hacks we've had just to support Rubinius. It feels good to
be able to remove them and reduce the complexity of the codebase.
Rubocop is a really nice tool when configured properly. A lot of default rules
are very opinionated but the good thing is that it's very easy to disable them.
With help of Rubocop I'd like to improve the quality of Pry's code.
revert to rspec ~> 3.4.0, and simplecov ~> 0.8.0.
rspec 3.5.0 causes random test failures in the test suite.
simplecov 0.12.0 cannot be installed on ruby 1.9 or earlier.
Removes Bacon and Mocha
Reasoning explained in this comment: https://github.com/pry/pry/issues/277#issuecomment-51708712
Mostly this went smoothly. There were a few errors that I fixed along
the way, e.g. tests that were failing but for various reasons still
passed. Should have documented them, but didn't think about it until
very near the end. But generaly, I remember 2 reasons this would happen:
`lambda { raise "omg" }.should.raise(RuntimeError, /not-omg/)` will pass
because the second argument is ignored by Bacon. And `1.should == 2`
will return false instead of raising an error when it is not in an it
block (e.g. if stuck in a describe block, that would just return false)
The only one that I felt unsure about was spec/helpers/table_spec.rb
`Pry::Helpers.tablify_or_one_line('head', %w(ing)).should == 'head: ing'`
This is wrong, but was not failing because it was in a describe block
instead of an it block. In reality, it returns `"head: ing\n"`,
I updated the test to reflect this, though I don't know for sure
this is the right thing to do
This will fail on master until https://github.com/pry/pry/pull/1281 is merged.
This makes https://github.com/pry/pry/pull/1278 unnecessary.
related to #1136 but `? File.exists?` is still not showing me documentation.
thanks to @yui-knk for finding the bug & providing a solution.
https://github.com/johnny5-/pry-bond project adds the enable-bond! and disable-bond! commands,
as well as other features, that enhance the pry&bond experience and make it easier to use and
setup without a manual effort.
see #1165closes#1160