*/7/2011 version 0.9.3 * hist command now excludes last line of input (the command invocation itself) * hist now has `history` alias * `pry -r` requires now happen after plugin loading (so as not to interfere with * new Pry.config.disable_auto_reload option, for turning off auto reloading by edit-method and related * add better error messages for `cd` command * fixed exotic object regression - BasicObject.new etc now return "=> unknown" * added reload-method command (reloads the associated file of a method) * converted: import => import-set, version => pry-version, install => install-command * cat --ex (cats 5 lines above and below line in file where exception was raised) * edit --ex (edits line in file where exception was raised) * Pry.config.command_prefix support * edit -t (opens a temporary file and evals it in current context when closed) 21/6/2011 version 0.9.2 * fixed string interpolation bug (caused valid ruby code not to execute, sorry!) * fixed `ls` command, so it can properly display members of Object and classes, and BasicObject, etc * added a few git related commands to experimental command set, blame and diff 17/6/2011 version 0.9.0 * plugin system * regex commands * show-method works on methods defined in REPL * new command system/API * rubinius core support * more backports to ruby 1.8 * inp/out special locals * _ex_ backtrace navigation object (_ex_.line, _ex_.file) * readline history saving/loading * prompt stack * more hooks * amend-line * play * show-input * edit * much more comprehensive test suite * support for new and old rubygems API * changed -s behaviour of ls (now excludes Object methods) * removed eval-file, lls, lcd, and a few other commands 26/3/2011 version * added slightly better support for YARD * now @param and @return tags are colored green and markdown `code` is syntax highlighted using coderay 26/3/2011 version 0.7.6 * `whereami` command now accepts parameter AROUND, to display AROUND lines on eitherside of invocation line. * made it so `whereami` is invoked even if no method exists in current context (i.e in rspec tests) * added rubinius support for `whereami` invocation in HOOKS by checking for __unknown__.rb rather than just
15/3/2011 version 0.7.0 * add pry-doc support with syntax highlighting for docs * add 'mj' option to ls (restrict to singleton methods) * add _ex_ local to hold last exception raised in an exception 6/3/2011 version 0.6.8 * add whereami command, a la the `ir_b` gem * make whereami run at the start of every session * make .pryrc be loaded by run-time pry sessions 4/3/2011 version 0.6.7 * color support * --simple-prompt for pry commandline * -I mode for pry commandline * --color mode for pry commandline * clean up requires (put them all in one place) * simple-prompt command and toggle-color commandd. 28/2/2011 version 0.6.3 * Using MethodSource 0.3.4 so 1.8 show-method support provided * `Set` class added to list of classes that are inspected 26/2/2011 version 0.6.1 * !@ command alias for exit_all * `cd /` for breaking out to pry top level (jump-to 0) * made `-e` option work in a more effective way for `pry` command line invocation * exit and exit-all commands now accept a parameter, this parameter becomes the return value of repl() * `command` method from CommandBase now accepts a :keep_retval arg that determines if command value is returned to pry session or just `nil` (`nil` was old behaviour) * tests for new :keep_retval and exit-all/exit behaviour; :keep_retval will remain undocumented. 22/2/2011 version 0.5.8 * Added -c (context) option to show-doc, show-methods and eval-file * Fixed up ordering issue of -c and -r parameters to command line pry 21/2/2011 version 0.5.7 * Added pry executable, auto-loads .pryrc in user's home directory, if it exists. 19/2/2011 version 0.5.5 * Added Pry.run_command * More useful error messages * Easter eggs (game and cohen-poem) 17/2/2011 version 0.5.0 * Use clipped version of Pry.view() for large objects * Exit Pry session on ^d * Use Shellwords for breaking up parameters to pry commands * Use OptionParser to parse options for default pry commands * Add version command * Refactor 'status' command: add current method info * Add meth_name_from_binding utility lambda to commands.rb * Add -M, -m, -v(erbose), -a(ll), -s(uper), -l(ocals), -i(ivars), -k(klass vars), etc options to ls * add -M(instance method) options to show-method and show-doc * add --help option to most commands * Get rid of ls_method and ls_imethods (subsumed by more powerful ls) * Get rid of show_idoc and show_imethod * Add special eval-file command that evals target file in current context 27/1/2011 version 0.4.5 * fixed show_method (though fragile as it references __binding_impl__ directly, making a name change to that method difficult 27/1/2011 version 0.4.4 * oops, added examples/ directory 26/1/2011 version 0.4.3 * added alias_command and desc methods to Pry::CommandBase * changed behaviour of ls_methods and ls_imethods to return sorted lists of methods 23/1/2011 version 0.4.1 * made it so a 'def meth;end' in an object Pry session defines singleton methods, not methods on the class (except in the case of immediates) * reorganized documentation, moving customization to a separate wiki file * storing wiki in a nested git repo, as github wiki pages have their own repo * added more tests for new method definition behaviour 21/1/2011 version 0.4.0 * added command API * added many new commands, i.e ls_methods and friends * modified other commands * now accepts greater customization, can modify: input, output, hooks, prompt, print object * added tab completion (even completes commands) * added extensive tests * added examples * many more changes 9/12/2010 version 0.1.3 * Got rid of rubygems dependency, refactored some code. 8/12/2010 version 0.1.2 * now rescuing SyntaxError as well as Racc::Parser error in valid_expression? 8/12/2010 version 0.1.0 * release!