class Pry module DefaultCommands Documentation = do command "ri", "View ri documentation. e.g `ri Array#each`" do |*args| run ".ri", *args end command "show-doc", "Show the comments above METH. Type `show-doc --help` for more info. Aliases: \?" do |*args| target = target() opts = Slop.parse!(args) do |opt| opt.banner unindent <<-USAGE Usage: show-doc [OPTIONS] [METH 1] [METH 2] [METH N] Show the comments above method METH. Tries instance methods first and then methods by default. e.g show-doc hello_method USAGE opt.on :M, "instance-methods", "Operate on instance methods." opt.on :m, :methods, "Operate on methods." opt.on :c, :context, "Select object context to run under.", true do |context| target = Pry.binding_for(target.eval(context)) end opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." opt.on :h, :help, "This message." do output.puts opt end end next if args = [nil] if args.empty? args.each do |method_name| meth_name = method_name if (meth = get_method_object(meth_name, target, opts.to_hash(true))).nil? output.puts "Invalid method name: #{meth_name}. Type `show-doc --help` for help" next end doc, code_type = doc_and_code_type_for(meth) next if !doc next output.puts("No documentation found.") if doc.empty? doc = process_comment_markup(doc, code_type) output.puts make_header(meth, code_type, doc) output.puts "#{text.bold("visibility: ")} #{method_visibility(meth).to_s}" output.puts "#{text.bold("signature: ")} #{signature_for(meth)}" output.puts render_output(opts.flood?, false, doc) doc end end alias_command "?", "show-doc", "" command "stat", "View method information and set _file_ and _dir_ locals. Type `stat --help` for more info." do |*args| target = target() opts = Slop.parse!(args) do |opt| opt.banner unindent <<-USAGE Usage: stat [OPTIONS] [METH] Show method information for method METH and set _file_ and _dir_ locals. e.g: stat hello_method USAGE opt.on :M, "instance-methods", "Operate on instance methods." opt.on :m, :methods, "Operate on methods." opt.on :c, :context, "Select object context to run under.", true do |context| target = Pry.binding_for(target.eval(context)) end opt.on :h, :help, "This message" do output.puts opt end end next if meth_name = args.shift if (meth = get_method_object(meth_name, target, opts.to_hash(true))).nil? output.puts "Invalid method name: #{meth_name}. Type `stat --help` for help" next end if !is_a_c_method?(meth) && !is_a_dynamically_defined_method?(meth) set_file_and_dir_locals(path_line_for(meth).first) end output.puts "Method Information:" output.puts "--" output.puts "Name: " + meth_name output.puts "Owner: " + (meth.owner.to_s ? meth.owner.to_s : "Unknown") output.puts "Visibility: " + method_visibility(meth).to_s output.puts "Type: " + (meth.is_a?(Method) ? "Bound" : "Unbound") output.puts "Arity: " + meth.arity.to_s output.puts "Method Signature: " + signature_for(meth) output.puts "Source location: " + (meth.source_location ? meth.source_location.join(":") : "Not found.") end command "gist-method", "Gist a method to github. Type `gist-method --help` for more info.", :requires_gem => "gist" do |*args| require 'gist' target = target() opts = Slop.parse!(args) do |opt| opt.banner unindent <<-USAGE Usage: gist-method [OPTIONS] [METH] Gist the method (doc or source) to github. Ensure the `gist` gem is properly working before use. for instructions. e.g: gist -m my_method e.g: gist -d my_method USAGE opt.on :m, :method, "Gist a method's source." opt.on :d, :doc, "Gist a method's documentation." opt.on :p, :private, "Create a private gist (default: true)", :default => true opt.on :h, :help, "This message" do output.puts opt end end next if # This needs to be extracted into its own method as it's shared # by show-method and show-doc and stat commands meth_name = args.shift if (meth = get_method_object(meth_name, target, opts.to_hash(true))).nil? output.puts "Invalid method name: #{meth_name}. Type `gist-method --help` for help" next end type_map = { :ruby => "rb", :c => "c", :plain => "plain" } if !opts.doc? content, code_type = code_and_code_type_for(meth) else content, code_type = doc_and_code_type_for(meth) text.no_color do content = process_comment_markup(content, code_type) end code_type = :plain end link = Gist.write([:extension => ".#{type_map[code_type]}", :input => content], opts.p?) output.puts "Gist created at #{link}" end helpers do # paraphrased from awesome_print gem def signature_for(method) if method.respond_to?(:parameters) args = method.parameters.inject([]) do |arr, (type, name)| name ||= (type == :block ? 'block' : "arg#{arr.size + 1}") arr << case type when :req then name.to_s when :opt, :rest then "*#{name}" when :block then "&#{name}" else '?' end end else args = (1..method.arity.abs).map { |i| "arg#{i}" } args[-1] = "*#{args[-1]}" if method.arity < 0 end "#{}(#{args.join(', ')})" end def method_visibility(meth) if meth.owner.public_instance_methods.include? :public elsif meth.owner.protected_instance_methods.include? :protected elsif meth.owner.private_instance_methods.include? :private else :none end end end end end end