class Pry class Command::Cd < Pry::ClassCommand match 'cd' group 'Context' description 'Move into a new context (object or scope).' banner <<-'BANNER' Usage: cd [OPTIONS] [--help] Move into new context (object or scope). As in UNIX shells use `cd ..` to go back, `cd /` to return to Pry top-level and `cd -` to toggle between last two scopes. Complex syntax (e.g `cd ../@x/@y`) also supported. cd @x cd .. cd / cd - BANNER def process state.old_stack ||= [] stack, state.old_stack = context_from_object_path(arg_string, _pry_, state.old_stack) _pry_.binding_stack = stack if stack end end Pry::Commands.add_command(Pry::Command::Cd) end