class Pry class Command::Stat < Pry::ClassCommand match 'stat' group 'Introspection' description 'View method information and set _file_ and _dir_ locals.' command_options :shellwords => false banner <<-'BANNER' Usage: stat [OPTIONS] [METH] Show method information for method METH and set _file_ and _dir_ locals. stat hello_method BANNER def options(opt) method_options(opt) end def process meth = method_object aliases = meth.aliases output.puts unindent <<-EOS Method Information: -- Name: #{} Alias#{ "es" if aliases.length > 1 }: #{ aliases.any? ? aliases.join(", ") : "None." } Owner: #{meth.owner ? meth.owner : "Unknown"} Visibility: #{meth.visibility} Type: #{meth.is_a?(::Method) ? "Bound" : "Unbound"} Arity: #{meth.arity} Method Signature: #{meth.signature} Source Location: #{meth.source_location ? meth.source_location.join(":") : "Not found."} EOS end end Pry::Commands.add_command(Pry::Command::Stat) end