require 'pp' require 'pry/forwardable' require 'pry/input_lock' require 'pry/exceptions' require 'pry/helpers/base_helpers' require 'pry/hooks' class Pry # The default hooks - display messages when beginning and ending Pry sessions. DEFAULT_HOOKS =, :default) do |_out, _target, _pry_| next if _pry_.quiet? _pry_.run_command("whereami --quiet") end # The default print DEFAULT_PRINT = proc do |_output, value, _pry_| do |pager| pager.print _pry_.config.output_prefix Pry::ColorPrinter.pp(value, pager, Pry::Terminal.width! - 1) end end # may be convenient when working with enormous objects and # pretty_print is too slow SIMPLE_PRINT = proc do |output, value| begin output.puts value.inspect rescue RescuableException output.puts "unknown" end end # useful when playing with truly enormous objects CLIPPED_PRINT = proc do |output, value| output.puts Pry.view_clip(value, id: true) end # Will only show the first line of the backtrace DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_HANDLER = proc do |output, exception, _| if UserError === exception && SyntaxError === exception output.puts "SyntaxError: #{exception.message.sub(/.*syntax error, */m, '')}" else output.puts "#{exception.class}: #{exception.message}" output.puts "from #{exception.backtrace.first}" if exception.respond_to? :cause cause = exception.cause while cause output.puts "Caused by #{cause.class}: #{cause}\n" output.puts "from #{cause.backtrace.first}" cause = cause.cause end end end end # Deal with the ^D key being pressed. Different behaviour in different cases: # 1. In an expression behave like `!` command. # 2. At top-level session behave like `exit` command. # 3. In a nested session behave like `cd ..`. DEFAULT_CONTROL_D_HANDLER = proc do |eval_string, _pry_| if !eval_string.empty? eval_string.replace('') # Clear input buffer. elsif _pry_.binding_stack.clear throw(:breakout) else # Otherwise, saves current binding stack as old stack and pops last # binding out of binding stack (the old stack still has that binding). _pry_.command_state["cd"] ||= Pry::Config.from_hash({}) # FIXME _pry_.command_state['cd'].old_stack = _pry_.binding_stack.dup _pry_.binding_stack.pop end end DEFAULT_SYSTEM = proc do |output, cmd, _| if !system(cmd) output.puts "Error: there was a problem executing system command: #{cmd}" end end # This is to keep from breaking under Rails 3.2 for people who are doing that # IRB = Pry thing. module ExtendCommandBundle; end end require 'method_source' require 'shellwords' require 'stringio' require 'strscan' require 'coderay' require 'pry/slop' require 'rbconfig' require 'tempfile' require 'pathname' require 'pry/version' require 'pry/repl' require 'pry/code' require 'pry/ring' require 'pry/helpers' require 'pry/code_object' require 'pry/method' require 'pry/wrapped_module' require 'pry/history' require 'pry/command' require 'pry/command_set' require 'pry/commands' require 'pry/plugins' require 'pry/core_extensions' require 'pry/basic_object' require "pry/prompt" require 'pry/config/behavior' require 'pry/config/memoization' require 'pry/config/default' require 'pry/config/convenience' require 'pry/config' require 'pry/pry_class' require 'pry/pry_instance' require 'pry/cli' require 'pry/color_printer' require 'pry/pager' require 'pry/terminal' require 'pry/editor' require 'pry/rubygem' require "pry/indent" require "pry/last_exception" require "pry/inspector" require 'pry/object_path' require 'pry/output'