require_relative 'helper' describe Pry::Hooks do before do @hooks = end describe "adding a new hook" do it 'should not execute hook while adding it' do run = false @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) { run = true } run.should == false end it 'should not allow adding of a hook with a duplicate name' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) {} lambda { @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) {} }.should.raise ArgumentError end it 'should create a new hook with a block' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) { } @hooks.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 1 end it 'should create a new hook with a callable' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name, proc { }) @hooks.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 1 end it 'should use block if given both block and callable' do run = false foo = false @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name, proc { foo = true }) { run = true } @hooks.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 1 @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook) run.should == true foo.should == false end it 'should raise if not given a block or any other object' do lambda { @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) }.should.raise ArgumentError end it 'should create multiple hooks for an event' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) {} @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name2) {} @hooks.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 2 end it 'should return a count of 0 for an empty hook' do @hooks.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 0 end end describe "Pry::Hooks#merge" do describe "merge!" do it 'should merge in the Pry::Hooks' do h1 =, :testing) {} h2 = h2.merge!(h1) h2.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing).should == h1.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing) end it 'should not share merged elements with original' do h1 =, :testing) {} h2 = h2.merge!(h1) h2.add_hook(:test_hook, :testing2) {} h2.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing2).should.not == h1.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing2) end it 'should NOT overwrite hooks belonging to shared event in receiver' do h1 =, :testing) {} callable = proc {} h2 =, :testing2, callable) h2.merge!(h1) h2.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing2).should == callable end it 'should overwrite identical hook in receiver' do callable1 = proc { :one } h1 =, :testing, callable1) callable2 = proc { :two } h2 =, :testing, callable2) h2.merge!(h1) h2.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing).should == callable1 h2.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 1 end it 'should preserve hook order' do name = "" h1 = h1.add_hook(:test_hook, :testing3) { name << "h" } h1.add_hook(:test_hook, :testing4) { name << "n" } h2 = h2.add_hook(:test_hook, :testing1) { name << "j" } h2.add_hook(:test_hook, :testing2) { name << "o" } h2.merge!(h1) h2.exec_hook(:test_hook) name.should == "john" end describe "merge" do it 'should return a fresh, independent instance' do h1 =, :testing) {} h2 = h3 = h2.merge(h1) h3.should.not == h1 h3.should.not == h2 end it 'should contain hooks from original instance' do h1 =, :testing) {} h2 =, :testing) {} h3 = h2.merge(h1) h3.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing).should == h1.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing) h3.get_hook(:test_hook2, :testing).should == h2.get_hook(:test_hook2, :testing) end it 'should not affect original instances when new hooks are added' do h1 =, :testing) {} h2 =, :testing) {} h3 = h2.merge(h1) h3.add_hook(:test_hook3, :testing) {} h1.get_hook(:test_hook3, :testing).should == nil h2.get_hook(:test_hook3, :testing).should == nil end end end end describe "dupping a Pry::Hooks instance" do it 'should share hooks with original' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :testing) do :none_such end hooks_dup = @hooks.dup hooks_dup.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing).should == @hooks.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing) end it 'adding a new event to dupped instance should not affect original' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :testing) { :none_such } hooks_dup = @hooks.dup hooks_dup.add_hook(:other_test_hook, :testing) { :okay_man } hooks_dup.get_hook(:other_test_hook, :testing).should.not == @hooks.get_hook(:other_test_hook, :testing) end it 'adding a new hook to dupped instance should not affect original' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :testing) { :none_such } hooks_dup = @hooks.dup hooks_dup.add_hook(:test_hook, :testing2) { :okay_man } hooks_dup.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing2).should.not == @hooks.get_hook(:test_hook, :testing2) end end describe "getting hooks" do describe "get_hook" do it 'should return the correct requested hook' do run = false fun = false @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) { run = true } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name2) { fun = true } @hooks.get_hook(:test_hook, :my_name).call run.should == true fun.should == false end it 'should return nil if hook does not exist' do @hooks.get_hook(:test_hook, :my_name).should == nil end end describe "get_hooks" do it 'should return a hash of hook names/hook functions for an event' do hook1 = proc { 1 } hook2 = proc { 2 } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name1, hook1) @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name2, hook2) hash = @hooks.get_hooks(:test_hook) hash.size.should == 2 hash[:my_name1].should == hook1 hash[:my_name2].should == hook2 end it 'should return an empty hash if no hooks defined' do @hooks.get_hooks(:test_hook).should == {} end end end describe "clearing all hooks for an event" do it 'should clear all hooks' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) { } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name2) { } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name3) { } @hooks.clear(:test_hook) @hooks.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 0 end end describe "deleting a hook" do it 'should successfully delete a hook' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) {} @hooks.delete_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) @hooks.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 0 end it 'should return the deleted hook' do run = false @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) { run = true } @hooks.delete_hook(:test_hook, :my_name).call run.should == true end it 'should return nil if hook does not exist' do @hooks.delete_hook(:test_hook, :my_name).should == nil end end describe "executing a hook" do it 'should execute block hook' do run = false @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name) { run = true } @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook) run.should == true end it 'should execute proc hook' do run = false @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name, proc { run = true }) @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook) run.should == true end it 'should execute a general callable hook' do callable = do |obj| obj.instance_variable_set(:@test_var, nil) class << obj attr_accessor :test_var def call() @test_var = true; end end end @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name, callable) @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook) callable.test_var.should == true end it 'should execute all hooks for an event if more than one is defined' do x = nil y = nil @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name1) { y = true } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name2) { x = true } @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook) x.should == true y.should == true end it 'should execute hooks in order' do array = [] @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name1) { array << 1 } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name2) { array << 2 } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name3) { array << 3 } @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook) array.should == [1, 2, 3] end it 'return value of exec_hook should be that of last executed hook' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name1) { 1 } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name2) { 2 } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :my_name3) { 3 } @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook).should == 3 end it 'should add exceptions to the errors array' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :foo1) { raise 'one' } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :foo2) { raise 'two' } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :foo3) { raise 'three' } @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook) == ['one', 'two', 'three'] end it 'should return the last exception raised as the return value' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :foo1) { raise 'one' } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :foo2) { raise 'two' } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, :foo3) { raise 'three' } @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook).should == @hooks.errors.last end end describe "integration tests" do describe "when_started hook" do it 'should yield options to the hook' do options = nil Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:when_started, :test_hook) { |target, opt, _| options = opt } redirect_pry_io("exit"), do Pry.start binding, :hello => :baby end options[:hello].should == :baby Pry.config.hooks.delete_hook(:when_started, :test_hook) end describe "target" do it 'should yield the target, as a binding ' do b = nil Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:when_started, :test_hook) { |target, opt, _| b = target } redirect_pry_io("exit"), do Pry.start 5, :hello => :baby end b.is_a?(Binding).should == true Pry.config.hooks.delete_hook(:when_started, :test_hook) end it 'should yield the target to the hook' do b = nil Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:when_started, :test_hook) { |target, opt, _| b = target } redirect_pry_io("exit"), do Pry.start 5, :hello => :baby end b.eval('self').should == 5 Pry.config.hooks.delete_hook(:when_started, :test_hook) end end it 'should allow overriding of target (and binding_stack)' do options = nil o = class << o; attr_accessor :value; end Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:when_started, :test_hook) { |target, opt, _pry_| _pry_.binding_stack = [Pry.binding_for(o)] } redirect_pry_io("@value = true","exit-all")) do Pry.start binding, :hello => :baby end o.value.should == true Pry.config.hooks.delete_hook(:when_started, :test_hook) end end describe "after_session hook" do it 'should always run, even if uncaught exception bubbles out of repl' do o = o.great_escape = old_ew = Pry.config.exception_whitelist Pry.config.exception_whitelist << o.great_escape array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] begin redirect_pry_io("raise great_escape"), do Pry.start o, :hooks =>, :cleanup) { array = nil } end rescue => ex exception = ex end # ensure that an exception really was raised and it broke out # of the repl exception.is_a?(o.great_escape).should == true # check that after_session hook ran array.should == nil # cleanup after test Pry.config.exception_whitelist = old_ew end describe "before_eval hook" do describe "modifying input code" do it 'should replace input code with code determined by hook' do hooks =, :quirk) { |code, pry| code.replace(":little_duck") } redirect_pry_io(":jemima", "exit-all"), out = do Pry.start(self, :hooks => hooks) end out.string.should =~ /little_duck/ out.string.should.not =~ /jemima/ end it 'should not interfere with command processing when replacing input code' do commands = do import_from Pry::Commands, "exit-all" command "how-do-you-like-your-blue-eyed-boy-now-mister-death" do output.puts "in hours of bitterness i imagine balls of sapphire, of metal" end end hooks =, :quirk) { |code, pry| code.replace(":little_duck") } redirect_pry_io("how-do-you-like-your-blue-eyed-boy-now-mister-death", "exit-all"), out = do Pry.start(self, :hooks => hooks, :commands => commands) end out.string.should =~ /in hours of bitterness i imagine balls of sapphire, of metal/ out.string.should.not =~ /little_duck/ end end end describe "exceptions" do before do Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:after_eval, :baddums){ raise "Baddums" } Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:after_eval, :simbads){ raise "Simbads" } end after do Pry.config.hooks.delete_hook(:after_eval, :baddums) Pry.config.hooks.delete_hook(:after_eval, :simbads) end it "should not raise exceptions" do lambda{ mock_pry("1", "2", "3") }.should.not.raise end it "should print out a notice for each exception raised" do mock_pry("1").should =~ /after_eval hook failed: RuntimeError: Baddums\n.*after_eval hook failed: RuntimeError: Simbads/m end end end end describe "anonymous hooks" do it 'should allow adding of hook without a name' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, nil) {} @hooks.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 1 end it 'should only allow one anonymous hook to exist' do @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, nil) { } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, nil) { } @hooks.hook_count(:test_hook).should == 1 end it 'should execute most recently added anonymous hook' do x = nil y = nil @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, nil) { y = 1 } @hooks.add_hook(:test_hook, nil) { x = 2 } @hooks.exec_hook(:test_hook) y.should == nil x.should == 2 end end end