class Pry Pry::Commands.create_command "cat", "Show code from a file, Pry's input buffer, or the last exception." do banner <<-USAGE Usage: cat FILE cat --ex [STACK_INDEX] cat --in [INPUT_INDEX_OR_RANGE] cat is capable of showing part or all of a source file, the context of the last exception, or an expression from Pry's input history. cat --ex defaults to showing the lines surrounding the location of the last exception. Invoking it more than once travels up the exception's backtrace, and providing a number shows the context of the given index of the backtrace. USAGE def options(opt) opt.on :ex, "Show the context of the last exception.", :optional_argument => true, :as => Integer opt.on :i, :in, "Show one or more entries from Pry's expression history.", :optional_argument => true, :as => Range, :default => -5..-1 opt.on :s, :start, "Starting line (defaults to the first line).", :optional_argument => true, :as => Integer opt.on :e, :end, "Ending line (defaults to the last line).", :optional_argument => true, :as => Integer opt.on :l, :'line-numbers', "Show line numbers." opt.on :t, :type, "The file type for syntax highlighting (e.g., 'ruby' or 'python').", :argument => true, :as => Symbol opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." end def process handler = case when opts.present?(:ex) method :process_ex when opts.present?(:in) method :process_in else method :process_file end output = do |code| code.code_type = opts[:type] || :ruby code.between(opts[:start] || 1, opts[:end] || -1). with_line_numbers(opts.present?(:'line-numbers') || opts.present?(:ex)) end render_output(output, opts) end def process_ex window_size = Pry.config.default_window_size || 5 ex = _pry_.last_exception raise CommandError, "No exception found." unless ex if opts[:ex].nil? bt_index = ex.bt_index ex.inc_bt_index else bt_index = opts[:ex] ex.bt_index = bt_index ex.inc_bt_index end ex_file, ex_line = ex.bt_source_location_for(bt_index) raise CommandError, "The given backtrace level is out of bounds." unless ex_file if RbxPath.is_core_path?(ex_file) ex_file = RbxPath.convert_path_to_full(ex_file) end set_file_and_dir_locals(ex_file) start_line = ex_line - window_size start_line = 1 if start_line < 1 end_line = ex_line + window_size header = unindent <<-HEADER #{text.bold 'Exception:'} #{ex.class}: #{ex.message} -- #{text.bold('From:')} #{ex_file} @ line #{ex_line} @ #{text.bold("level: #{bt_index}")} of backtrace (of #{ex.backtrace.size - 1}). HEADER code = yield(Pry::Code.from_file(ex_file). between(start_line, end_line). with_marker(ex_line)) "#{header}#{code}" end def process_in normalized_range = absolute_index_range(opts[:i], _pry_.input_array.length) input_items = _pry_.input_array[normalized_range] || [] zipped_items = { |_, s| s.nil? || s == "" } unless zipped_items.length > 0 raise CommandError, "No expressions found." end if zipped_items.length > 1 contents = "" zipped_items.each do |i, s| contents << "#{text.bold(i.to_s)}:\n" contents << yield(Pry::Code(s).with_indentation(2)).to_s end else contents = yield(Pry::Code(zipped_items.first.last)) end contents end def process_file file_name = args.shift unless file_name raise CommandError, "Must provide a filename, --in, or --ex." end file_name, line_num = file_name.split(':') file_name = File.expand_path(file_name) set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name) code = yield(Pry::Code.from_file(file_name)) code.code_type = opts[:type] || detect_code_type_from_file(file_name) if line_num code = code.around(line_num.to_i, Pry.config.default_window_size || 7) end code end def detect_code_type_from_file(file_name) name, ext = File.basename(file_name).split('.', 2) if ext case ext when "py" :python when "rb", "gemspec", "rakefile", "ru" :ruby when "js" return :javascript when "yml", "prytheme" :yaml when "groovy" :groovy when "c" :c when "cpp" :cpp when "java" :java else :text end else case name when "Rakefile", "Gemfile" :ruby else :text end end end end end