class Pry module DefaultCommands Shell = do command(/\.(.*)/, "All text following a '.' is forwarded to the shell.", :listing => ".", :use_prefix => false) do |cmd| if cmd =~ /^cd\s+(.+)/i dest = $1 begin Dir.chdir File.expand_path(dest) rescue Errno::ENOENT output.puts "No such directory: #{dest}" end else if !system(cmd) output.puts "Error: there was a problem executing system command: #{cmd}" end end end command "shell-mode", "Toggle shell mode. Bring in pwd prompt and file completion." do case Pry.active_instance.prompt when Pry::SHELL_PROMPT Pry.active_instance.pop_prompt Pry.active_instance.custom_completions = Pry::DEFAULT_CUSTOM_COMPLETIONS else Pry.active_instance.push_prompt Pry::SHELL_PROMPT Pry.active_instance.custom_completions = Pry::FILE_COMPLETIONS Readline.completion_proc = Pry::InputCompleter.build_completion_proc target, Pry.active_instance.instance_eval(&Pry::FILE_COMPLETIONS) end end alias_command "file-mode", "shell-mode", "" command "cat", "Show output of file FILE. Type `cat --help` for more information." do |*args| start_line = 0 end_line = -1 file_name = nil opts = Slop.parse!(args) do |opt| opt.on :s, :start, "Start line (defaults to start of file)Line 1 is the first line.", true, :as => Integer do |line| start_line = line - 1 end opt.on :e, :end, "End line (defaults to end of file). Line -1 is the last line", true, :as => Integer do |line| end_line = line - 1 end opt.on :ex, "Show a window of N lines around last exception (defaults to 5).", :optional => true, :as => Integer do |window_size| window_size ||= 5 ex = Pry.last_exception next if !ex start_line = (ex.line - 1) - window_size start_line = start_line < 0 ? 0 : start_line end_line = (ex.line - 1) + window_size file_name = ex.file end opt.on :l, "line-numbers", "Show line numbers." opt.on :t, :type, "The specific file type for syntax higlighting (e.g ruby, python)", true, :as => Symbol opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." opt.on :h, :help, "This message." do output.puts opt end end next if if opts.ex? next output.puts "No Exception or Exception has no associated file." if file_name.nil? next output.puts "Cannot cat exceptions raised in REPL." if Pry.eval_path == file_name else file_name = args.shift end if !file_name output.puts "Must provide a file name." next end contents, normalized_start_line, _ = read_between_the_lines(file_name, start_line, end_line) # add the arrow pointing to line that caused the exception if opts.ex? contents = do |line, idx| l = idx + start_line if l == (Pry.last_exception.line - 1) "=> #{line}" else " #{line}" end end.join end if Pry.color contents = syntax_highlight_by_file_type_or_specified(contents, file_name, opts[:type]) end set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name) render_output(opts.flood?, opts.l? ? normalized_start_line + 1 : false, contents) contents end end end end