direc = File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'rubygems' require "#{direc}/../lib/pry" class MathCommands < Pry::CommandBase command "greet", "Greet a person, e.g: greet john" do |name| output.puts "Good afternoon #{name.capitalize}! Do you like Math?" end command "add", "Add a list of numbers together, e.g: add 1 2 3 4" do |*args| output.puts "Total: #{args.map(&:to_f).inject(&:+)}" end command "multiply", "Multiply a list of numbers together, e.g: multiply 1 2 3 4" do |*args| output.puts "Total: #{args.map(&:to_f).inject(&:*)}" end # Explicitly giving a description of "" to prevent command being # displayed in 'help' command "exit", "" do throw :breakout, 0 end # Bring in the "!" method from Pry::Commands import_from Pry::Commands, "!" end # Since we provide math commands, let's have mathematical # before_session and after_session hooks, and a mathematical prompt math_prompt = [proc { "math> " }, proc { "math* " }] math_hooks = { :before_session => proc { |output, *| output.puts "Welcome! Let's do some math! Type 'help' for a list of commands." }, :after_session => proc { |output, *| output.puts "Goodbye!" } } # Start a Pry session using the commands defined in MyCommands # Type 'help' in Pry to get a list of the commands and their descriptions Pry.start(TOPLEVEL_BINDING, :commands => MathCommands, :prompt => math_prompt, :hooks => math_hooks)