class Pry module DefaultCommands Documentation = do create_command "ri", "View ri documentation. e.g `ri Array#each`" do banner <<-BANNER Usage: ri [spec] e.g. ri Array#each Relies on the ri executable being available. See also: show-doc. BANNER def process run ".ri", *args end end create_command "show-doc", "Show the comments above METH. Type `show-doc --help` for more info. Aliases: \?", :shellwords => false do |*args| banner <<-BANNER Usage: show-doc [OPTIONS] [METH] Show the comments above method METH. Tries instance methods first and then methods by default. e.g show-doc hello_method BANNER def options(opt) method_options(opt) opt.on :l, "line-numbers", "Show line numbers." opt.on :b, "base-one", "Show line numbers but start numbering at 1 (useful for `amend-line` and `play` commands)." opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." end def process meth = method_object raise Pry::CommandError, "No documentation found." if meth.doc.nil? || meth.doc.empty? doc = process_comment_markup(meth.doc, meth.source_type) output.puts make_header(meth, doc) output.puts "#{text.bold("Owner:")} #{meth.owner || "N/A"}" output.puts "#{text.bold("Visibility:")} #{meth.visibility}" output.puts "#{text.bold("Signature:")} #{meth.signature}" output.puts if opts.present?(:b) || opts.present?(:l) doc =, start_line, :text). with_line_numbers(true) end render_output(doc, opts) end def start_line if opts.present?(:'base-one') 1 else (method_object.source_line - method_object.doc.lines.count) || 1 end end end alias_command "?", "show-doc" create_command "stat", "View method information and set _file_ and _dir_ locals. Type `stat --help` for more info.", :shellwords => false do |*args| banner <<-BANNER Usage: stat [OPTIONS] [METH] Show method information for method METH and set _file_ and _dir_ locals. e.g: stat hello_method BANNER def options(opt) method_options(opt) end def process meth = method_object output.puts unindent <<-EOS Method Information: -- Name: #{} Owner: #{meth.owner ? meth.owner : "Unknown"} Visibility: #{meth.visibility} Type: #{meth.is_a?(::Method) ? "Bound" : "Unbound"} Arity: #{meth.arity} Method Signature: #{meth.signature} Source Location: #{meth.source_location ? meth.source_location.join(":") : "Not found."} EOS end end create_command "gist", "Gist a method or expression history to github. Type `gist --help` for more info.", :requires_gem => "gist", :shellwords => false do banner <<-USAGE Usage: gist [OPTIONS] [METH] Gist method (doc or source) or input expression to github. Ensure the `gist` gem is properly working before use. for instructions. e.g: gist -m my_method e.g: gist -d my_method e.g: gist -i 1..10 e.g: gist -c show-method e.g: gist -m hello_world --lines 2..-2 USAGE attr_accessor :content attr_accessor :code_type def setup require 'gist' self.content = "" self.code_type = :ruby end def options(opt) opt.on :m, :method, "Gist a method's source.", true do |meth_name| meth = get_method_or_raise(meth_name, target, {}) self.content << meth.source self.code_type = meth.source_type end opt.on :d, :doc, "Gist a method's documentation.", true do |meth_name| meth = get_method_or_raise(meth_name, target, {}) text.no_color do self.content << process_comment_markup(meth.doc, self.code_type) end self.code_type = :plain end opt.on :c, :command, "Gist a command's source.", true do |command_name| command = find_command(command_name) block = self.content << block.source end opt.on :f, :file, "Gist a file.", true do |file| self.content << end opt.on :p, :public, "Create a public gist (default: false)", :default => false opt.on :l, :lines, "Only gist a subset of lines.", :optional => true, :as => Range, :default => 1..-1 opt.on :i, :in, "Gist entries from Pry's input expression history. Takes an index or range.", :optional => true, :as => Range, :default => -5..-1 do |range| range = convert_to_range(range) input_expressions = _pry_.input_array[range] || [] Array(input_expressions).each_with_index do |code, index| corrected_index = index + range.first if code && code != "" self.content << code if code !~ /;\Z/ self.content << "#{comment_expression_result_for_gist([corrected_index]))}" end end end end end def process perform_gist end def perform_gist type_map = { :ruby => "rb", :c => "c", :plain => "plain" } if self.content =~ /\A\s*\z/ raise CommandError, "Found no code to gist." end # prevent Gist from exiting the session on error begin extname = opts.present?(:file) ? ".#{gist_file_extension(opts[:f])}" : ".#{type_map[self.code_type]}" if opts.present?(:lines) self.content = restrict_to_lines(content, opts[:l]) end link = Gist.write([:extension => extname, :input => self.content], !opts[:p]) rescue SystemExit end if link Gist.copy(link) output.puts "Gist created at #{link} and added to clipboard." end end def gist_file_extension(file_name) file_name.split(".").last end def convert_to_range(n) if !n.is_a?(Range) (n..n) else n end end def comment_expression_result_for_gist(result) content = "" result.lines.each_with_index do |line, index| if index == 0 content << "# => #{line}" else content << "# #{line}" end end content end end end end end