require_relative 'helper' describe Pry::Code do describe '.from_file' do should 'read lines from a file on disk' do Pry::Code.from_file('lib/pry.rb').length.should > 0 end should 'read lines from Pry\'s line buffer' do pry_eval ':hay_guys' Pry::Code.from_file('(pry)').grep(/:hay_guys/).length.should == 1 end should 'default to unknown' do temp_file('') do |f| Pry::Code.from_file(f.path).code_type.should == :unknown end end should 'check the extension' do temp_file('.c') do |f| Pry::Code.from_file(f.path).code_type.should == :c end end should 'raise an error if the file doesn\'t exist' do proc do Pry::Code.from_file('/knalkjsdnalsd/alkjdlkq') end.should.raise(MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError) end should 'check for files relative to origin pwd' do Dir.chdir('spec') do |f| Pry::Code.from_file('spec/' + File.basename(__FILE__)).code_type.should == :ruby end end should 'check for Ruby files relative to origin pwd with `.rb` omitted' do Dir.chdir('spec') do |f| Pry::Code.from_file('spec/' + File.basename(__FILE__, '.*')).code_type.should == :ruby end end should 'find files that are relative to the current working directory' do Dir.chdir('spec') do |f| Pry::Code.from_file(File.basename(__FILE__)).code_type.should == :ruby end end describe 'find Ruby files relative to $LOAD_PATH' do before do $LOAD_PATH << 'spec/fixtures' end after do $LOAD_PATH.delete 'spec/fixtures' end it 'finds files with `.rb` extension' do Pry::Code.from_file('slinky.rb').code_type.should == :ruby end it 'finds files with `.rb` omitted' do Pry::Code.from_file('slinky').code_type.should == :ruby end it 'finds files in a relative directory with `.rb` extension' do Pry::Code.from_file('../helper.rb').code_type.should == :ruby end it 'finds files in a relative directory with `.rb` omitted' do Pry::Code.from_file('../helper').code_type.should == :ruby end it "doesn't confuse files with the same name, but without an extension" do Pry::Code.from_file('cat_load_path').code_type.should == :unknown end it "doesn't confuse files with the same name, but with an extension" do Pry::Code.from_file('cat_load_path.rb').code_type.should == :ruby end end end describe '.from_method' do should 'read lines from a method\'s definition' do m = Pry::Method.from_obj(Pry, :load_history) Pry::Code.from_method(m).length.should > 0 end end describe '#initialize' do before do @str = Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers.unindent <<-CODE def hay :guys end CODE @array = ['def hay', ' :guys', 'end'] end should 'break a string into lines' do == 3 end should 'accept an array' do == 3 end it 'an array or string should produce an equivalent object' do == end end describe 'filters and formatters' do before do @code = Pry::Code(Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers.unindent <<-STR) class MyProgram def self.main puts 'Hello, world!' end end STR end describe 'filters' do describe '#between' do should 'work with an inclusive range' do @code = @code.between(1..3) @code.length.should == 3 @code.should =~ /\Aclass MyProgram/ @code.should =~ /world!'\Z/ end should 'default to an inclusive range' do @code = @code.between(3, 5) @code.length.should == 3 end should 'work with an exclusive range' do @code = @code.between(2...4) @code.length.should == 2 @code.should =~ /\A def self/ @code.should =~ /world!'\Z/ end should 'use real line numbers for positive indices' do @code = @code.after(3, 3) @code = @code.between(4, 4) @code.length.should == 1 @code.should =~ /\A end\Z/ end end describe '#before' do should 'work' do @code = @code.before(3, 1) @code.should =~ /\A def self\.main\Z/ end end describe '#around' do should 'work' do @code = @code.around(3, 1) @code.length.should == 3 @code.should =~ /\A def self/ @code.should =~ / end\Z/ end end describe '#after' do should 'work' do @code = @code.after(3, 1) @code.should =~ /\A end\Z/ end end describe '#grep' do should 'work' do @code = @code.grep(/end/) @code.length.should == 2 end end end describe 'formatters' do describe '#with_line_numbers' do should 'show line numbers' do @code = @code.with_line_numbers @code.should =~ /1:/ end should 'disable line numbers when falsy' do @code = @code.with_line_numbers @code = @code.with_line_numbers(false) @code.should.not =~ /1:/ end end describe '#with_marker' do should 'show a marker in the right place' do @code = @code.with_marker(2) @code.should =~ /^ => def self/ end should 'disable the marker when falsy' do @code = @code.with_marker(2) @code = @code.with_marker(false) @code.should =~ /^ def self/ end end describe '#with_indentation' do should 'indent the text' do @code = @code.with_indentation(2) @code.should =~ /^ def self/ end should 'disable the indentation when falsy' do @code = @code.with_indentation(2) @code = @code.with_indentation(false) @code.should =~ /^ def self/ end end end describe 'composition' do describe 'grep and with_line_numbers' do should 'work' do @code = @code.grep(/end/).with_line_numbers @code.should =~ /\A4: end/ @code.should =~ /5: end\Z/ end end describe 'grep and before and with_line_numbers' do should 'work' do @code = @code.grep(/e/).before(5, 5).with_line_numbers @code.should =~ /\A2: def self.main\n3:/ @code.should =~ /4: end\Z/ end end describe 'before and after' do should 'work' do @code = @code.before(4, 2).after(2) @code.should == " puts 'Hello, world!'" end end end end end