require_relative '../helper' MyKlass = do def hello "timothy" end def goodbye "jenny" end def tea_tim? "timothy" end def tea_time? "polly" end end describe "find-method" do describe "find matching methods by name regex (-n option)" do it "should find a method by regex" do pry_eval("find-method hell MyKlass").should =~ /MyKlass.*?hello/m end it "should NOT match a method that does not match the regex" do pry_eval("find-method hell MyKlass").should.not =~ /MyKlass.*?goodbye/m end end describe "find matching methods by content regex (-c option)" do it "should find a method by regex" do pry_eval("find-method -c timothy MyKlass").should =~ /MyKlass.*?hello/m end it "should NOT match a method that does not match the regex" do pry_eval("find-method timothy MyKlass").should.not =~ /MyKlass.*?goodbye/m end end it "should work with badly behaved constants" do MyKlass::X = def (MyKlass::X).hash raise "mooo" end pry_eval("find-method -c timothy MyKlass").should =~ /MyKlass.*?hello/m end it "should escape regexes correctly" do good = /tea_time\?/ bad = /tea_tim\?/ pry_eval('find-method tea_time? MyKlass').should =~ good pry_eval('find-method tea_time? MyKlass').should =~ good pry_eval('find-method tea_time\? MyKlass').should.not =~ bad pry_eval('find-method tea_time\? MyKlass').should =~ good end end Object.remove_const(:MyKlass)