class Pry # N.B. using a regular expresion here so that "raise-up 'foo'" does the right thing. Pry::Commands.create_command(/raise-up(!?\b.*)/) do group 'Context' description "Raise an exception out of the current pry instance." command_options :listing => 'raise-up' banner <<-BANNER Raise up, like exit, allows you to quit pry. Instead of returning a value however, it raises an exception. If you don't provide the exception to be raised, it will use the most recent exception (in pry _ex_). e.g. `raise-up "get-me-out-of-here"` is equivalent to: `raise "get-me-out-of-here" raise-up` When called as raise-up! (with an exclamation mark), this command raises the exception through any nested prys you have created by "cd"ing into objects. BANNER def process return stagger_output help if captures[0] =~ /(-h|--help)\b/ # Handle 'raise-up', 'raise-up "foo"', 'raise-up RuntimeError, 'farble' in a rubyesque manner target.eval("_pry_.raise_up#{captures[0]}") end end end