require 'helper' describe "edit-method" do describe "on a method defined in a file" do before do @tempfile =['pry', '*.rb']) @tempfile.puts <<-EOS module A def a :yup end def b :kinda end end class X include A def self.x :double_yup end def x :nope end def b super end alias c b def y? :because end class B G = :nawt def foo :possibly G end end end EOS @tempfile.flush load @tempfile.path end after do @tempfile.close(true) end describe 'without -p' do before do @old_editor = Pry.config.editor @file = @line = @contents = nil Pry.config.editor = lambda do |file, line| @file = file; @line = line nil end end after do Pry.config.editor = @old_editor end it "should correctly find a class method" do pry_eval 'edit-method X.x' @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 14 end it "should correctly find an instance method" do pry_eval 'edit-method X#x' @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 18 end it "should correctly find a method on an instance" do pry_eval 'x =', 'edit-method x.x' @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 18 end it "should correctly find a method from a module" do pry_eval 'edit-method X#a' @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 2 end it "should correctly find an aliased method" do pry_eval 'edit-method X#c' @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 22 end end describe 'with -p' do before do @old_editor = Pry.config.editor Pry.config.editor = lambda do |file, line| lines = lines[1] = ":maybe\n", 'w') do |f| f.write(lines.join) end @patched_def = String(lines[1]).chomp nil end end after do Pry.config.editor = @old_editor end it "should successfully replace a class method" do pry_eval 'edit-method -p X.x' class << X X.method(:x).owner.should == self end X.method(:x).receiver.should == X X.x.should == :maybe end it "should successfully replace an instance method" do pry_eval 'edit-method -p X#x' X.instance_method(:x).owner.should == X == :maybe end it "should successfully replace a method on an instance" do pry_eval 'instance =', 'edit-method -p instance.x' instance = instance.method(:x).owner.should == X instance.x.should == :maybe end it "should successfully replace a method from a module" do pry_eval 'edit-method -p X#a' X.instance_method(:a).owner.should == A == :maybe end it "should successfully replace a method with a question mark" do pry_eval 'edit-method -p X#y?' X.instance_method(:y?).owner.should == X == :maybe end it "should preserve module nesting" do pry_eval 'edit-method -p X::B#foo' X::B.instance_method(:foo).owner.should == X::B == :nawt end describe "monkey-patching" do before do @edit = 'edit-method --patch ' # A shortcut. end # @param [Integer] lineno # @return [String] the stripped line from the tempfile at +lineno+ def stripped_line_at(lineno) @tempfile.rewind @tempfile.lines.to_a[lineno].strip end # Applies the monkey patch for +method+ with help of evaluation of # +eval_strs+. The idea is to capture the initial line number (before # the monkey patch), because it gets overwritten by the line number from # the monkey patch. And our goal is to check that the original # definition hasn't changed. # @param [UnboundMethod] method # @param [Array] eval_strs # @return [Array