class Pry # Prompt represents the Pry prompt and holds necessary procs and constants to # be used with Readline-like libraries. # # @since v0.11.0 # @api private module Prompt # @return [String] DEFAULT_NAME = 'pry'.freeze # @return [Array] the list of objects that are known to have a # 1-line #inspect output suitable for prompt SAFE_CONTEXTS = [String, Numeric, Symbol, nil, true, false].freeze # @return [String] DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = "[%s] %s(%s)%s%s ".freeze # @return [String] SHELL_TEMPLATE = "%s %s:%s %s ".freeze # @return [String] NAV_TEMPLATE = "[%s] (%s) %s: %s> ".freeze class << self private # @return [Proc] the default prompt def default(separator) proc do |context, nesting, _pry_| format( DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, in_count: _pry_.input_ring.count, name: _pry_.config.prompt_name, context: Pry.view_clip(context), nesting: (nesting > 0 ? ":#{nesting}" : ''), separator: separator ) end end # @return [Proc] the shell prompt def shell(separator) proc do |context, _nesting, _pry_| format( SHELL_TEMPLATE, name: _pry_.config.prompt_name, context: Pry.view_clip(context), pwd: Dir.pwd, separator: separator ) end end # @return [Proc] the nav prompt def nav proc do |_context, _nesting, _pry_| tree = { |b| Pry.view_clip(b.eval('self')) } format( NAV_TEMPLATE, in_count: _pry_.input_ring.count, name: _pry_.config.prompt_name, tree: tree.join(' / '), stack_size: _pry_.binding_stack.size - 1 ) end end end # The default Pry prompt, which includes the context and nesting level. # @return [Array] DEFAULT = [default('>'), default('*')].freeze # Simple prompt doesn't display target or nesting level. # @return [Array] SIMPLE = [proc { '>> ' }, proc { ' | ' }].freeze # @return [Array] NO_PROMPT = { proc { '' } }.freeze # @return [Array] SHELL = [shell('$'), shell('*')].freeze # A prompt that includes the full object path as well as # input/output (_in_ and _out_) information. Good for navigation. NAV = { nav }.freeze # @return [Hash{String=>Hash}] MAP = { "default" => { value: DEFAULT, description: "The default Pry prompt. Includes information about the\n" \ "current expression number, evaluation context, and nesting\n" \ "level, plus a reminder that you're using Pry.".freeze }, "simple" => { value: SIMPLE, description: "A simple '>>'.".freeze }, "nav" => { value: NAV, description: "A prompt that displays the binding stack as a path and\n" \ "includes information about _in_ and _out_.".freeze }, "none" => { value: NO_PROMPT, description: "Wave goodbye to the Pry prompt.".freeze } }.freeze end end