require 'helper' describe "Sticky locals (_file_ and friends)" do it 'locals should all exist upon initialization' do proc { pry_eval '_file_', '_dir_', '_ex_', '_pry_', '_' }.should.not.raise(NameError) end it 'locals should still exist after cd-ing into a new context' do proc { pry_eval 'cd 0', '_file_', '_dir_', '_ex_', '_pry_', '_' }.should.not.raise(NameError) end it 'locals should keep value after cd-ing (_pry_)' do pry_tester.tap do |t| pry = t.eval '_pry_' t.eval 'cd 0' t.eval('_pry_').should == pry end end # Using mock_pry here until we figure out exception handling it 'locals should keep value after cd-ing (_ex_)' do mock_pry("error blah;", "$x = _ex_;", "cd 0", "_ex_ == $x").should =~ /true/ end it 'locals should keep value after cd-ing (_file_ and _dir_)' do Pry.commands.command "file-and-dir-test" do set_file_and_dir_locals("/blah/ostrich.rb") end pry_eval('file-and-dir-test', 'cd 0', '_file_'). should =~ /\/blah\/ostrich\.rb/ pry_eval('file-and-dir-test', 'cd 0', '_dir_'). should =~ /\/blah/ Pry.commands.delete "file-and-dir-test" end describe "User defined sticky locals" do describe "setting as Pry.config option" do it 'should define a new sticky local for the session (normal value)' do Pry.config.extra_sticky_locals[:test_local] = :john o = redirect_pry_io("@value = test_local", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(o) end o.instance_variable_get(:@value).should == :john Pry.config.extra_sticky_locals = {} end it 'should define a new sticky local for the session (proc)' do Pry.config.extra_sticky_locals[:test_local] = proc { :john } o = redirect_pry_io("@value = test_local", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(o) end o.instance_variable_get(:@value).should == :john Pry.config.extra_sticky_locals = {} end end describe "passing in as hash option when creating pry instance" do it 'should define a new sticky local for the session (normal value)' do o = redirect_pry_io("@value = test_local", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(o, :extra_sticky_locals => { :test_local => :john } ) end o.instance_variable_get(:@value).should == :john end it 'should define multiple sticky locals' do o = redirect_pry_io("@value1 = test_local1", "@value2 = test_local2", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(o, :extra_sticky_locals => { :test_local1 => :john , :test_local2 => :carl} ) end o.instance_variable_get(:@value1).should == :john o.instance_variable_get(:@value2).should == :carl end it 'should define a new sticky local for the session (as Proc)' do o = redirect_pry_io("@value = test_local", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(o, :extra_sticky_locals => { :test_local => proc { :john }} ) end o.instance_variable_get(:@value).should == :john end end describe "hash option value should override config value" do it 'should define a new sticky local for the session (normal value)' do Pry.config.extra_sticky_locals[:test_local] = :john o = redirect_pry_io("@value = test_local", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(o, :extra_sticky_locals => { :test_local => :carl }) end o.instance_variable_get(:@value).should == :carl Pry.config.extra_sticky_locals = {} end end it 'should create a new sticky local' do t = pry_tester t.eval "_pry_.add_sticky_local(:test_local){ :test_value }" t.eval("test_local").should == :test_value end it 'should still exist after cd-ing into new binding' do t = pry_tester t.eval "_pry_.add_sticky_local(:test_local){ :test_value }" t.eval "cd" t.eval("test_local").should == :test_value end it 'should provide different values for successive block invocations' do pry = pry.push_binding binding pry.add_sticky_local(:test_local) { rand } value1 = pry.evaluate_ruby 'test_local' value2 = pry.evaluate_ruby 'test_local' value1.should.not == value2 end end end