class Pry class Hooks def initialize @hooks = {} end # Add a new hook to be executed for the `name` even. # @param [Symbol] name The name of the event. # @param [Symbol] hook_function_name The name of the hook. # @param [#call] callable The callable. # @yield The block to use as the callable (if `callable` parameter not provided) def add_hook(name, hook_function_name, callable=nil, &block) @hooks[name] ||= {} if block @hooks[name][hook_function_name] = block elsif callable @hooks[name][hook_function_name] = callable else raise ArgumentError, "Must provide a block or callable." end self end # Execute the list of hooks for the `name` event. # @param [Symbol] name The name of the event. # @param [Array] args The arguments to pass to each hook function. # @return [Hash] The return values for each of the hook functions. def exec_hook(name, *args, &block) @hooks[name] ||= {} Hash[@hooks[name] { |k, v| [k,*args, &block)] }] end # Return the number of hook functions registered for the `name` event. # @param [Symbol] name The name of the event. # @return [Fixnum] The number of hook functions for the `name` event. def hook_count(name) @hooks[name] ||= {} @hooks[name].size end # Return the hash of hook names / hook functions for a # given event. # @param [Symbol] name The name of the event. # @return [Hash] def get_hook(name, hook_function_name) @hooks[name] ||= {} @hooks[name][hook_function_name] end # Delete a hook for an event. # @param [Symbol] name The name of the event. # @param [Symbol] hook_function_name The name of the hook. # to delete. # @return [#call] The deleted hook. def delete_hook(name, hook_function_name) @hooks[name] ||= {} @hooks[name].delete(hook_function_name) end # Clear all hooks functions for a given event. # @param [String] name The name of the event. def clear(name) @hooks[name] = {} end end end