class Pry class Command::Ls < Pry::ClassCommand class Globals < Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter # Taken from "puts global_variables.inspect". BUILTIN_GLOBALS = %w($" $$ $* $, $-0 $-F $-I $-K $-W $-a $-d $-i $-l $-p $-v $-w $. $/ $\\ $: $; $< $= $> $0 $ARGV $CONSOLE $DEBUG $DEFAULT_INPUT $DEFAULT_OUTPUT $FIELD_SEPARATOR $FILENAME $FS $IGNORECASE $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR $KCODE $LOADED_FEATURES $LOAD_PATH $NR $OFS $ORS $OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR $PID $PROCESS_ID $PROGRAM_NAME $RS $VERBOSE $deferr $defout $stderr $stdin $stdout) # `$SAFE` and `$?` are thread-local, the exception stuff only works in a # rescue clause, everything else is basically a local variable with a `$` # in its name. PSEUDO_GLOBALS = %w($! $' $& $` $@ $? $+ $_ $~ $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $CHILD_STATUS $SAFE $ERROR_INFO $ERROR_POSITION $LAST_MATCH_INFO $LAST_PAREN_MATCH $LAST_READ_LINE $MATCH $POSTMATCH $PREMATCH) def initialize(target, opts) super(target) @default_switch = opts[:globals] end def output_self variables = format(@target.eval('global_variables')) output_section('global variables', grep.regexp[variables]) end def format(globals) globals.sort_by(&:downcase).map do |name| if PSEUDO_GLOBALS.include?(name) color(:pseudo_global, name) elsif BUILTIN_GLOBALS.include?(name) color(:builtin_global, name) else color(:global_var, name) end end end end end end