# frozen_string_literal: true describe Pry do describe 'loading rc files' do before do Pry.config.rc_file = 'spec/fixtures/testrc' stub_const('Pry::LOCAL_RC_FILE', 'spec/fixtures/testrc/../testrc') Pry.instance_variable_set(:@initial_session, true) Pry.config.should_load_rc = true Pry.config.should_load_local_rc = true end after do Pry.config.should_load_rc = false Object.remove_const(:TEST_RC) if defined?(TEST_RC) end it "should never run the rc file twice" do Pry.start(self, input: StringIO.new("exit-all\n"), output: StringIO.new) expect(TEST_RC).to eq [0] Pry.start(self, input: StringIO.new("exit-all\n"), output: StringIO.new) expect(TEST_RC).to eq [0] end # Resolving symlinks doesn't work on jruby 1.9 [jruby issue #538] unless Pry::Helpers::Platform.jruby_19? it "should not load the rc file twice if it's symlinked differently" do Pry.config.rc_file = 'spec/fixtures/testrc' stub_const('Pry::LOCAL_RC_FILE', 'spec/fixtures/testlinkrc') Pry.start(self, input: StringIO.new("exit-all\n"), output: StringIO.new) expect(TEST_RC).to eq [0] end end it "should not load the pryrc if pryrc's directory permissions do not allow this" do Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| File.chmod 0o000, dir stub_const('Pry::LOCAL_RC_FILE', File.join(dir, '.pryrc')) Pry.config.should_load_rc = true expect do Pry.start(self, input: StringIO.new("exit-all\n"), output: StringIO.new) end.to_not raise_error File.chmod 0o777, dir end end it "should not load the pryrc if it cannot expand ENV[HOME]" do old_home = ENV['HOME'] ENV['HOME'] = nil Pry.config.should_load_rc = true expect do Pry.start(self, input: StringIO.new("exit-all\n"), output: StringIO.new) end.to_not raise_error ENV['HOME'] = old_home end it "should not run the rc file at all if Pry.config.should_load_rc is false" do Pry.config.should_load_rc = false Pry.config.should_load_local_rc = false Pry.start(self, input: StringIO.new("exit-all\n"), output: StringIO.new) expect(Object.const_defined?(:TEST_RC)).to eq false end describe "that raise exceptions" do before do Pry.config.rc_file = 'spec/fixtures/testrcbad' Pry.config.should_load_local_rc = false putsed = nil # YUCK! horrible hack to get round the fact that output is not configured # at the point this message is printed. (class << Pry; self; end).send(:define_method, :puts) do |str| putsed = str end @doing_it = lambda { input = StringIO.new("Object::TEST_AFTER_RAISE=1\nexit-all\n") Pry.start(self, input: input, output: StringIO.new) putsed } end after do Object.remove_const(:TEST_BEFORE_RAISE) Object.remove_const(:TEST_AFTER_RAISE) (class << Pry; undef_method :puts; end) end it "should not raise exceptions" do expect(&@doing_it).to_not raise_error end it "should continue to run pry" do @doing_it[] expect(Object.const_defined?(:TEST_BEFORE_RAISE)).to eq true expect(Object.const_defined?(:TEST_AFTER_RAISE)).to eq true end it "should output an error" do expect(@doing_it.call.split("\n").first).to match( %r{Error loading .*spec/fixtures/testrcbad: messin with ya} ) end end end end