require 'readline' require 'shellwords' class Pry # The list of configuration options. CONFIG_OPTIONS = [:input, :output, :commands, :print, :prompt, :hooks] attr_accessor *CONFIG_OPTIONS # Create a new `Pry` object. # @param [Hash] options The optional configuration parameters. # @option options [#readline] :input The object to use for input. # @option options [#puts] :output The object to use for output. # @option options [Pry::CommandBase] :commands The object to use for # commands. (see commands.rb) # @option options [Hash] :hooks The defined hook Procs (see hooks.rb) # @option options [Array] :default_prompt The array of Procs # to use for the prompts. (see prompts.rb) # @option options [Proc] :print The Proc to use for the 'print' # component of the REPL. (see print.rb) def initialize(options={}) default_options = {} CONFIG_OPTIONS.each { |v| default_options[v] = Pry.send(v) } default_options.merge!(options) CONFIG_OPTIONS.each do |key| instance_variable_set("@#{key}", default_options[key]) end end # Get nesting data. # This method should not need to be accessed directly. # @return [Array] The unparsed nesting information. def nesting self.class.nesting end # Set nesting data. # This method should not need to be accessed directly. # @param v nesting data. def nesting=(v) self.class.nesting = v end # Return parent of current Pry session. # @return [Pry] The parent of the current Pry session. def parent idx = Pry.sessions.index(self) if idx > 0 Pry.sessions[idx - 1] else nil end end # Execute the hook `hook_name`, if it is defined. # @param [Symbol] hook_name The hook to execute # @param [Array] args The arguments to pass to the hook. def exec_hook(hook_name, *args, &block) hooks[hook_name].call(*args, &block) if hooks[hook_name] end # Start a read-eval-print-loop. # If no parameter is given, default to top-level (main). # @param [Object, Binding] target The receiver of the Pry session # @return [Object] The target of the Pry session # @example # def repl(target=TOPLEVEL_BINDING) target = Pry.binding_for(target) target_self = target.eval('self') exec_hook :before_session, output, target_self # cannot rely on nesting.level as # nesting.level changes with new sessions nesting_level = nesting.size Pry.active_instance = self # Make sure special locals exist target.eval("_pry_ = Pry.active_instance") target.eval("_ = Pry.last_result") break_data = catch(:breakout) do nesting.push [nesting.size, target_self, self] loop do rep(target) end end nesting.pop exec_hook :after_session, output, target_self # If break_data is an array, then the last element is the return value break_level, return_value = Array(break_data) # keep throwing until we reach the desired nesting level if nesting_level != break_level throw :breakout, break_data end # if one was provided, return the return value return return_value if return_value # otherwise return the target_self target_self end # Perform a read-eval-print. # If no parameter is given, default to top-level (main). # @param [Object, Binding] target The receiver of the read-eval-print # @example # def rep(target=TOPLEVEL_BINDING) target = Pry.binding_for(target) output, re(target) end # Perform a read-eval # If no parameter is given, default to top-level (main). # @param [Object, Binding] target The receiver of the read-eval-print # @return [Object] The result of the eval or an `Exception` object in case of error. # @example # def re(target=TOPLEVEL_BINDING) target = Pry.binding_for(target) if input == Readline # Readline tab completion Readline.completion_proc = Pry::InputCompleter.build_completion_proc(target, commands.commands.keys) end # eval the expression and save to last_result Pry.last_result = target.eval r(target) # save the pry instance to active_instance Pry.active_instance = self # define locals _pry_ and _ (active instance and last expression) target.eval("_pry_ = Pry.active_instance") target.eval("_ = Pry.last_result") rescue SystemExit => e exit rescue Exception => e e end # Perform a read. # If no parameter is given, default to top-level (main). # This is a multi-line read; so the read continues until a valid # Ruby expression is received. # Pry commands are also accepted here and operate on the target. # @param [Object, Binding] target The receiver of the read. # @return [String] The Ruby expression. # @example # def r(target=TOPLEVEL_BINDING) target = Pry.binding_for(target) eval_string = "" loop do current_prompt = select_prompt(eval_string.empty?, target.eval('self')) val = readline(current_prompt) # exit pry if we receive EOF character if !val output.puts throw(:breakout, nesting.level) end val.chomp! process_commands(val, eval_string, target) eval_string << "#{val}\n" break eval_string if valid_expression?(eval_string) end end # Process Pry commands. Pry commands are not Ruby methods and are evaluated # prior to Ruby expressions. # Commands can be modified/configured by the user: see `Pry::Commands` # This method should not need to be invoked directly - it is called # by `Pry#r`. # @param [String] val The current line of input. # @param [String] eval_string The cumulative lines of input for # multi-line input. # @param [Binding] target The receiver of the commands. def process_commands(val, eval_string, target) def val.clear() replace("") end def eval_string.clear() replace("") end pattern, data = commands.commands.find do |name, data| /^#{name}(?!\S)(?:\s+(.+))?/ =~ val end if pattern args_string = $1 args = args_string ? Shellwords.shellwords(args_string) : [] action = data[:action] options = { :val => val, :eval_string => eval_string, :nesting => nesting, :commands => commands.commands } # set some useful methods to be used by the action blocks commands.opts = options = target commands.output = output case action.arity <=> 0 when -1 # Use instance_exec() to make the `opts` method, etc available commands.instance_exec(*args, &action) when 1, 0 # ensure that we get the right number of parameters # since 1.8.7 complains about incorrect arity (1.9.2 # doesn't care) args_with_corrected_arity = args.values_at *0..(action.arity - 1) commands.instance_exec(*args_with_corrected_arity, &action) end val.clear end end # Returns the next line of input to be used by the pry instance. # This method should not need to be invoked directly. # @param [String] current_prompt The prompt to use for input. # @return [String] The next line of input. def readline(current_prompt="> ") if input == Readline # Readline must be treated differently # as it has a second parameter. input.readline(current_prompt, true) else if input.method(:readline).arity == 1 input.readline(current_prompt) else input.readline end end end # Returns the appropriate prompt to use. # This method should not need to be invoked directly. # @param [Boolean] first_line Whether this is the first line of input # (and not multi-line input). # @param [Object] target_self The receiver of the Pry session. # @return [String] The prompt. def select_prompt(first_line, target_self) if first_line Array(prompt), nesting.level) else Array(prompt), nesting.level) end end if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9/ require 'ripper' # Determine if a string of code is a valid Ruby expression. # Ruby 1.9 uses Ripper, Ruby 1.8 uses RubyParser. # @param [String] code The code to validate. # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the code is a valid Ruby expression. # @example # valid_expression?("class Hello") #=> false # valid_expression?("class Hello; end") #=> true def valid_expression?(code) !! end else require 'ruby_parser' # Determine if a string of code is a valid Ruby expression. # Ruby 1.9 uses Ripper, Ruby 1.8 uses RubyParser. # @param [String] code The code to validate. # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the code is a valid Ruby expression. # @example # valid_expression?("class Hello") #=> false # valid_expression?("class Hello; end") #=> true def valid_expression?(code) rescue Racc::ParseError, SyntaxError false else true end end end