class Pry class Command::PryBacktrace < Pry::ClassCommand match 'pry-backtrace' group 'Context' description 'Show the backtrace for the Pry session.' banner <<-BANNER Usage: pry-backtrace [OPTIONS] [--help] Show the backtrace for the position in the code where Pry was started. This can be used to infer the behavior of the program immediately before it entered Pry, just like the backtrace property of an exception. NOTE: if you are looking for the backtrace of the most recent exception raised, just type: `_ex_.backtrace` instead. See: BANNER def process bold('Backtrace:') << "\n--\n" << _pry_.backtrace.join("\n") end end Pry::Commands.add_command(Pry::Command::PryBacktrace) end