class Pry class Config < Pry::BasicObject class Default include Config::Behavior include Config::Memoization def_memoized({ input: proc { lazy_readline }, output: proc { $stdout.tap { |out| out.sync = true } }, commands: proc { Pry::Commands }, prompt_name: proc { Pry::Prompt::DEFAULT_NAME }, prompt: proc { Pry::Prompt[:default] }, prompt_safe_contexts: proc { Pry::Prompt::SAFE_CONTEXTS }, print: proc { Pry::DEFAULT_PRINT }, quiet: proc { false }, exception_handler: proc { Pry::DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_HANDLER }, unrescued_exceptions: proc { Pry::DEFAULT_UNRESCUED_EXCEPTIONS }, exception_whitelist: proc { warn 'Pry.config.exception_whitelist is deprecated, please use Pry.config.unrescued_exceptions instead.' Pry::DEFAULT_UNRESCUED_EXCEPTIONS }, hooks: proc { Pry::DEFAULT_HOOKS }, pager: proc { true }, system: proc { Pry::DEFAULT_SYSTEM }, color: proc { Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers.use_ansi_codes? }, default_window_size: proc { 5 }, editor: proc { Pry.default_editor_for_platform }, should_load_rc: proc { true }, should_load_local_rc: proc { true }, should_trap_interrupts: proc { Pry::Helpers::Platform.jruby? }, disable_auto_reload: proc { false }, command_prefix: proc { "" }, auto_indent: proc { Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers.use_ansi_codes? }, correct_indent: proc { true }, collision_warning: proc { false }, output_prefix: proc { "=> " }, requires: proc { [] }, should_load_requires: proc { true }, should_load_plugins: proc { true }, windows_console_warning: proc { true }, control_d_handler: proc { Pry::DEFAULT_CONTROL_D_HANDLER }, memory_size: proc { 100 }, extra_sticky_locals: proc { {} }, command_completions: proc { proc { commands.keys } }, file_completions: proc { proc { Dir["."] } }, ls: proc { Pry::Config.from_hash(Pry::Command::Ls::DEFAULT_OPTIONS) }, completer: proc { require "pry/input_completer" Pry::InputCompleter }, gist: proc { Pry::Config.from_hash({inspecter: proc(&:pretty_inspect)}, nil) }, history: proc { Pry::Config.from_hash({should_save: true, should_load: true}, nil).tap do |history| history_file = if File.exist?(File.expand_path('~/.pry_history')) '~/.pry_history' elsif ENV.key?('XDG_DATA_HOME') && ENV['XDG_DATA_HOME'] != '' # See XDG Base Directory Specification at # ENV['XDG_DATA_HOME'] + '/pry/pry_history' else '~/.local/share/pry/pry_history' end history.file = File.expand_path(history_file) end }, exec_string: proc { "" } }) def initialize super(nil) end private def lazy_readline require 'readline' Readline rescue LoadError warn "Sorry, you can't use Pry without Readline or a compatible library." warn "Possible solutions:" warn " * Rebuild Ruby with Readline support using `--with-readline`" warn " * Use the rb-readline gem, which is a pure-Ruby port of Readline" warn " * Use the pry-coolline gem, a pure-ruby alternative to Readline" raise end end end end