# coding: utf-8 require 'helper' describe "Pry#input_stack" do it 'should accept :input_stack as a config option' do stack = [StringIO.new("test")] Pry.new(:input_stack => stack).input_stack.should == stack end it 'should use defaults from Pry.config' do Pry.config.input_stack = [StringIO.new("exit")] Pry.new.input_stack.should == Pry.config.input_stack Pry.config.input_stack = [] end it 'should read from all input objects on stack and exit session (usingn repl)' do stack = [b = StringIO.new(":cloister\nexit\n"), c = StringIO.new(":baron\n")] instance = Pry.new(:input => StringIO.new(":alex\n"), :output => str_output = StringIO.new, :input_stack => stack) instance.repl str_output.string.should =~ /:alex/ str_output.string.should =~ /:baron/ str_output.string.should =~ /:cloister/ end it 'input objects should be popped off stack as they are used up' do stack = [StringIO.new(":cloister\n"), StringIO.new(":baron\n")] instance = Pry.new(:input => StringIO.new(":alex\n"), :output => str_output = StringIO.new, :input_stack => stack) stack.size.should == 2 instance.rep str_output.string.should =~ /:alex/ instance.rep str_output.string.should =~ /:baron/ stack.size.should == 1 instance.rep str_output.string.should =~ /:cloister/ stack.size.should == 0 end it 'should revert to Pry.config.input when it runs out of input objects in input_stack' do redirect_pry_io(StringIO.new(":rimbaud\nexit\n"), StringIO.new) do stack = [StringIO.new(":cloister\n"), StringIO.new(":baron\n")] instance = Pry.new(:input => StringIO.new(":alex\n"), :output => str_output = StringIO.new, :input_stack => stack) instance.repl str_output.string.should =~ /:alex/ str_output.string.should =~ /:baron/ str_output.string.should =~ /:cloister/ str_output.string.should =~ /:rimbaud/ end end it 'should display error and throw(:breakout) if at end of input after using up input_stack objects' do str_output = StringIO.new catch(:breakout) do redirect_pry_io(StringIO.new(":rimbaud\n"), str_output) do Pry.new(:input_stack => [StringIO.new(":a\n"), StringIO.new(":b\n")]).repl end end str_output.string.should =~ /Error: Pry ran out of things to read/ end if "".respond_to?(:encoding) it "should pass strings to Pry in the right encoding" do input1 = "'f。。'.encoding.name" # utf-8, see coding declaration input2 = input1.encode('Shift_JIS') mock_pry(input1, input2).should == %{=> "UTF-8"\n=> "Shift_JIS"\n\n} end it "should be able to use unicode regexes on a UTF-8 terminal" do mock_pry('":-Þ" =~ /þ/i').should == %{=> 2\n\n} end end end