require_relative '../helper' describe "hist" do before do Pry.history.clear @hist = Pry.history @str_output = @t = pry_tester :history => @hist do # For looking at what hist pushes into the input stack. The implementation # of this helper will definitely have to change at some point. def next_input @pry.input.string end end end it 'should replay history correctly (single item)' do o = @hist.push "@x = 10" @hist.push "@y = 20" @hist.push "@z = 30" @t.push_binding o @t.eval 'hist --replay -1' expect(o.instance_variable_get(:@z)).to eq 30 end it 'should replay a range of history correctly (range of items)' do o = @hist.push "@x = 10" @hist.push "@y = 20" @t.push_binding o @t.eval 'hist --replay 0..2' expect(@t.eval('[@x, @y]')).to eq [10, 20] end # this is to prevent a regression where input redirection is # replaced by just appending to `eval_string` it 'should replay a range of history correctly (range of commands)' do @hist.push "cd 1" @hist.push "cd 2" @t.eval("hist --replay 0..2") stack = @t.eval("Pad.stack = _pry_.binding_stack.dup") expect({ |b| b.eval("self") }).to eq [TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval("self"), 1, 2] end it 'should grep for correct lines in history' do @hist.push "abby" @hist.push "box" @hist.push "button" @hist.push "pepper" @hist.push "orange" @hist.push "grape" @hist.push "def blah 1" @hist.push "def boink 2" @hist.push "place holder" expect(@t.eval('hist --grep o')).to match(/\d:.*?box\n\d:.*?button\n\d:.*?orange/) # test more than one word in a regex match (def blah) expect(@t.eval('hist --grep def blah')).to match(/def blah 1/) # test more than one word with leading white space in a regex match (def boink) expect(@t.eval('hist --grep def boink')).to match(/def boink 2/) end it 'should return last N lines in history with --tail switch' do ("a".."z").each do |v| @hist.push v end out = @t.eval 'hist --tail 3' expect(out.each_line.count).to eq 3 expect(out).to match(/x\n\d+:.*y\n\d+:.*z/) end it "should start from beginning if tail number is longer than history" do @hist.push 'Hyacinth' out = @t.eval 'hist --tail' expect(out).to match(/Hyacinth/) end it 'should apply --tail after --grep' do @hist.push "print 1" @hist.push "print 2" @hist.push "puts 3" @hist.push "print 4" @hist.push "puts 5" out = @t.eval 'hist --tail 2 --grep print' expect(out.each_line.count).to eq 2 expect(out).to match(/\d:.*?print 2\n\d:.*?print 4/) end it 'should apply --head after --grep' do @hist.push "puts 1" @hist.push "print 2" @hist.push "puts 3" @hist.push "print 4" @hist.push "print 5" out = @t.eval 'hist --head 2 --grep print' expect(out.each_line.count).to eq 2 expect(out).to match(/\d:.*?print 2\n\d:.*?print 4/) end # strangeness in this test is due to bug in Readline::HISTORY not # always registering first line of input it 'should return first N lines in history with --head switch' do ("a".."z").each do |v| @hist.push v end out = @t.eval 'hist --head 4' expect(out.each_line.count).to eq 4 expect(out).to match(/a\n\d+:.*b\n\d+:.*c/) end # strangeness in this test is due to bug in Readline::HISTORY not # always registering first line of input it 'should show lines between lines A and B with the --show switch' do ("a".."z").each do |v| @hist.push v end out = @t.eval 'hist --show 1..4' expect(out.each_line.count).to eq 4 expect(out).to match(/b\n\d+:.*c\n\d+:.*d/) end it "should store a call with `--replay` flag" do @t.eval ":banzai" @t.eval "hist --replay 1" expect(@t.eval("hist")).to match(/hist --replay 1/) end it "should not contain lines produced by `--replay` flag" do @t.eval ":banzai" @t.eval ":geronimo" @t.eval ":huzzah" @t.eval("hist --replay 1..3") output = @t.eval("hist") expect(output).to eq "1: :banzai\n2: :geronimo\n3: :huzzah\n4: hist --replay 1..3\n" end it "should raise CommandError when index of `--replay` points out to another `hist --replay`" do @t.eval ":banzai" @t.eval "hist --replay 1" expect { @t.eval "hist --replay 2" }.to raise_error(Pry::CommandError, /Replay index 2 points out to another replay call: `hist --replay 1`/) end it "should disallow execution of `--replay ` when CommandError raised" do @t.eval "a = 0" @t.eval "a += 1" @t.eval "hist --replay 2" expect { @t.eval "hist --replay 3" }.to raise_error Pry::CommandError expect(@t.eval("a")).to eq 2 expect(@t.eval("hist").lines.to_a.size).to eq 5 end it "excludes Pry commands from the history with `-e` switch" do @hist.push('a = 20') @hist.push('ls') expect(pry_eval('hist -e')).to eq "1: a = 20\n" end describe "sessions" do before do @old_file = Pry.config.history.file Pry.config.history.file = File.expand_path('spec/fixtures/pry_history') @hist.load end after do Pry.config.history.file = @old_file end it "displays history only for current session" do @hist.push('hello') @hist.push('world') expect(@t.eval('hist')).to match(/1:\shello\n2:\sworld/) end it "displays all history (including the current sesion) with `--all` switch" do @hist.push('goodbye') @hist.push('world') output = @t.eval('hist --all') expect(output).to match(/1:\s:athos\n2:\s:porthos\n3:\s:aramis\n/) expect(output).to match(/4:\sgoodbye\n5:\sworld/) end it "should not display histignore words in history" do Pry.config.history.histignore = [ "well", "hello", "beautiful", /show*/, "exit" ] @hist.push("well") @hist.push("hello") @hist.push("beautiful") @hist.push("why") @hist.push("so") @hist.push("serious?") @hist.push("show-method") @hist.push("exit") output = @t.eval("hist") expect(output).to match(/1:\swhy\n2:\sso\n3:\sserious\?\n/) end end end