class Pry class Code class << self # Instantiate a `Code` object containing code loaded from a file or # Pry's line buffer. # @param [String] fn The name of a file, or "(pry)". # @param [Symbol] code_type (:ruby) The type of code the file contains. # @return [Code] def from_file(fn, code_type=:ruby) if fn == Pry.eval_path f = Pry.line_buffer.drop(1) else if File.readable?(fn) f =, 'r') else raise CommandError, "Cannot open #{file.inspect} for reading." end end new(f, 1, code_type) ensure f.close if f.respond_to?(:close) end # Instantiate a `Code` object containing code extracted from a # `::Method`, `UnboundMethod`, `Proc`, or `Pry::Method` object. # @param [::Method, UnboundMethod, Proc, Pry::Method] meth The method object. # @param [Fixnum, nil] The line number to start on, or nil to use the # method's original line numbers. # @return [Code] def from_method(meth, start_line=nil) meth = Pry::Method(meth) start_line ||= meth.source_line || 1 new(meth.source, start_line, meth.source_type) end end # @param [Array] lines # @param [Fixnum?] (1) start_line # @param [Symbol?] (:ruby) code_type def initialize(lines=[], start_line=1, code_type=:ruby) if lines.is_a? String lines = lines.lines end @lines = { |l, i| [l.chomp, i + start_line] } @code_type = code_type end # @param [String] line # @param [Fixnum?] line_num def push(line, line_num=nil) line_num = @lines.last.last + 1 unless line_num @lines.push([line, line_num]) nil end alias << push def before(line_num, lines=1) dup.instance_eval do @lines = { |l, ln| ln >= line_num - lines && ln < line_num } self end end def between(start_line, end_line) dup.instance_eval do @lines = @lines[(start_line + 1)..(end_line + 1)] self end end def around(line_num, lines=1) dup.instance_eval do @lines = { |l, ln| ln >= line_num - lines && ln <= line_num + lines } self end end def after(line_num, lines=1) dup.instance_eval do @lines = { |l, ln| ln > line_num && ln <= line_num + lines } self end end # @param [Symbol?] color # @return [String] def with_line_numbers(y_n=true) dup.instance_eval do @with_line_numbers = y_n self end end def with_marker(line_num=1) dup.instance_eval do @with_marker = !!line_num @marker_line_num = line_num self end end # @return [String] def inspect Object.instance_method(:to_s).bind(self).call end # @return [String] def to_s lines = if Pry.color lines.each do |l| l[0] = CodeRay.scan(l[0], @code_type).term end end if @with_line_numbers max_width = @lines.last.last.to_s.length if @lines.length > 0 lines.each do |l| padded_line_num = l[1].to_s.rjust(max_width) l[0] = "#{}: #{l[0]}" end end if @with_marker lines.each do |l| if l[1] == @marker_line_num l[0] = " => #{l[0]}" else l[0] = " #{l[0]}" end end end"\n") end def method_missing(name, *args, &blk) to_s.send(name, *args, &blk) end end end