class Pry class Command::Ri < Pry::ClassCommand match 'ri' group 'Introspection' description 'View ri documentation.' banner <<-'BANNER' Usage: ri [spec] View ri documentation. Relies on the "rdoc" gem being installed. See also "show-doc" command. ri Array#each BANNER def process(spec) # Lazily load RI require 'rdoc/ri/driver' unless defined? RDoc::RI::PryDriver # Subclass RI so that it formats its output nicely, and uses `lesspipe`. subclass = # the hard way. subclass.class_eval do def page paging_text = yield paging_text end def formatter(io) if @formatter_klass else end end end RDoc::RI.const_set :PryDriver, subclass # hook it up! end # Spin-up an RI insance. ri = :use_stdout => true, :interactive => false begin ri.display_names [spec] # Get the documentation (finally!) rescue RDoc::RI::Driver::NotFoundError => e output.puts "error: '#{}' not found" end end end Pry::Commands.add_command(Pry::Command::Ri) end