require "pry/default_commands/ls" class Pry module DefaultCommands Context = do import Ls create_command "cd" do description "Move into a new context (object or scope). Type `cd --help` for more information." banner <<-BANNER Usage: cd [OPTIONS] [--help] Move into new context (object or scope). As in unix shells use `cd ..` to go back and `cd /` to return to Pry top-level). Complex syntax (e.g cd ../@x/y) also supported. e.g: `cd @x` e.g: `cd .. e.g: `cd /` BANNER def process path = arg_string.split(/\//) stack = _pry_.binding_stack.dup # special case when we only get a single "/", return to root stack = [stack.first] if path.empty? path.each do |context| begin case context.chomp when "" stack = [stack.first] when "::" stack.push(TOPLEVEL_BINDING) when "." next when ".." unless stack.size == 1 stack.pop end else stack.push(Pry.binding_for(stack.last.eval(context))) end rescue RescuableException => e output.puts "Bad object path: #{arg_string.chomp}. Failed trying to resolve: #{context}" output.puts e.inspect return end end _pry_.binding_stack = stack end end command "switch-to", "Start a new sub-session on a binding in the current stack (numbered by nesting)." do |selection| selection = selection.to_i if selection < 0 || selection > _pry_.binding_stack.size - 1 raise CommandError, "Invalid binding index #{selection} - use `nesting` command to view valid indices." else Pry.start(_pry_.binding_stack[selection]) end end command "nesting", "Show nesting information." do output.puts "Nesting status:" output.puts "--" _pry_.binding_stack.each_with_index do |obj, level| if level == 0 output.puts "#{level}. #{Pry.view_clip(obj.eval('self'))} (Pry top level)" else output.puts "#{level}. #{Pry.view_clip(obj.eval('self'))}" end end end command "jump-to", "Jump to a binding further up the stack, popping all bindings below." do |break_level| break_level = break_level.to_i nesting_level = _pry_.binding_stack.size - 1 case break_level when nesting_level output.puts "Already at nesting level #{nesting_level}" when (0...nesting_level) _pry_.binding_stack.slice!(break_level + 1, _pry_.binding_stack.size) else max_nest_level = nesting_level - 1 output.puts "Invalid nest level. Must be between 0 and #{max_nest_level}. Got #{break_level}." end end command "exit-all", "End the current Pry session (popping all bindings) and returning to caller. Accepts optional return value. Aliases: !!@" do # clear the binding stack _pry_.binding_stack.clear # break out of the repl loop throw(:breakout, target.eval(arg_string)) end alias_command "!!@", "exit-all" create_command "exit" do description "Pop the previous binding (does NOT exit program). Type `exit --help` for more information. Aliases: quit" banner <<-BANNER Usage: exit [OPTIONS] [--help] Aliases: quit It can be useful to exit a context with a user-provided value. For instance an exit value can be used to determine program flow. e.g: `exit "pry this"` e.g: `exit` BANNER command_options( :keep_retval => true ) def process if # when breaking out of top-level then behave like `exit-all` process_exit_all else # otherwise just pop a binding and return user supplied value process_pop_and_return end end def process_exit_all _pry_.binding_stack.clear throw(:breakout, target.eval(arg_string)) end def process_pop_and_return popped_object = _pry_.binding_stack.pop.eval('self') # return a user-specified value if given otherwise return the object return target.eval(arg_string) unless arg_string.empty? popped_object end end alias_command "quit", "exit" command "exit-program", "End the current program. Aliases: quit-program, !!!" do Pry.save_history if Pry.config.history.should_save Kernel.exit target.eval(arg_string).to_i end alias_command "quit-program", "exit-program" alias_command "!!!", "exit-program" command "!pry", "Start a Pry session on current self; this even works mid multi-line expression." do target.pry end create_command "pry-backtrace", "Show the backtrace for the Pry session." do banner <<-BANNER Usage: pry-backtrace [OPTIONS] [--help] Show the backtrace for the position in the code where Pry was started. This can be used to infer the behavior of the program immediately before it entered Pry, just like the backtrace property of an exception. (NOTE: if you are looking for the backtrace of the most recent exception raised, just type: `_ex_.backtrace` instead, see e.g: pry-backtrace BANNER def process output.puts "\n#{text.bold('Backtrace:')}\n--\n" stagger_output _pry_.backtrace.join("\n") end end command "whereami", "Show the code context for the session. (whereami shows extra lines of code around the invocation line. Default: 5)" do |num| file = target.eval('__FILE__') line_num = target.eval('__LINE__') i_num = num ? num.to_i : 5 if file != Pry.eval_path && (file =~ /(\(.*\))|<.*>/ || file == "" || file == "-e") raise CommandError, "Cannot find local context. Did you use `binding.pry`?" end set_file_and_dir_locals(file) method = Pry::Method.from_binding(target) method_description = method ? " in #{method.name_with_owner}" : "" output.puts "\n#{text.bold('From:')} #{file} @ line #{line_num}#{method_description}:\n\n" code = Pry::Code.from_file(file).around(line_num, i_num) output.puts code.with_line_numbers.with_marker(line_num) output.puts end end end end