require 'pry/code/loc' require 'pry/code/code_range' class Pry class << self # Convert the given object into an instance of `Pry::Code`, if it isn't # already one. # # @param [Code, Method, UnboundMethod, Proc, Pry::Method, String, Array, # IO] obj def Code(obj) case obj when Code obj when ::Method, UnboundMethod, Proc, Pry::Method Code.from_method(obj) else end end end # `Pry::Code` is a class that encapsulates lines of source code and their # line numbers and formats them for terminal output. It can read from a file # or method definition or be instantiated with a `String` or an `Array`. # # In general, the formatting methods in `Code` return a new `Code` object # which will format the text as specified when `#to_s` is called. This allows # arbitrary chaining of formatting methods without mutating the original # object. class Code # List of all supported languages. # @return [Hash] EXTENSIONS = { %w(.py) => :python, %w(.js) => :javascript, %w(.css) => :css, %w(.xml) => :xml, %w(.php) => :php, %w(.html) => :html, %w(.diff) => :diff, %w(.java) => :java, %w(.json) => :json, %w(.c .h) => :c, %w(.rhtml) => :rhtml, %w(.yaml .yml) => :yaml, %w(.cpp .hpp .cc .h cxx) => :cpp, %w(.rb .ru .irbrc .gemspec .pryrc) => :ruby, } class << self include MethodSource::CodeHelpers # Instantiate a `Code` object containing code loaded from a file or # Pry's line buffer. # # @param [String] filename The name of a file, or "(pry)". # @param [Symbol] code_type The type of code the file contains. # @return [Code] def from_file(filename, code_type = type_from_filename(filename)) code = if filename == Pry.eval_path Pry.line_buffer.drop(1) else end new(code, 1, code_type) end # Instantiate a `Code` object containing code extracted from a # `::Method`, `UnboundMethod`, `Proc`, or `Pry::Method` object. # # @param [::Method, UnboundMethod, Proc, Pry::Method] meth The method # object. # @param [Integer, nil] start_line The line number to start on, or nil to # use the method's original line numbers. # @return [Code] def from_method(meth, start_line = nil) meth = Pry::Method(meth) start_line ||= meth.source_line || 1 new(meth.source, start_line, meth.source_type) end # Attempt to extract the source code for module (or class) `mod`. # # @param [Module, Class] mod The module (or class) of interest. # @param [Integer, nil] start_line The line number to start on, or nil to # use the method's original line numbers. # @param [Integer] candidate_rank The module candidate (by rank) # to use (see `Pry::WrappedModule::Candidate` for more information). # @return [Code] def from_module(mod, start_line = nil, candidate_rank = 0) candidate = Pry::WrappedModule(mod).candidate(candidate_rank) start_line ||= candidate.line new(candidate.source, start_line, :ruby) end protected # Guess the CodeRay type of a file from its extension, or nil if # unknown. # # @param [String] filename # @param [Symbol] default (:ruby) the file type to assume if none could be # detected. # @return [Symbol, nil] def type_from_filename(filename, default = :ruby) _, type = Pry::Code::EXTENSIONS.find do |k, _| k.any? { |ext| ext == File.extname(filename) } end type || default end # @param [String] filename # @raise [MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError] if the +filename+ is not # readable for some reason. # @return [String] absolute path for the given +filename+. def abs_path(filename) abs_path = [File.expand_path(filename, Dir.pwd), File.expand_path(filename, Pry::INITIAL_PWD) ].detect { |abs_path| File.readable?(abs_path) } abs_path or raise MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError, "Cannot open #{filename.inspect} for reading." end end # @return [Symbol] The type of code stored in this wrapper. attr_accessor :code_type # Instantiate a `Code` object containing code from the given `Array`, # `String`, or `IO`. The first line will be line 1 unless specified # otherwise. If you need non-contiguous line numbers, you can create an # empty `Code` object and then use `#push` to insert the lines. # # @param [Array, String, IO] lines # @param [Integer?] start_line # @param [Symbol?] code_type def initialize(lines = [], start_line = 1, code_type = :ruby) if lines.is_a? String lines = lines.lines end @lines = { |line, lineno|, lineno + start_line.to_i) } @code_type = code_type end # Append the given line. +lineno+ is one more than the last existing # line, unless specified otherwise. # # @param [String] line # @param [Integer?] lineno # @return [String] The inserted line. def push(line, lineno = nil) if lineno.nil? lineno = @lines.last.lineno + 1 end @lines.push(, lineno)) line end alias << push # Filter the lines using the given block. # # @yield [LOC] # @return [Code] def select(&block) alter do @lines = end end # Remove all lines that aren't in the given range, expressed either as a # `Range` object or a first and last line number (inclusive). Negative # indices count from the end of the array of lines. # # @param [Range, Integer] start_line # @param [Integer?] end_line # @return [Code] def between(start_line, end_line = nil) return self unless start_line code_range =, end_line) alter do @lines = @lines[code_range.indices_range(@lines)] || [] end end # Take `num_lines` from `start_line`, forward or backwards. # # @param [Integer] start_line # @param [Integer] num_lines # @return [Code] def take_lines(start_line, num_lines) start_idx = if start_line >= 0 @lines.index { |loc| loc.lineno >= start_line } || @lines.length else @lines.length + start_line end alter do @lines = @lines.slice(start_idx, num_lines) end end # Remove all lines except for the +lines+ up to and excluding +lineno+. # # @param [Integer] lineno # @param [Integer] lines # @return [Code] def before(lineno, lines = 1) return self unless lineno select do |loc| loc.lineno >= lineno - lines && loc.lineno < lineno end end # Remove all lines except for the +lines+ on either side of and including # +lineno+. # # @param [Integer] lineno # @param [Integer] lines # @return [Code] def around(lineno, lines = 1) return self unless lineno select do |loc| loc.lineno >= lineno - lines && loc.lineno <= lineno + lines end end # Remove all lines except for the +lines+ after and excluding +lineno+. # # @param [Integer] lineno # @param [Integer] lines # @return [Code] def after(lineno, lines = 1) return self unless lineno select do |loc| loc.lineno > lineno && loc.lineno <= lineno + lines end end # Remove all lines that don't match the given `pattern`. # # @param [Regexp] pattern # @return [Code] def grep(pattern) return self unless pattern pattern = select do |loc| loc.line =~ pattern end end # Format output with line numbers next to it, unless `y_n` is falsy. # # @param [Boolean?] y_n # @return [Code] def with_line_numbers(y_n = true) alter do @with_line_numbers = y_n end end # Format output with a marker next to the given +lineno+, unless +lineno+ is # falsy. # # @param [Integer?] lineno # @return [Code] def with_marker(lineno = 1) alter do @with_marker = !!lineno @marker_lineno = lineno end end # Format output with the specified number of spaces in front of every line, # unless `spaces` is falsy. # # @param [Integer?] spaces # @return [Code] def with_indentation(spaces = 0) alter do @with_indentation = !!spaces @indentation_num = spaces end end # @return [String] def inspect Object.instance_method(:to_s).bind(self).call end # @return [Integer] the number of digits in the last line. def max_lineno_width @lines.length > 0 ? @lines.last.lineno.to_s.length : 0 end # @return [String] a formatted representation (based on the configuration of # the object). def to_s { |loc| loc = loc.dup loc.colorize(@code_type) if Pry.color loc.add_line_number(max_lineno_width) if @with_line_numbers loc.add_marker(@marker_lineno) if @with_marker loc.indent(@indentation_num) if @with_indentation loc.line }.join("\n") + "\n" end # Get the comment that describes the expression on the given line number. # # @param [Integer] line_number (1-based) # @return [String] the code. def comment_describing(line_number) self.class.comment_describing(raw, line_number) end # Get the multiline expression that starts on the given line number. # # @param [Integer] line_number (1-based) # @return [String] the code. def expression_at(line_number, consume = 0) self.class.expression_at(raw, line_number, :consume => consume) end # Get the (approximate) Module.nesting at the give line number. # # @param [Integer] line_number line number starting from 1 # @param [Module] top_module the module in which this code exists # @return [Array] a list of open modules. def nesting_at(line_number, top_module = Object) Pry::Indent.nesting_at(raw, line_number) end # Return an unformatted String of the code. # # @return [String] def raw"\n") + "\n" end # Return the number of lines stored. # # @return [Integer] def length @lines ? @lines.length : 0 end # Two `Code` objects are equal if they contain the same lines with the same # numbers. Otherwise, call `to_s` and `chomp` and compare as Strings. # # @param [Code, Object] other # @return [Boolean] def ==(other) if other.is_a?(Code) other_lines = other.instance_variable_get(:@lines) @lines.each_with_index.all? { |loc, i| loc == other_lines[i] } else to_s.chomp == other.to_s.chomp end end # Forward any missing methods to the output of `#to_s`. def method_missing(name, *args, &block) to_s.send(name, *args, &block) end undef =~ protected # An abstraction of the `dup.instance_eval` pattern used throughout this # class. def alter(&block) dup.tap { |o| o.instance_eval(&block) } end end end