direc = File.dirname(__FILE__) require "optparse" require "method_source" require "#{direc}/command_base" require "#{direc}/pry_instance" require "#{direc}/command_helpers" class Pry # Default commands used by Pry. class Commands < CommandBase extend CommandHelpers try_to_load_pry_doc command "!", "Clear the input buffer. Useful if the parsing process goes wrong and you get stuck in the read loop." do output.puts "Input buffer cleared!" opts[:eval_string].clear end command "!pry", "Start a Pry session on current self; this even works mid-expression." do Pry.start(target) end # this cannot be accessed, it's just for help purposed. command ".", "All text following a '.' is forwarded to the shell." do end command "hist", "Show and replay Readline history" do |*args| require 'slop' if args.empty? text = add_line_numbers(Readline::HISTORY.to_a.join("\n"), 0) stagger_output(text) next end opts = Slop.parse(args) do banner "Usage: hist [-rSTART..END]" on :r, :replay, 'The line (or range of lines) to replay.', true, :as => Range do |r| options[:r].argument_value = r.to_i if r.is_a?(String) end on :h, :help, 'Show this message.', :tail => true do output.puts help end end next if opts.h? actions = Array(Readline::HISTORY.to_a[opts[:r]]).join("\n") + "\n" Pry.active_instance.input = StringIO.new(actions) end command "exit-program", "End the current program. Aliases: quit-program, !!!" do exit end alias_command "quit-program", "exit-program", "" alias_command "!!!", "exit-program", "" command "ri", "View ri documentation. e.g `ri Array#each`" do |*args| run target, ".ri", *args end command "stat", "View method information and set _file_ and _dir_ locals" do |*args| options = {} target = target() meth_name = nil OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = %{Usage: stat [OPTIONS] [METH] Show method information for method METH and set _file_ and _dir_ locals. e.g: stat hello_method -- } opts.on("-M", "--instance-methods", "Operate on instance methods.") do options[:M] = true end opts.on("-m", "--methods", "Operate on methods.") do options[:m] = true end opts.on("-c", "--context CONTEXT", "Select object context to run under.") do |context| target = Pry.binding_for(target.eval(context)) end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "This message.") do output.puts opts options[:h] = true end end.order(args) do |v| meth_name = v end next if options[:h] meth_name = meth_name_from_binding(target) if !meth_name if (meth = get_method_object(meth_name, target, options)).nil? output.puts "Invalid method name: #{meth_name}. Type `stat --help` for help" next end code, code_type = code_and_code_type_for(meth) next if !code doc, code_type = doc_and_code_type_for(meth) output.puts make_header(meth, code_type, code) output.puts bold("Method Name: ") + meth_name output.puts bold("Method Language: ") + code_type.to_s.capitalize output.puts bold("Method Type: ") + (meth.is_a?(Method) ? "Bound" : "Unbound") output.puts bold("Method Arity: ") + meth.arity.to_s output.puts bold("Comment length: ") + (doc.empty? ? 'No comment.' : (doc.lines.count.to_s + ' lines.')) end command "gist-method", "Gist a method to github.", :requires_gem => "gist" do |*args| options = {} meth_name = nil OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = %{Usage: gist-method [OPTIONS] [METH] Gist the method (doc or source) to github. e.g: gist -m my_method e.g: gist -d my_method -- } opts.on("-m", "--method", "Gist a method's source.") do |line| options[:m] = true end opts.on("-d", "--doc", "Gist a method's documentation.") do options[:d] = true end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "This message.") do output.puts opts options[:h] = true end end.order(args) do |v| meth_name = v end next if options[:h] meth_name = meth_name_from_binding(target) if !meth_name if (meth = get_method_object(meth_name, target, options)).nil? output.puts "Invalid method name: #{meth_name}. Type `gist-method --help` for help" next end type_map = { :ruby => "rb", :c => "c", :plain => "plain" } if !options[:d] content, code_type = code_and_code_type_for(meth) else content, code_type = doc_and_code_type_for(meth) no_color do content = process_comment_markup(content, code_type) end code_type = :plain end IO.popen("gist -p -t #{type_map[code_type]} -", "w") do |gist| gist.puts content end end command "gem-cd", "Change working directory to specified gem's directory." do |gem_name| require 'rubygems' gem_spec = Gem.source_index.find_name(gem_name).first next output.puts("Gem `#{gem_name}` not found.") if !gem_spec Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(gem_spec.full_gem_path)) end command "toggle-color", "Toggle syntax highlighting." do Pry.color = !Pry.color output.puts "Syntax highlighting #{Pry.color ? "on" : "off"}" end command "simple-prompt", "Toggle the simple prompt." do case Pry.active_instance.prompt when Pry::SIMPLE_PROMPT Pry.active_instance.prompt = Pry::DEFAULT_PROMPT else Pry.active_instance.prompt = Pry::SIMPLE_PROMPT end end command "shell-mode", "Toggle shell mode. Bring in pwd prompt and file completion." do case Pry.active_instance.prompt when Pry::FILE_PROMPT Pry.active_instance.prompt = Pry::DEFAULT_PROMPT Pry.active_instance.custom_completions = Pry::DEFAULT_CUSTOM_COMPLETIONS else Pry.active_instance.prompt = Pry::FILE_PROMPT Pry.active_instance.custom_completions = Pry::FILE_COMPLETIONS Readline.completion_proc = Pry::InputCompleter.build_completion_proc target, Pry.active_instance.instance_eval(&Pry::FILE_COMPLETIONS) end end alias_command "file-mode", "shell-mode", "" command "nesting", "Show nesting information." do nesting = opts[:nesting] output.puts "Nesting status:" output.puts "--" nesting.each do |level, obj| if level == 0 output.puts "#{level}. #{Pry.view_clip(obj)} (Pry top level)" else output.puts "#{level}. #{Pry.view_clip(obj)}" end end end command "status", "Show status information." do nesting = opts[:nesting] output.puts "Status:" output.puts "--" output.puts "Receiver: #{Pry.view_clip(target.eval('self'))}" output.puts "Nesting level: #{nesting.level}" output.puts "Pry version: #{Pry::VERSION}" output.puts "Ruby version: #{RUBY_VERSION}" mn = meth_name_from_binding(target) output.puts "Current method: #{mn ? mn : "N/A"}" output.puts "Pry instance: #{Pry.active_instance}" output.puts "Last result: #{Pry.view(Pry.last_result)}" end command "whereami", "Show the code context for the session. Shows AROUND lines around the invocation line. AROUND defaults to 5 lines. " do |num| file = target.eval('__FILE__') line_num = target.eval('__LINE__') klass = target.eval('self.class') if num i_num = num.to_i else i_num = 5 end meth_name = meth_name_from_binding(target) meth_name = "N/A" if !meth_name if file =~ /(\(.*\))|<.*>/ || file == "" output.puts "Cannot find local context. Did you use `binding.pry` ?" next end set_file_and_dir_locals(file) output.puts "\n#{bold('From:')} #{file} @ line #{line_num} in #{klass}##{meth_name}:\n\n" # This method inspired by http://rubygems.org/gems/ir_b File.open(file).each_with_index do |line, index| line_n = index + 1 next unless line_n > (line_num - i_num - 1) break if line_n > (line_num + i_num) if line_n == line_num code =" =>#{line_n.to_s.rjust(3)}: #{line.chomp}" if Pry.color code = CodeRay.scan(code, :ruby).term end output.puts code code else code = "#{line_n.to_s.rjust(6)}: #{line.chomp}" if Pry.color code = CodeRay.scan(code, :ruby).term end output.puts code code end end end command "version", "Show Pry version." do output.puts "Pry version: #{Pry::VERSION} on Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}." end command "exit-all", "End all nested Pry sessions. Accepts optional return value. Aliases: !@" do str = remove_first_word(opts[:val]) throw(:breakout, [0, target.eval(str)]) end alias_command "!@", "exit-all", "" command "ls", "Show the list of vars and methods in the current scope. Type `ls --help` for more info." do |*args| options = {} # Set target local to the default -- note that we can set a different target for # ls if we like: e.g ls my_var target = target() OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = %{Usage: ls [OPTIONS] [VAR]\n\ List information about VAR (the current context by default). Shows local and instance variables by default. -- } opts.on("-g", "--globals", "Display global variables.") do options[:g] = true end opts.on("-c", "--constants", "Display constants.") do options[:c] = true end opts.on("-l", "--locals", "Display locals.") do options[:l] = true end opts.on("-i", "--ivars", "Display instance variables.") do options[:i] = true end opts.on("-k", "--class-vars", "Display class variables.") do options[:k] = true end opts.on("-m", "--methods", "Display methods (public methods by default).") do options[:m] = true end opts.on("-M", "--instance-methods", "Display instance methods (only relevant to classes and modules).") do options[:M] = true end opts.on("-P", "--public", "Display public methods (with -m).") do options[:P] = true end opts.on("-r", "--protected", "Display protected methods (with -m).") do options[:r] = true end opts.on("-p", "--private", "Display private methods (with -m).") do options[:p] = true end opts.on("-j", "--just-singletons", "Display just the singleton methods (with -m).") do options[:j] = true end opts.on("-s", "--super", "Include superclass entries (relevant to constant and methods options).") do options[:s] = true end opts.on("-a", "--all", "Display all types of entries.") do options[:a] = true end opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Verbose ouput.") do options[:v] = true end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message.") do output.puts opts options[:h] = true end end.order(args) do |new_target| target = Pry.binding_for(target.eval("#{new_target}")) if !options[:h] end # exit if we've displayed help next if options[:h] # default is locals/ivars/class vars. # Only occurs when no options or when only option is verbose options.merge!({ :l => true, :i => true, :k => true }) if options.empty? || (options.size == 1 && options[:v]) # Display public methods by default if -m or -M switch is used. options[:P] = true if (options[:m] || options[:M]) && !(options[:p] || options[:r] || options[:j]) info = {} target_self = target.eval('self') # ensure we have a real boolean and not a `nil` (important when # interpolating in the string) options[:s] = !!options[:s] # Numbers (e.g 0, 1, 2) are for ordering the hash values in Ruby 1.8 i = -1 # Start collecting the entries selected by the user info["local variables"] = [Array(target.eval("local_variables")).sort, i += 1] if options[:l] || options[:a] info["instance variables"] = [Array(target.eval("instance_variables")).sort, i += 1] if options[:i] || options[:a] info["class variables"] = [if target_self.is_a?(Module) Array(target.eval("class_variables")).sort else Array(target.eval("self.class.class_variables")).sort end, i += 1] if options[:k] || options[:a] info["global variables"] = [Array(target.eval("global_variables")).sort, i += 1] if options[:g] || options[:a] info["public methods"] = [Array(target.eval("public_methods(#{options[:s]})")).uniq.sort, i += 1] if (options[:m] && options[:P]) || options[:a] info["protected methods"] = [Array(target.eval("protected_methods(#{options[:s]})")).sort, i += 1] if (options[:m] && options[:r]) || options[:a] info["private methods"] = [Array(target.eval("private_methods(#{options[:s]})")).sort, i += 1] if (options[:m] && options[:p]) || options[:a] info["just singleton methods"] = [Array(target.eval("methods(#{options[:s]})")).sort, i += 1] if (options[:m] && options[:j]) || options[:a] info["public instance methods"] = [Array(target.eval("public_instance_methods(#{options[:s]})")).uniq.sort, i += 1] if target_self.is_a?(Module) && ((options[:M] && options[:P]) || options[:a]) info["protected instance methods"] = [Array(target.eval("protected_instance_methods(#{options[:s]})")).uniq.sort, i += 1] if target_self.is_a?(Module) && ((options[:M] && options[:r]) || options[:a]) info["private instance methods"] = [Array(target.eval("private_instance_methods(#{options[:s]})")).uniq.sort, i += 1] if target_self.is_a?(Module) && ((options[:M] && options[:p]) || options[:a]) # dealing with 1.8/1.9 compatibility issues :/ csuper = options[:s] if Module.method(:constants).arity == 0 csuper = nil end info["constants"] = [Array(target_self.is_a?(Module) ? target.eval("constants(#{csuper})") : target.eval("self.class.constants(#{csuper})")).uniq.sort, i += 1] if options[:c] || options[:a] # verbose output? if options[:v] # verbose info.sort_by { |k, v| v.last }.each do |k, v| if !v.first.empty? output.puts "#{k}:\n--" if Pry.color output.puts CodeRay.scan(Pry.view(v.first), :ruby).term else output.puts Pry.view(v.first) end output.puts end end # plain else list = info.values.sort_by(&:last).map(&:first).inject(&:+) list.uniq! if list if Pry.color output.puts CodeRay.scan(Pry.view(list), :ruby).term else output.puts Pry.view(list) end list end end command "cat-file", "Show output of file FILE. Type `cat-file --help` for more information." do |*args| options= {} file_name = nil start_line = 0 end_line = -1 file_type = nil OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = %{Usage: cat-file [OPTIONS] FILE Cat a file. Defaults to displaying whole file. Syntax highlights file if type is recognized. e.g: cat-file hello.rb -- } opts.on("-l", "--line-numbers", "Show line numbers.") do |line| options[:l] = true end opts.on("-s", "--start LINE", "Start line (defaults to start of file). Line 1 is the first line.") do |line| start_line = line.to_i - 1 end opts.on("-e", "--end LINE", "End line (defaults to end of file). Line -1 is the last line.") do |line| end_line = line.to_i - 1 end opts.on("-t", "--type TYPE", "The specific file type for syntax higlighting (e.g ruby, python, cpp, java)") do |type| file_type = type.to_sym end opts.on("-f", "--flood", "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen.") do options[:f] = true end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "This message.") do output.puts opts options[:h] = true end end.order(args) do |v| file_name = v end next if options[:h] if !file_name output.puts "Must provide a file name." next end contents, normalized_start_line, _ = read_between_the_lines(file_name, start_line, end_line) if Pry.color contents = syntax_highlight_by_file_type_or_specified(contents, file_name, file_type) end set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name) render_output(options[:f], options[:l] ? normalized_start_line + 1 : false, contents) contents end command "eval-file", "Eval a Ruby script. Type `eval-file --help` for more info." do |*args| options = {} target = target() file_name = nil OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = %{Usage: eval-file [OPTIONS] FILE Eval a Ruby script at top-level or in the specified context. Defaults to top-level. e.g: eval-file -c self "hello.rb" -- } opts.on("-c", "--context CONTEXT", "Eval the script in the specified context.") do |context| options[:c] = true target = Pry.binding_for(target.eval(context)) end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "This message.") do output.puts opts options[:h] = true end end.order(args) do |v| file_name = v end next if options[:h] if !file_name output.puts "You need to specify a file name. Type `eval-file --help` for help" next end old_constants = Object.constants if options[:c] target_self = target.eval('self') target.eval(File.read(File.expand_path(file_name))) output.puts "--\nEval'd '#{file_name}' in the `#{target_self}` context." else TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval(File.read(File.expand_path(file_name))) output.puts "--\nEval'd '#{file_name}' at top-level." end set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name) new_constants = Object.constants - old_constants output.puts "Brought in the following top-level constants: #{new_constants.inspect}" if !new_constants.empty? end command "cat", "Show output of VAR.inspect. Aliases: inspect" do |obj| if !obj output.puts "Must provide an object to inspect." next end output.puts Pry.view(target.eval("#{obj}")) end alias_command "inspect", "cat", "" command "cd", "Start a Pry session on VAR (use `cd ..` to go back and `cd /` to return to Pry top-level)", :keep_retval => true do |obj| if !obj output.puts "Must provide an object." next end throw(:breakout, opts[:nesting].level) if obj == ".." if obj == "/" throw(:breakout, 1) if opts[:nesting].level > 0 next end Pry.start target.eval("#{obj}") end command "show-doc", "Show the comments above METH. Type `show-doc --help` for more info. Aliases: \?" do |*args| options = {} target = target() meth_name = nil OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = %{Usage: show-doc [OPTIONS] [METH] Show the comments above method METH. Tries instance methods first and then methods by default. e.g show-doc hello_method -- } opts.on("-M", "--instance-methods", "Operate on instance methods.") do options[:M] = true end opts.on("-m", "--methods", "Operate on methods.") do options[:m] = true end opts.on("-c", "--context CONTEXT", "Select object context to run under.") do |context| target = Pry.binding_for(target.eval(context)) end opts.on("-f", "--flood", "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen.") do options[:f] = true end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "This message.") do output.puts opts options[:h] = true end end.order(args) do |v| meth_name = v end next if options[:h] if (meth = get_method_object(meth_name, target, options)).nil? output.puts "Invalid method name: #{meth_name}. Type `show-doc --help` for help" next end doc, code_type = doc_and_code_type_for(meth) next if !doc next output.puts("No documentation found.") if doc.empty? doc = process_comment_markup(doc, code_type) output.puts make_header(meth, code_type, doc) render_output(options[:f], false, doc) doc end alias_command "?", "show-doc", "" command "show-method", "Show the source for METH. Type `show-method --help` for more info. Aliases: $, show-source" do |*args| options = {} target = target() meth_name = nil OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = %{Usage: show-method [OPTIONS] [METH] Show the source for method METH. Tries instance methods first and then methods by default. e.g: show-method hello_method -- } opts.on("-l", "--line-numbers", "Show line numbers.") do |line| options[:l] = true end opts.on("-M", "--instance-methods", "Operate on instance methods.") do options[:M] = true end opts.on("-m", "--methods", "Operate on methods.") do options[:m] = true end opts.on("-f", "--flood", "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen.") do options[:f] = true end opts.on("-c", "--context CONTEXT", "Select object context to run under.") do |context| target = Pry.binding_for(target.eval(context)) end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "This message.") do output.puts opts options[:h] = true end end.order(args) do |v| meth_name = v end next if options[:h] meth_name = meth_name_from_binding(target) if !meth_name if (meth = get_method_object(meth_name, target, options)).nil? output.puts "Invalid method name: #{meth_name}. Type `show-method --help` for help" next end code, code_type = code_and_code_type_for(meth) next if !code output.puts make_header(meth, code_type, code) if Pry.color code = CodeRay.scan(code, code_type).term end start_line = false if options[:l] start_line = meth.source_location ? meth.source_location.last : 1 end render_output(options[:f], start_line, code) code end alias_command "show-source", "show-method", "" alias_command "$", "show-method", "" command "show-command", "Show the source for CMD. Type `show-command --help` for more info." do |*args| options = {} target = target() command_name = nil OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = %{Usage: show-command [OPTIONS] [CMD] Show the source for command CMD. e.g: show-command show-method -- } opts.on("-l", "--line-numbers", "Show line numbers.") do |line| options[:l] = true end opts.on("-f", "--flood", "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen.") do options[:f] = true end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "This message.") do output.puts opts options[:h] = true end end.order(args) do |v| command_name = v end next if options[:h] if !command_name output.puts "You must provide a command name." next end if commands[command_name] meth = commands[command_name][:action] code = strip_leading_whitespace(meth.source) file, line = meth.source_location set_file_and_dir_locals(file) check_for_dynamically_defined_method(meth) output.puts make_header(meth, :ruby, code) if Pry.color code = CodeRay.scan(code, :ruby).term end render_output(options[:f], options[:l] ? meth.source_location.last : false, code) code else output.puts "No such command: #{command_name}." end end command "jump-to", "Jump to a Pry session further up the stack, exiting all sessions below." do |break_level| break_level = break_level.to_i nesting = opts[:nesting] case break_level when nesting.level output.puts "Already at nesting level #{nesting.level}" when (0...nesting.level) throw(:breakout, break_level + 1) else max_nest_level = nesting.level - 1 output.puts "Invalid nest level. Must be between 0 and #{max_nest_level}. Got #{break_level}." end end command "exit", "End the current Pry session. Accepts optional return value. Aliases: quit, back" do str = remove_first_word(opts[:val]) throw(:breakout, [opts[:nesting].level, target.eval(str)]) end alias_command "quit", "exit", "" alias_command "back", "exit", "" command "game", "" do |highest| highest = highest ? highest.to_i : 100 num = rand(highest) output.puts "Guess the number between 0-#{highest}: ('.' to quit)" count = 0 while(true) count += 1 str = Readline.readline("game > ", true) break if str == "." || !str val = str.to_i output.puts "Too large!" if val > num output.puts "Too small!" if val < num if val == num output.puts "Well done! You guessed right! It took you #{count} guesses." break end end end command "east-coker", "" do text = %{ -- Now the light falls Across the open field, leaving the deep lane Shuttered with branches, dark in the afternoon, Where you lean against a bank while a van passes, And the deep lane insists on the direction Into the village, in the electric heat Hypnotised. In a warm haze the sultry light Is absorbed, not refracted, by grey stone. The dahlias sleep in the empty silence. Wait for the early owl. -- T.S Eliot } output.puts text text end command "cohen-poem", "" do text = %{ -- When this American woman, whose thighs are bound in casual red cloth, comes thundering past my sitting place like a forest-burning Mongol tribe, the city is ravished and brittle buildings of a hundred years splash into the street; and my eyes are burnt for the embroidered Chinese girls, already old, and so small between the thin pines on these enormous landscapes, that if you turn your head they are lost for hours. -- Leonard Cohen } output.puts text text end end end