require 'helper' require 'tempfile' describe Pry do before do Pry.history.clear @saved_history = "1\n2\n3\n" Pry.history.loader = proc do |&blk| @saved_history.lines.each { |l| } end Pry.history.saver = proc do |lines| @saved_history << { |l| "#{l}\n" }.join end Pry.load_history end after do Pry.history.clear Pry.history.restore_default_behavior end describe ".load_history" do it "should read the contents of the file" do Pry.history.to_a[-2..-1].should == %w(2 3) end end describe ".save_history" do it "should include a trailing newline" do Pry.history << "4" Pry.save_history @saved_history.should =~ /4\n\z/ end it "should not change anything if history is not changed" do @saved_history = "4\n5\n6\n" Pry.save_history @saved_history.should == "4\n5\n6\n" end it "should append new lines to the file" do Pry.history << "4" Pry.save_history @saved_history.should == "1\n2\n3\n4\n" end it "should not clobber lines written by other Pry's in the meantime" do Pry.history << "5" @saved_history << "4\n" Pry.save_history Pry.history.to_a[-3..-1].should == ["2", "3", "5"] @saved_history.should == "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n" end it "should not delete lines from the file if this session's history was cleared" do Pry.history.clear Pry.save_history @saved_history.should == "1\n2\n3\n" end it "should save new lines that are added after the history was cleared" do Pry.history.clear Pry.history << "4" Pry.save_history @saved_history.should =~ /1\n2\n3\n4\n/ end it "should only append new lines the second time it is saved" do Pry.history << "4" Pry.save_history @saved_history << "5\n" Pry.history << "6" Pry.save_history Pry.history.to_a[-4..-1].should == ["2", "3", "4", "6"] @saved_history.should == "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n" end end end