require 'helper' describe "Pry::Command" do before do @set = end describe 'call_safely' do it 'should display a message if gems are missing' do cmd = @set.command_class "ford-prefect", "From a planet near Beetlegeuse", :requires_gem => %w(ghijkl) do # end mock_command(cmd, %w(hello world)).output.should =~ /install-command ford-prefect/ end it 'should abort early if arguments are required' do cmd = @set.command_class 'arthur-dent', "Doesn't understand Thursdays", :argument_required => true do # end lambda { mock_command(cmd, %w()) }.should.raise(Pry::CommandError) end it 'should return VOID without keep_retval' do cmd = @set.command_class 'zaphod-beeblebrox', "Likes pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters" do def process 3 end end mock_command(cmd).return.should == Pry::Command::VOID_VALUE end it 'should return the return value with keep_retval' do cmd = @set.command_class 'tricia-mcmillian', "a.k.a Trillian", :keep_retval => true do def process 5 end end mock_command(cmd).return.should == 5 end it 'should call hooks in the right order' do cmd = @set.command_class 'marvin', "Pained by the diodes in his left side" do def process output.puts 3 + args[0].to_i end end @set.before_command 'marvin' do |i| output.puts 2 + i.to_i end @set.before_command 'marvin' do |i| output.puts 1 + i.to_i end @set.after_command 'marvin' do |i| output.puts 4 + i.to_i end @set.after_command 'marvin' do |i| output.puts 5 + i.to_i end mock_command(cmd, %w(2)).output.should == "3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n" end # TODO: This strikes me as rather silly... it 'should return the value from the last hook with keep_retval' do cmd = @set.command_class 'slartibartfast', "Designs Fjords", :keep_retval => true do def process 22 end end @set.after_command 'slartibartfast' do 10 end mock_command(cmd).return.should == 10 end end describe 'help' do it 'should default to the description for blocky commands' do @set.command 'oolon-colluphid', "Raving Atheist" do # end mock_command(@set.commands['help'], %w(oolon-colluphid), :command_set => @set).output.should =~ /Raving Atheist/ end it 'should use slop to generate the help for classy commands' do @set.command_class 'eddie', "The ship-board computer" do def options(opt) opt.banner "Over-cheerful, and makes a ticking noise." end end mock_command(@set.commands['help'], %w(eddie), :command_set => @set).output.should =~ /Over-cheerful/ end it 'should provide --help for classy commands' do cmd = @set.command_class 'agrajag', "Killed many times by Arthur" do def options(opt) opt.on :r, :retaliate, "Try to get Arthur back" end end mock_command(cmd, %w(--help)).output.should =~ /--retaliate/ end it 'should provide a -h for classy commands' do cmd = @set.command_class 'zarniwoop', "On an intergalactic cruise, in his office." do def options(opt) opt.on :e, :escape, "Help zaphod escape the Total Perspective Vortex" end end mock_command(cmd, %w(--help)).output.should =~ /Total Perspective Vortex/ end it 'should use the banner provided' do cmd = @set.command_class 'deep-thought', "The second-best computer ever" do banner <<-BANNER Who's merest operational parameters, I am not worthy to compute. BANNER end mock_command(cmd, %w(--help)).output.should =~ /Who\'s merest/ end end describe 'context' do context = { :target => binding, :output =>, :captures => [], :eval_string => "eval-string", :arg_string => "arg-string", :command_set => @set, :pry_instance =>, :command_processor => } it 'should capture lots of stuff from the hash passed to new before setup' do cmd = @set.command_class 'fenchurch', "Floats slightly off the ground" do define_method(:setup) do self.context.should == context target.should == context[:target] target_self.should == context[:target].eval('self') output.should == context[:output] end define_method(:process) do captures.should.equal?(context[:captures]) eval_string.should == "eval-string" arg_string.should == "arg-string" command_set.should == @set _pry_.should == context[:pry_instance] command_processor.should == context[:command_processor] end end end end describe 'classy api' do it 'should call setup, then options, then process' do cmd = @set.command_class 'rooster', "Has a tasty towel" do def setup output.puts "setup" end def options(opt) output.puts "options" end def process output.puts "process" end end mock_command(cmd).output.should == "setup\noptions\nprocess\n" end it 'should raise a command error if process is not overridden' do cmd = @set.command_class 'jeltz', "Commander of a Vogon constructor fleet" do def proccces # end end lambda { mock_command(cmd) }.should.raise(Pry::CommandError) end it 'should work if neither options, nor setup is overridden' do cmd = @set.command_class 'wowbagger', "Immortal, insulting.", :keep_retval => true do def process 5 end end mock_command(cmd).return.should == 5 end it 'should provide opts and args as provided by slop' do cmd = @set.command_class 'lintilla', "One of 800,000,000 clones" do def options(opt) opt.on :f, :four, "A numeric four", :as => Integer, :optional => true end def process args.should == ['four'] opts[:f].should == 4 end end mock_command(cmd, %w(--four 4 four)) end end end