class Pry module Helpers module ModuleIntrospectionHelpers attr_accessor :module_object def module_object if @module_object @module_object else name = args.first @module_object = WrappedModule.from_str(name, target) if @module_object sup = do |anc| anc.class == @module_object.wrapped.class end[opts[:super]] @module_object = sup ? Pry::WrappedModule(sup) : nil end end end # @param [String] input # @param [Binding] target The binding context of the input. # @return [Symbol] type of input def input_type(input, target) if input == "" :blank elsif target.eval("defined? #{input} ") =~ /variable|constant/ && target.eval(input).respond_to?(:source_location) :sourcable_object elsif co = retrieve_code_object_from_string(input, target) co.is_a?(Pry::Method) ? :method : :module elsif target.eval("defined?(#{input})") =~ /variable|constant/ :variable_or_constant elsif find_command(input) :command else :unknown end rescue SyntaxError if find_command(input) :command else :unknown end end def process(name) input = args.join(" ").gsub(/\"/,"") type = input_type(input, target) code_or_doc = case type when :blank process_blank when :sourcable_object process_sourcable_object when :method process_method when :module process_module when :variable_or_constant process_variable_or_constant when :command process_command else saught_in_vain = (input =~ /[.#]/ ? 'undefined method' : input =~ (/::|^[A-Z]/) ? 'uninitialized constant' : input =~ /^$/ ? 'uninitialized global' : 'undefined local variable or method') command_error("#{saught_in_vain} `#{input}'", true) end render_output(code_or_doc, opts) end def process_blank if mod = extract_module_from_internal_binding @module_object = mod process_module elsif meth = extract_method_from_binding @method_object = meth process_method else command_error("no current source", false) end end def extract_module_from_internal_binding if args.empty? && internal_binding?(target) mod = target_self.is_a?(Module) ? target_self : target_self.class Pry::WrappedModule(mod) end end def extract_method_from_binding Pry::Method.from_binding(target) end def process_variable_or_constant name = args.first object = target.eval(name) @module_object = Pry::WrappedModule(object.class) process_module end def module_start_line(mod, candidate_rank=0) if opts.present?(:'base-one') 1 else mod.candidate(candidate_rank).line end end def use_line_numbers? opts.present?(:b) || opts.present?(:l) end def attempt rank = 0 begin yield(rank) rescue Pry::CommandError raise if rank > (module_object.number_of_candidates - 1) rank += 1 retry end end def complete(input) if input =~ /([^ ]*)#([a-z0-9_]*)\z/ prefix, search = [$1, $2] methods = begin Pry::Method.all_from_class(binding.eval(prefix)) rescue RescuableException => e return super end do |method| [prefix,].join('#') if end.compact else super end end end end end